...to say that these tables had all been open for at least 30 minutes and I have PokerAce set to display stats after 10 hands. You can see that the HUD does not detect 3 of the 8 tables when you examine the picture.
Haven't used PAHUD in a while but when I did I had the same problem. The only way I managed to get the stats to appear was by opening the layout manager, ticking a random stat to display and then unticking it and then save the layout. All the stats would then appear. I would then keep the layout manager open and repeat when neccessary. Not the greatest solution but it got me by.
The problem is that the HUD is not even detecting the tables at all, i.e. they do not display in the PokerAce window. I have posted the problem in the Poker Tracker forum and will post the solution for anyone else having a similar problem once one is found.