Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
Pretty sure this is a no. You are tougher to play against than you have ever been.
Originally Posted by Ziemni0k
Aren't these huge swings a spazz? It looks so unreal to be just variance It's just my private opinion but I think you've been recently playing too loose.
Do you know the stakes J plays?
Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
Thanks for the advice...here is some advice for you
This does not make you sound very smart. Every time you spite call you are making a bad call, it is just that simple. Whats not to get? Its not something you need to work on just dont do it. Its hurting your $ev more than the player going all in most of the time you make these redic calls especially 3 handed with a shorty. You must have learned to play from watching wadzon.
Don't tap the glass.
For the record I think Wadz has improved.
The only thing I would say is that you admitted to making changes. If those changes have coincided with the swonginess there may be some correlation. But equally it may be variance, or indeed a combo of the two.
Originally Posted by Prophili
well, but most of it comes from 30+ right? At a point last month I was running 2.5k$ below ev in 15$ buyin level only. So if youre running bad at higher buyins it lets look variance even worse. Thats why I dont play the higher buyins anymore.