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07-12-2008 , 04:39 PM
I am lost with theses two products.
What is the best ?
07-12-2008 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Ryendal
I am lost with theses two products.
What is the best ?
Answers can be found if you learn to use the search function. I am surprised Fozzy was so nice to you.
07-12-2008 , 05:23 PM
I have been trying to be nicer.
07-12-2008 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Vern
Answers can be found if you learn to use the search function. I am surprised Fozzy was so nice to you.

Get a life
07-12-2008 , 05:26 PM
OMG its like its the first day on the internet for these people. There should be a sticky with subject "Ask PT3 or HM = get banned."
07-12-2008 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Hensa
Get a life
07-12-2008 , 05:36 PM
Sad that somebody polluted yet the thread.

I read past threads ( ty fozzy ) and was hoping some new good insight.

Dave suggested to get both.

If you read threads about my question, well since some people are so smart, explain me what are your conclusions ( in your cool ton, I guess you would ask me to learn english and learn some reading comprehension mr vern . Go away troll )
Ok, seriously, I intend to create my own stats, and I intend to create requests that are not standart.
I bought yet PT3 and I was wondering if it wasn't a mistake.
I tried with PT3 and it is very difficult unless you were in the beta and spent lot of time with that ...

Is it possible to do that with holdem manager, is it easier ?

Fozzy is always cool but I was expecting something else

I am expecting new insights since both soft are recent. To wake up old threads is not a good idea.
07-12-2008 , 05:39 PM
Both of those threads had posts/opinions from people over the past 4-6 weeks. That's pretty current, IMO.

I quit testing PT3 when it was 'released'. I have also quit playing holdem entirely now, and have been playing Omaha8. I am no longer qualified to give my opinion on PT3. I still love HM, but I have literally only played 400 hands this month of NLHE.
07-12-2008 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I have also quit playing holdem entirely now, and have been playing Omaha8.
So...I guess you'll be a PokerEV customer soon.
07-12-2008 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Ryendal
Sad that somebody polluted yet the thread.

I read past threads ( ty fozzy ) and was hoping some new good insight.

Dave suggested to get both.

If you read threads about my question, well since some people are so smart, explain me what are your conclusions ( in your cool ton, I guess you would ask me to learn english and learn some reading comprehension mr vern . Go away troll )
Ok, seriously, I intend to create my own stats, and I intend to create requests that are not standart.
I bought yet PT3 and I was wondering if it wasn't a mistake.
I tried with PT3 and it is very difficult unless you were in the beta and spent lot of time with that ...

Is it possible to do that with holdem manager, is it easier ?

Fozzy is always cool but I was expecting something else

I am expecting new insights since both soft are recent. To wake up old threads is not a good idea.
I was serious, this topic has been covered many times in many threads. Starting a new thread to ask this specific question is almost as bad as spamming the forum. Whining about getting the predictable response to use the search function is lame. I cut newbies a break, but come on, you have been around for what 4 years?

When I made my decision to go with HEM I tried both during their trial periods, I favored HEM for what it provided to my needs, but I cannot talk down about PT3 as it is still a quality piece of software.

I cast no aspersions about grammar or language, I was merely pointing out that there have already been dozens of threads on this topic, two really big threads devoted to each application and an entire PokerTracker Sponsored Support forum on this board. You have been around 2+2 for many years, pointing you towards the search function should result in you using the search function, not calling another user a troll. FWIW I have provide a lot of content in the threads mentioned.

Conclusions, PT3 seemed to be rushed out the door to commercial status, but the programmer's are some of the best in the business, and I have enjoyed their products for years so I am open to buying a license in the future if it surpasses HEM's function in ring games. HEM seemed like a complete application for me because I only do tournies as a break from ring games. HEM is weaker in tourny support, IMHO, but I didn't need it.

Ultimate Conclusion, I read the massive threads, read some at the application sites, played about 15K hands running each application and made a decision. I would recommend you try something similar.
07-12-2008 , 06:06 PM
I am confused Vern, but such a long post for that ?
At least try to answer to my lasts questions or don't answer, frankly ...

I dont have much time time to spent to test holdem manager, that is the purpose of my thread.
I tried quickly holdem manager but there was a too small limit of hands for my purpose.
The weird guys crying about spamming, wtf ??? you are useless.

Be kind please, I am here to get some good informations ...
07-12-2008 , 06:07 PM
HM now has a 15 day trial, unlimited hands import.
07-12-2008 , 07:42 PM
If you have so little time you probably wont be playing enough poker to make it worth getting a tracking program anyway. So f off. Even when vern gives advice (you dont deserve any) you insult him and say the advice wasnt good enough for your needs. So f off and figure it out yourself.

