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Poker Tracker refuses to sell to me Poker Tracker refuses to sell to me

09-11-2007 , 07:03 AM
I just ordered Poker Tracker 2 nights ago after switching to cash from sngs. I receieved an email from PT that within 24 hours I would be given a code to input all hands, nit just the 1000 free ones. By last night I had receievd nothing so I emailed them. This morning I got my reply. My email account and home address were not in the same country so they would not sell PT to me.

OK. I am Canadian, but I live in Scotland. I came here for my second degree and ended up stayed as I met a girl (common tale). I am still here as we are now engaged.

Is there anyone on here who knows the people who run PT and who could possibly convince them to see to me? I emailed this morning saying this same thing, so maybe it will get done, but I am anxious to get PT.


Poker Tracker refuses to sell to me Quote
09-11-2007 , 09:54 AM
Send a PM to ptrack pat on the PT forums and explain the situation. Also, you could open another freemail account from a service based in the same country where you currently live.
Poker Tracker refuses to sell to me Quote
