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PokerTracker: The Next Generation (NEW SOFTWARE DISCUSSION) PokerTracker: The Next Generation (NEW SOFTWARE DISCUSSION)

01-24-2008 , 09:16 PM
How many hands? Is the hand imported count rising at 2.5 hands per second speed?
01-24-2008 , 09:24 PM
5.5 MILLION hands

It's now importing @ 1.2 h/s, so it's getting slower.
01-24-2008 , 09:31 PM
Importing ~300k hands at around 50 h/s - about the same speed as HM for me.
01-24-2008 , 09:31 PM
It might be the retrieval from PT2 that's causing the slowdown. Try stopping it and importing from files. Let me know if that's any faster.
01-24-2008 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Melchiades
First impression: Impressed.

HUD will decide which program I'll be using.
There will also be a couple of new 3rd party cross-tracker HUD's coming out in the very near future. You won't be confined to only the different trackers integrated HUD's, so I wouldn't use the HUD as your key basis for comparison.
01-24-2008 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
There will also be a couple of new 3rd party cross-tracker HUD's coming out in the very near future. You won't be confined to only the different trackers integrated HUD's, so I wouldn't use the HUD as your key basis for comparison.
That sounds awesome. I think the more competition the better. If any of the programs try to not let you use the 3rd Party Huds I would be very disappointed.
01-24-2008 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
If you can reproduce this (by trying to import the file it died on) again, please attach the file to a support ticket on our site.
I reproduced it by importing the same file. I made a support ticket with the file. The support system looks very good, I'm really impressed.

I choose error in stats/full tilt as the category as I couldn't find anything more appropriate. Maybe you can make Importing as a category.
01-24-2008 , 09:47 PM
Considering the two best HUDs out there right now are PAHud and RealTime, and both of those are connected to one of the trackers I'm not holding my breath for some 3rd Party to blow them away. Competition is nice though, obviously.
01-24-2008 , 09:47 PM
Thanks for uploading. I'll get it fixed.
01-24-2008 , 10:44 PM
Sorry this has probably been asked a few times over 140 pages.

Is it safe to convert a PT2 db that has sites other than than the stars, party, tilt? I'm assuming we can convert hands from AP, UB, iPoker, etc but just not be able to import any new hands until you get imports up and running for these sites?

I just want to make sure since I'll probably ditch pt2 tonight... this looks nice.
01-24-2008 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by stuckinpgh
Sorry this has probably been asked a few times over 140 pages.

Is it safe to convert a PT2 db that has sites other than than the stars, party, tilt? I'm assuming we can convert hands from AP, UB, iPoker, etc but just not be able to import any new hands until you get imports up and running for these sites?

I just want to make sure since I'll probably ditch pt2 tonight... this looks nice.
It is safe, yes - but it won't convert unsupported sites - it will just pick the hands it does support and convert those in to a new PT3 database.

Site support will increase over the next couple weeks, we are told
01-24-2008 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
There's no native HUD with PT3 right now, that is coming soon. The temporary AHK HUD isn't advanced enough to use layout files like that.
Eh, that's a bit harsh

It is certainly advanced enough to use layout files, it just makes it's own.

I guess it's been a long stressful day.
01-24-2008 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Melchiades
Considering the two best HUDs out there right now are PAHud and RealTime, and both of those are connected to one of the trackers I'm not holding my breath for some 3rd Party to blow them away. Competition is nice though, obviously.
Ye of little faith

YoureToast has a thread in this forum with screens of his cross tracker HUD. It looks very impressive.

PA-HUD(3?) will always have an advantage over mine (I have already told Josh he is free to lift anything he likes from my code) - and PA will be integrated in to the main tracker - but AHK will be a viable option I hope (and is insanely customizable).

