Originally Posted by flipya4dinna
Hold on, last post we had played 171 tournys this year, now we have played 500ish (looks pretty exact to me). I know for a fact my database missed a bunch of games when i was playing alot when i transfered from HM to PT4. Are you being a little bit naughty with your data selections to graph?
171 tourneys this year, 500 overall...not THAT hard to understand. and 171 tournaments was right in the context (my graph for the year).
the graph for me is filtered for this year,sngs only and has a small amount (below 100) of 9mans in it. most of it is hypers and hyper sats(they should be in there, not 100% sure about it).
most of the time i´m filtering for this year only so i dont have to extra sort out other tourney types that i played a year++ ago. if that is naughty then yes- i´m a naughty girl and need punishment.
Originally Posted by flipya4dinna
Besides chip ev doesnt mean a whole lot besides gauging running hot or bad in general in all in spots. Your complete graph tells a good tale of what i suspected, thanks for posting.
so when YOU run hot the chip ev doesnt mean a whole lot and when I run hot then i suck. alright, got it.
my complete graph doesnt tell the whole story as i have mentioned (eg. running good @ 7$&15$ and bad@30$ and good@60$+ (besides the miserable wcoops-->horrible downswing atm).
Originally Posted by flipya4dinna
That graph looks insanly swingy, looking at regs graphs i cant find anything even remotely close. Are you sure you havn't got any filters set?
well i´m not that good ,you know. and with lower roi come bigger swings. especially at the higher buyins//tough line-ups. since i´m outclassed by the other top leaderboard players i also have big swings. J_J for example never had a big swing
again: filters were "SNGs only, this year" in my graph and "SNGs only" for your graph. feel free to ask me again. and then again. and again.
Originally Posted by flipya4dinna
can you not see why over adjusting to somebodys game where in reality they have just ran insanly hot can be detrimental? Hence the question, im just scoping that out. Sorry if that hurts your feelings but my games more important to me.
actually no.i don´t exactly understand what running hot should have to do with adjusting to a players ranges and general ICM decisions.
are you like "omg that guy wins every hand, i better fold"? or like "omg that guy wins every hand, i should copycat his ranges and win all the moneys"?