Originally Posted by Clovis8
Is this a level?
You do realize that EV is not black a white? Something is not either +ev or -ev. One play can be significantly more +ev than another, which is my point.
i am aware that EV is not black and white, but something can be + or -. i'm not advocating doing it every single time you see one, but WHEN YOU DO decide to shove your aces with a good lo card, you can rest assured that when called, more often than not the guy wont have a better AALx (L<=5) and you will have an edge on him in equity, however slight it may be. so if you shove AALx 10000000 times, you should show a profit because you are favored over the range of calling hands.
i'm not saying you will show max profit, or that shoving preflop is more +ev than playing it out, in fact i believe i stated the contrary in a previous post, as well as when the times are that i prefer to make the play.
i thought i was pretty clear with my wording.