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[FREE] Spin Counter [FREE] Spin Counter

09-18-2015 , 03:46 AM
Spin Counter

This program is created for statistics calculation of Spin and Go tournaments on PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker (Jackpot).
The program's main task is to calculate actual getting of different multipliers and to compare calculated data to the chances, claimed by PockerStars or Full Tilt Poker. The program uses txt files (called tournament summaries, TS) or playing audit saved in excel for calculations.

System requirements
- Windows Vista OS or newer
- Installed .NET Framework 4.5 (download from Microsoft site)
- (only for TS parsing) You should have "Save My Tournament Summaries" function checked on your PokerStars client.

- (only for TS parsing) If you are using programs like Poker Tracker or Hold'em Manager, make sure that these programs save processed files and you know the saving directory.
- (only for audit parsing) MS Excel must be installed.
- (only for audit parsing) Playing audit must be request in English.

Download links
PokerStars $ buy-in
Google Drive

PokerStars € buy-in (es)
Google Drive

PokerStars € buy-in (fr)
Google Drive

Full Tilt Poker
Google Drive

Installing isn't required, the program is distributed as an exe-file.
Virustotal's report for all people who wants to make sure the program is safe.
The program requires installed .NET Framework 4.5

Starting the work

TS parsing
First of all, you should point the folder where your TS are in. You can just copy the folder's route into the text field or press "Import" button and choose the folder you require via File Explorer.

If you entered the route manually, press "Import" button and the program would import all TS from this folder and all sub folders. If you have chosen the folder using File Explorer, Import had already been proceeded.

Audit parsing
To import tournament information from playing audit you should move the cursor on Import button and wait for 3 seconds. Then button text will be changed into "Audit".

As soon as button text is changed you should click the button and using File Explorer to choose audit file (it must be in Excel format). After clicking, the program will be inactive for a period of time (about 30-40 seconds for 2000 of tournaments) while information import is proceeding. The time of importing also depends on your computer's capability. When limit buttons become active, the import is finished.

Then, all you need is to choose the right limit, clicking corresponding button and this limit's statistics will be shown in table. If you need to export the results to save them for later using press "Export" button in the top menu of the program. That will lead to opening MS Excel book and copying the results into it.
To set automatic import you should press "Settings" button and checked "Enable automatic import", then enter route to the folder with TS, entering it manually, or using File Explorer, clicking "Browse"

Then click "Accept changes". Now route of automatic import is renew, so if the automatic import function is on the import will go on automatically every time you launch the program. The last seen limit will be shown.

Current bugs
At the moment it is known that if while playing with launched statistic programs you lose your internet access, or your computer turns off some TS might be lost. That will lead to some divergence between statistic programs and Spin Counter data. You can solve this problem by requesting playing audit in Excel format.

If the program's appearance is differ from screenshots, you should change enlarged font (125% or 150%) in your Windows settings and choose 100% font.

In Full Tilt Poker version of the program there is no feature of deals tracking. In case of deal prize money will be calculated as usual - according to players position.

Questions, offers and bug-reports
Any question or offer you have you can write into that topic.

In case of finding any errors, please also write here, covering as much details as possible for finding the most effective solution to the trouble

P.S. Thread on Russian branch of PokerStrategy forum where you can see how many positive feedback this program has.
P.P.S. Sorry for my bad English xD
[FREE] Spin Counter Quote
09-18-2015 , 07:11 AM
[FREE] Spin Counter Quote
09-18-2015 , 12:16 PM
Update to v2.0

Actual download links
PokerStars $ buy-in
Google Drive

PokerStars € buy-in (es)
Google Drive

PokerStars € buy-in (fr)
Google Drive

Full Tilt Poker
Google Drive
[FREE] Spin Counter Quote
10-05-2015 , 02:45 PM
Update to v2.1

Actual download links
PokerStars $ buy-in
Google Drive

PokerStars € buy-in (es)
Google Drive

PokerStars € buy-in (fr)
Google Drive

Full Tilt Poker
Google Drive

-Fixed Audit problem in PokerStars versions
-Added expected summary values. This values shows in buy-ins while deviations of tournament multipliers shows as quantity
[FREE] Spin Counter Quote
