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Moving tables depending of the type of tourney Moving tables depending of the type of tourney

04-24-2008 , 05:53 AM
Hi, I have this script which moves tables depending of blinds level :

BB20 = 0,0
BB30 = 25,25
BB50 = 50,50
BB100 = 75,75
BB150 = 100,100
BB200 = 125,125
BB225 = 150,150
BB400 = 175,175
BB600 = 200,200
BB800 = 225,225
BB1200 = 250,250

WinGet, tableList, List, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass

Loop, %tableList%
id := tableList%A_Index%
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id%
StringMid, starsBB, title, InStr(title,"/")+2, InStr(title,"/")-InStr(title,"Blinds")-7
StringReplace, starsBB, StarsBB, %A_Space%,,All

if (starsBB = 200)
IfInString, title, Ante
starsBB := 225

StringSplit, coordinatesArray, BB%starsBB%, `,
WinGetPos, posX, posY,,, ahk_id %id%

if (posX != coordinatesArray1 OR posY != coordinatesArray2)
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,, %coordinatesArray1%, %coordinatesArray2%

Sleep, 1000
Ty again Quetzo for this script (he posted it on this post :

I would like to improve it. I play 18 men and 45 men tourneys and I would like to put the 45 in my second screen. So the program has to recognize if it's a 45 or 18 men. Any idea ?
Moving tables depending of the type of tourney Quote
04-24-2008 , 07:55 PM
Sup bro. I'll bump this for you since I'm working on some similar scripts right now. Don't have an answer for you yet but I've been tweaking Quetzo's script + some of my own. I'll post here or pm you when I have anything more concrete.
Moving tables depending of the type of tourney Quote
11-04-2008 , 05:50 PM
Bump. I would like the same thing for different number of players and/or buy-ins.
Moving tables depending of the type of tourney Quote
