Howdy all,
Just picked up a new laptop and I'm having problems running this script. I keep getting the FPHG live table not found message. I used to get this a lot on my old laptop (it ran xp) and even when i would set fphg_uselive to 1 it would persist. However, unlike with my old laptop the script won't let the mouse wheel scoll, meaning i can't just scroll the amount up or down. It recognizes the mouse wheel because if i push down on it the script displays the table not found message. It just won't let me scroll. I swapped mouses and its the same message so its not the new mouse thats causing the issue. Lil help? Even if all i can get going is the scroll wheel that'd be good enough for me.
Could it be because i have Party poker installed under a directory called "Programs" and not "Program Files"? At first i thought this might be the issue (As the software refuses to install to the program files directory), but FreePHG seems to pick up the file just fine.
I followed the instructions at the top of this thread for what its worth
Thanks all.