2009-07-20 14:47:52 CEST LOG: statement: unlisten *
2009-07-20 14:48:01 CEST LOG: statement: unlisten *
2009-07-20 14:48:01 CEST LOG: statement: select * from gametypes
2009-07-20 14:48:01 CEST LOG: statement: unlisten *
2009-07-20 14:48:01 CEST LOG: statement: select gt.gametypedescription as "gametypedescription",(case when gt.pokergame in (1) then 'holdem' when gt.pokergame in (2) then 'omaha' when gt.pokergame in (3) then 'omaha o8' end) as "gt.pokergame",gt.bigblind as "bigblind",count(ph.*) as totalhands,sum(case when didvpip = true then 1 else 0 end) as vpiphands, sum(case when ph.preflopaction_id <> -1 then 1 else 0 end) as totalplayablehands,sum(case when didpfr = true then 1 else 0 end) as pfrhands,sum(case when ph.preflopaction_id = 3 then 1 else 0 end) as couldcoldcall,sum(case when ph.firstpreflopactiontype_id = 2 and (ph.preflopaction_id = 3) then 1 else 0 end) as didcoldcall from playerhandscashkeycolumns ph join players pl on (pl.player_id = ph.player_id) join gametypes gt on gt.gametype_id = ph.gametype_id where (ph.player_id = 258) and (ph.gametype_id = 1 or ph.gametype_id = 2 or ph.gametype_id = 3 or ph.gametype_id = 4 or ph.gametype_id = 5 or ph.gametype_id = 13 or ph.gametype_id = 14 or ph.gametype_id = 15 or ph.gametype_id = 16 or ph.gametype_id = 20 or ph.gametype_id = 21 or ph.gametype_id = 22 or ph.gametype_id = 23 or ph.gametype_id = 24 or ph.gametype_id = 25 or ph.gametype_id = 26 or ph.gametype_id = 27 or ph.gametype_id = 28) and gt.pokergame = 1 group by "gametypedescription",(case when gt.pokergame in (1) then 'holdem' when gt.pokergame in (2) then 'omaha' when gt.pokergame in (3) then 'omaha o8' end) ,"bigblind" order by bigblind desc
2009-07-20 14:48:01 CEST LOG: statement: unlisten *
2009-07-20 14:48:01 CEST LOG: statement: unlisten *
2009-07-20 14:48:01 CEST LOG: statement: select PH.PokerHand_ID,PH.PreFlopPlayerActionType_ID,PH.S treetWentAllin,PH.HandTimeStamp,GT.GameTypeDescrip tion, GT.PokerGame,PH.holecard1int,PH.holecard2int,PH.ho lecard3int,PH.holecard4int,PKH.FlopCard1int,PKH.fl opcard2int,PKH.flopcard3int,PKH.TurnCardint,PKH.Ri verCardint,PH.flopplayerActionType_ID,PH.turnplaye rActionType_ID,PH.riverplayerActionType_ID,PH.NetA mountWon,GT.BigBlind,PH.PositionType_ID,PH.preflop action_id,PH.didpfr,PH.didvpip,(case when PH.StreetWentAllIn > 0 then (Select SklanskyBucks from AllInSituations where ph.playerhand_id = allinsituations.playerhand_id) else 0 end) as SklanskyBucks,(case when PH.StreetWentAllIn > 0 then (Select EquityPct from AllInSituations where ph.playerhand_id = allinsituations.playerhand_id) else 0 end) as EquityPct,getwinningplayerjoincashver2(ph.pokerhan d_id) as winningplayerjoin from playerhandscashkeycolumns ph join pokerhands pkh on ph.pokerhand_id = pkh.pokerhand_id join players pl on (pl.player_id = ph.player_id) join gametypes gt on gt.gametype_id = ph.gametype_id where (ph.player_id = 258) and (ph.gametype_id = 1 or ph.gametype_id = 2 or ph.gametype_id = 3 or ph.gametype_id = 4 or ph.gametype_id = 5 or ph.gametype_id = 13 or ph.gametype_id = 14 or ph.gametype_id = 15 or ph.gametype_id = 16 or ph.gametype_id = 20 or ph.gametype_id = 21 or ph.gametype_id = 22 or ph.gametype_id = 23 or ph.gametype_id = 24 or ph.gametype_id = 25 or ph.gametype_id = 26 or ph.gametype_id = 27 or ph.gametype_id = 28) and gt.pokergame = 1 and GT.GameTypeDescription = '$0.02/0.04 NL' and GT.PokerGame In (1) and mark_id = 1 order by PH.HandTimeStamp desc limit 100
2009-07-20 14:48:01 CEST LOG: statement: unlisten *