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PA HUD no stats UB PA HUD no stats UB

08-31-2007 , 07:29 PM
hi just wondering how you get PA hud to display stats on UB it shows the tables in the main hud i know i have to keep all hand history windows open but it only displays the table avarages in the corner and only says N/A for all of them and it displays mucked cards
PA HUD no stats UB Quote
08-31-2007 , 09:56 PM
anyone? i even have prefech set to 200 hands but it always says error intilizing table layout or something like that
PA HUD no stats UB Quote
09-01-2007 , 07:23 PM
anyone? i even have prefech set to 200 hands but it always says error intilizing table layout or something like that
For this error, try disabling Flicker-Free Drawing. Also, have you asked your question on the PokerAce Software forums or support system?
PA HUD no stats UB Quote
