Full tilt lag and disconects since Thursday update?
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 158
Hi,since thursdays software update ive been getting a lot of disconects and tons of lag when playing cash games,anyone else getting this?
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 88
i am having the same problem with ftp. i then tried to speed up my system by turn off sound, using classic windows apperance, reset my MDU to 576, etc. those didn't really help. the mouse just does not respond for couple of seconds when u r multi-tabling on ftp with no HUD and PT running. thus i am sure the problem is from the ftp server.
with the performance of ftp this week. it's going to impossibe to play more than 4 cash games. i normally get panic after couple of missing actions and finally go tilt off. I had no problem to 8 tabling on ftp before.
so i am actually thinking about moving to stars for better software. does it make sense? what about party?
any comments and suggestion is apprecaited. i am really annoyed by ftp this week.