I imagine most people will end up running more than one HUD, drawing from different databases / different filters.
01-25-2008 , 12:13 AM
Any ETA on AP and UB? I can't wait to toss pt2 and use this exclusively.
01-25-2008 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by stuckinpgh
Any ETA on AP and UB? I can't wait to toss pt2 and use this exclusively.
Probably not for a little while. We need to first fix any bugs that the beta has introduced then we will be concentrating our efforts into the HUD. Our goal has been stability first, features second. A few weeks of waiting will be well worth the stability

Best regards,

01-25-2008 , 02:16 AM
What are you waiting for before you commercially release it? I don't mean to sound sarcastic, I really want to know. Obviously stability and I assume all the main features, but how many little features (e.g. will you wait until it supports all sites PT2 supports)?

Also, rough ETA?
01-25-2008 , 02:21 AM
I think the new replay hand feature is harder to follow action.

I prefer to see a "check" mark where the chips are like in PT2, that way I can focus on whats in the middle of the table instead of looking at their name area. Graphics look prettier but PT2 replay seems faster, more clear to follow action.

The window resolution is also smaller. I'm on 2560x1600 resolution, 30" monitor, is there any way to make the replay hand table larger?
Where is the speed meter for replaying hands?
01-25-2008 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by _dave_
Eh, that's a bit harsh

It is certainly advanced enough to use layout files, it just makes it's own.

I guess it's been a long stressful day.
i love your hud <3 easy to run own querys
01-25-2008 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by 88keyz
Where is the speed meter for replaying hands?
+1 and possibly bigger or more distinct chips (or at least bigger font for chip number)? Aside from that i <3 the look/interface of the new replayer.
01-25-2008 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by DMoogle
What are you waiting for before you commercially release it? I don't mean to sound sarcastic, I really want to know. Obviously stability and I assume all the main features, but how many little features (e.g. will you wait until it supports all sites PT2 supports)?

Also, rough ETA?
We are going to try and support all of the sites that PT2 supports prior to release. This should not be much of a holdup as it does not take long to add new site support.

We also need to release the HUD and debug that.

Our general goal is to support everything that you can do in PT2 + PAH prior to final release. A lot of the little features will get added over time after it goes commercial. We plan on continually improving PT3 over the days, months and year to come.

Best regards,

01-25-2008 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by 88keyz
I think the new replay hand feature is harder to follow action.

I prefer to see a "check" mark where the chips are like in PT2, that way I can focus on whats in the middle of the table instead of looking at their name area. Graphics look prettier but PT2 replay seems faster, more clear to follow action.

The window resolution is also smaller. I'm on 2560x1600 resolution, 30" monitor, is there any way to make the replay hand table larger?
Where is the speed meter for replaying hands?
That is very simple to add and will come eventually. The hand replayer is far from complete, much like the rest of the application

01-25-2008 , 04:05 AM
Gotcha, I understand you guys are still working on PT3, so hopefully we will also see "Summary" tab reappear in the final version...
01-25-2008 , 05:40 AM
Downloaded the Beta version tonight and am currently importing hands now, but it looks fantastic so far. I'm super excited about this. Not sure if you mentioned this already, but I had 2 questions for you:

1. I currently play on a PC but I use a Mac at work, so I was going to buy a Mac for use as my home computer. Until the Mac version comes out, I am planning on playing on my PC as I'm pretty much addicted to using PT and HUD while I play. If I purchase the PC version of PT3, will I be able to transfer my registration to the Mac version when it comes out?

2. Not sure if you know the answer to this one or not yet, but do you foresee being able to import files from the PC version into the Mac version?

Thanks for all of this! I am a huge supporter of PT and HUD and this software looks awesome so far!

01-25-2008 , 07:01 AM
1. Yes.
2. Sounds like something they should include at some point if they are not planning to make it compatible outright.
01-25-2008 , 09:03 AM
I would have posted this in the PT3 Forum, but the site doesn't seem to work right now.

I encountered a couple of problems during import and PT3 froze. I had to kill it with the Task Manager. Now it won't open at all. Task Manager says it's running but there is no program window. Restarting Windows and reinstalling PT3 didn't solve it. I tried going through the registry after uninstalling but couldn't really find any keys to delete. I also deleted the PT3 database with pgAdmin but it didn't change anything. What else I could try?

BTW the very first impression was great (as expected) and I'm very much looking forward to the final release!

Another question: I have unclaimed licenses for PT2 and PAHud, will I be able to use those for PT3?