Typical attitude of someone that makes these threads. "Id dont have time to give the programs a test, or read any information about them. Someone should do it for me."
07-12-2008 , 07:55 PM
Don't get HEM if you play tournaments. You can't even track results and finishing positions. Plus Stars Planner does not work will with it if you use that.
07-12-2008 , 08:08 PM
If I had time to test both, why would I request your help ? ( huh ? )

Most advices are very poor btw, and ,sadly, it seems I understand both softs better, that is the amazing thing ... Sorry but I think sometimes people needs to deflate their ego, come on guys !
I was thinking to create this thread from one week now, hoping arrogant people would avoid to come here with craps .

I appreciate people who sincerely try to help. Thank you
07-12-2008 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
Don't get HEM if you play tournaments. You can't even track results and finishing positions. Plus Stars Planner does not work will with it if you use that.
Stars Planner works fine with HM, for me on Stars.
07-12-2008 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Ryendal
I was thinking to create this thread from one week now, hoping arrogant people would avoid to come here with craps .

pokertracker or holdem manager? 07-08-2008

PT3 vs HM vs PT2 for HU? 07-07-2008

Simple answer, PT3 or HEM ?! 06-26-2008

PT3 and HM - Help please 06-16-2008

Opinions Sought: PT3 or HEM 06-16-2008

Now that PT3 beta 13 is out, how does it compare to HM 06-14-2008

pt3 hud vs hem hud 06-13-2008

PT3 or Holdem Manager? 06-10-2008

Pokertracker 3 vs Hold'em Manager 06-04-2008

PT3 vs HoldEm Manager vs ?? (BOSS Network) 06-04-2008

PokerTracker 3 or Holdem Manager? 06-02-2008

PT3 vs. Holdem manager 05-26-2008

Hold Em Manager vs PT3 05-24-2008

How do you like PT3? 05-20-2008

pt3 - is it worth it? 05-17-2008

PT3 worth the upgrade? 05-13-2008

Can you see what the problem is now? You were thinking about asking for a week? While you were thinking, the question has probably been asked two more times on average. 16 times in the last two months.
07-12-2008 , 09:05 PM
" the question has probably being asked "

Now imagine there was 100 threads like the links you posted , do you think that would be better for me. Did you read them ? I am not here to deal with immature people, I don't expect anything now. Imagine a random guy reading this thread, your help is useless, and the poor guy will waste his time to read your post.
Then another guy will come, asking something different about Holdem vs PT3 and you will send him all your useless links again ? without reading them ?
Simply answer to my real question about HM or stop please. It is easy to find threads, it is less easy to find what i want.

Do you imply that all threads that contains the same word ( pt3 and HM ) have the same advices ?
Can you admit somewhere that you are wrong or will you spend all the day to prove I am wrong ?
07-12-2008 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Stars Planner works fine with HM, for me on Stars.
How many tables do you play? Mine is fine with a few tables but once it gets over 10 it almost always starts spazzing out. I have a brand new quad-core computer so I'm not sure what the reason would be that it only happens to me. (And I also can't use the notes feature b/c if a tournament opens while I'm taking a note in the little box, Planner can't handle it.)
07-12-2008 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Ryendal
It is easy to find threads, it is less easy to find what i want.

Less easy to find what you want?? WHAT? You did not have some obscure, very specific question. Your dumb question was simply "what is best?" That's what every damn one of those posts is asking!

Good luck with your demands for information. Im sure everyone is going to rush to serve you when its much easier and quicker for you to do it yourself. Bye.
07-12-2008 , 10:00 PM
Please mods lock this thread, too many genius are posting here, and us poor average people are unable to get their deep insight ...
07-12-2008 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Ryendal
Please mods lock this thread, too many genius are posting here, and us poor average people are unable to get their deep insight ...
will do.

Dave suggested to get both.
Is the correct answer. Each is worth having at this time. in a week or so, it is likely going to be wise to purchase PokerEV too.

Ok, seriously, I intend to create my own stats, and I intend to create requests that are not standart.
I bought yet PT3 and I was wondering if it wasn't a mistake.
I tried with PT3 and it is very difficult unless you were in the beta and spent lot of time with that ...
If you are wondering does HM have "custom stat" features, yes it does.

Is it "easier" than PT3? For youno idea. For me, absolutely - copy/paste/editing an XML file based on a plain text SQL schema is far and away easier than the clicking up/down tab/tab clicky clicky type a couple of words change tabs click again interface PT3 has at this time... but if you don't know where to begin editing XML in a text editor - PT3 will be by far the easiest, for now.

PT3 will upgrade their interface soon. Holdem Manager will create an interface soon. PokerEV will have one to begin with I bellieve, but it is not out yet.

Either way, you are going to need to spend a great deal of time learning how these tools work if you wish to create complicated custom queries for yourself.

I may use this list in a sticky soon
07-12-2008 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
will do.

I may use this list in a sticky soon

In after lock

Last edited by fozzy71; 07-12-2008 at 10:15 PM. Reason: :D
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