Except for the impressive 'feat' of physically mass multi-tabling, I must say that I like nothing better than finding a player who takes a 10 sec+ to act on every hand, then find they are mass multi -tabling.
From that point on - you can read their style nearly perfectly. The more tables they are found to be playing the better!
Float / bare bluff / reraise and fold near perfectly.
Whilst playing in the PS rock garden a while back, you can almost name 3-4 of the cards the mass tabling villain would have when they raised on the flop or turn.
The most profitable was the straight up bluff at EVERY opportunity. The mass baller would take his 10+ sec and fold evrything upto the top 5+%. And this bluffing is in AND oop. The oop bluff was a revelation as they folded everything for min raises but the best. V.V linear.
So I truely think mass multi-tablin should be tried by all
The only down side was when they timed out (again) after you psb with the nut/nut knowing they would call their one-way hand.