i have tried copilot and Xypto really a lot on Mac. PT only tried a lot on Windows because apparently its leopard and snowleopard only and have only tried on my tiger mac then cancelled the download when i saw it was leopard and snowleopard only. could try on my MBP with leopard but im really fine Xypto...
Originally Posted by slamjam027
PokerCoPilot The HUD is good, but again it has given me problems of intense lag and sluggishness (I should note that others have not had this problem).
me too... copilot forums lots of issues with slow, few hands supported by the database, problems with HUD.
Poker Xypto - This is a very new program, information on which can be found right here on this very forum. I have tried it out for a bit but have definitely not used it enough to make a definitive statement as to its quality. A couple of notes: the upload speed for hands is faster than any program I have ever seen. It is truly amazing.
I think its incredible too. I'm constantly refreshing the beta-tester download page hoping for next builds. I can import one and half million hands DB in a few minutes. First build I try it was already doing 3000 hands/second now next build is at 3300 or so for me. i will not be suprised if next build are even faster than that. last stat added and importer got faster, not slower!
You talk about showing friend EV graphs with PT but you need to know that i tried Xypto because it claimed to display correct EV graph and it does. look the Xypto forums, it explains how to access EV graph and see every hand with EV math in the replayer. And it is very fast, because it is done at import speed: i can install Xypto, load one hand half million cash game hands and graph them all with EV in less than 10 minutes.
have had trouble getting the HUD working because I cant get it to reliably find the hands I am playing. I cant auto import from my hand history folder because it is to big, but when i try to savev my hands to a different location, it cant find them. This may be a problem caused by my own stupidity and not the programs fault, a few more test trials will be needed to verify.
no problem here but i separate the old hands and autoimport hands folder so that theres not too much hands in autoimport folder. HUD works fine and is really responsive 18 tabling with lot of hands in my DB.
i think you really have a problem with your setup.
copilot vs Xypto vs PT: I say that people who wants lots of stats should go for beta of PT. People who want speed and try something different should go for Xypto. Try both they are free while beta so you can use for probably some time. Nobody should for copilot because its not adding up against PT and Xypto.
So my summary: native mac today use PT or Xypto and they are both free anyway for beta so why pay for another program that i think is really not as good? i see hardtime ahead for copilot now that there are two program in free beta that in my opinion are already both better than copilot.