Originally Posted by plaaynde
The only idea with this thread was that hypers were a bit dominant in the miscellaneous threads.
as far as i remembered the "petition for hypers @stars" thread got closed at some point since it basically turned into a trashcan after hypers got implemented and so i asked if we could have one.
Originally Posted by plaaynde
I didn't like the expresssion "trash can" to begin with
aaah cmon it´s fitting
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Which site you are playing at can't be relevant in a strategy forum.
true that- however most of the traffic is created on ps and most of the players play there.
Originally Posted by Buzz
That was me, on February 14. I thought the scope of the posts had gone beyond "The official pokerstars HyperSnG trash can!" I thought dropping the "HyperSnG" from the title would more accurately encompass the scope of the posts. It simply did not occur to me that anyone could possibly be offended.
And I think the new title better reflects the content of the posts. That is I don't think all the posts pertain to HyperSNG contests.
i think so far most of the stuff is posted by hyperplayers or targeted towards hyperplayers.
Originally Posted by Buzz
However, it's not a big deal for me. If booink, the originator of the thread, wants me to change the title back, I'll oblige him. No problem. (Just let me know, booink).
tbh i didn´t even see the namechange
could you rename it into: "top favourite recipes for apfelstrudel ***NO RAISINS ALLOWED***"
Originally Posted by Buzz
There certainly is some overlap and some posts that probably belong in the monthly miscellaneous thread (aka monthly no content thread) get posted here. However, this thread turns out to be one of our most popular threads. I'm certainly not going to close it.
Might be an idea to have two threads, a monthly miscellaneous thread and also a trash can thread (but not specifically for PokerStars). We also have the very popular "Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt" thread.
that comes with having a handful of low content/general chatting threads. i wouldn´t be too bothered about it if i were you. if it works then don´t try to fix it
Originally Posted by Buzz
My own interest in this forum is learning how other Omaha-8 players think, especially with regard to Omaha-8 tactics and strategy.
oh there are a lot of other things this forum is good for. making petitions, getting and spreading informations,bbv stuff, having a stage for the "omg XXX you are a ratholing bumhunter"-dramas...