30$ buyin level is weird.
sharkscope top10 guys with most games played@30$ and their profit/game:
1.Wadzon <650$ in 6,2k games
2.booink <650$ in 5,2k games
3.J_J 4,7k$ in 4,5k games ~ 1$/game
4. yoeyonfire in 3,5k$ 3,5k games~1$/game
5.macr0s <650$ in 3,4k games
6. maanu3l <650$ in 2,6k games
7. traktor14 2,1k$ in 2,1k games~1$/game
8.2mark <650$ in 2k games
9. premove 1,9k$ in 2k games~1$/game
10. waltiph <650$ in 2k games
so we have 4 guys with a roi of ~3-3.5%
and 6 guys breaking even/losing money. and none of them i would consider a bad player.
30$s are still being the bottleneck with consistently harsh lineups (higher buyin regs play them as their lowest buyin and lower buyin regs as their highest buyin).
and they are rigged as well of course!