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Who will run against Trump in 2020? Who will run against Trump in 2020?

03-15-2019 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Them having a President in their pocket is orders of magnitude worse.
Originally Posted by microbet
Not because of Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, but because of a huge system of spying, the Department of Homeland Security, The Patriot Act, and people from the US going to places like Iraq to kill people who never were nor ever would be a threat to them, the US has become a much worse country. We have accepted things that would have been totally unacceptable without 20 years of this horror show. I get the feeling that even within the Democratic Party now, repealing the Muslim Bans that were so obviously horrible when Trump started them is going to be controversial. It may be a losing issue, I dunno, but it's a pretty solid moral line in the sand that any Dem candidate should make it clear that they will immediately repeal the Muslim ban.
FTR I agree with both of these posts
03-15-2019 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
So apparently the dark secret that Beto tried to keep hidden is actually pretty ****ing rad:

I feel like young Beto would think middle-aged Beto is a ****ing tool.
03-15-2019 , 01:44 PM
I don't how good goofyballer is with assembly language, but I'm sure he's not just a script monkey. "Script monkey" is a weird way to put that anyway, because although "script" is part of "javascript" and javascript is indeed very high level (not that "high level" is bad), network/security people (the stuff we're talking about) do more of what is generally thought of as scripting (like bash) than developers like goofy. (at least that's my understanding/guess of what goofy does)
03-15-2019 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
Can't disagree with this post more. Defeating Trump with a milquetoast centrist dem who runs on "returning us to normal" aka Obama era is awful for a number of reasons. First of all, people are not thrilled with the status quo, which is why Bernie and Trump were so successful in 2016. A candidate who runs on a 3rd term for Obama may win vs Trump, but where does that leave us in 2022 or 2024 when "we hate Trump" is no longer driving motivation?
It's rare for a party to hold the presidency for more than 2 terms. You better make it count. There will be another Republican president at some point. It's no good if the scoreboard after 1 Democratic and 1 Republican presidency looks like this:

tax cuts for the rich
dismantled democratic institutions
increased the deficit and national debt
trade wars
muslim ban
children in cages
alienated all allies
gutted environmental regulations
put global warming into overdrive
2-3 rightwing ideologues on the SC
stacked all lower courts


2 moderate SC justices
03-15-2019 , 01:59 PM
afaik it's script kiddie or code monkey but not script monkey
03-15-2019 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
my point is only that "healthcare" is not going to be a single-issue victory button

R's have no problem voting against their material interest because, and this is not limited to R's but given the material disconnect seems more poignant, politics is more about social identification than material interests
Who said health care is a "victory button"? Talk about a strawman.

All of your vote counting and analysis just confirms that Abrams overperformed.
03-15-2019 , 02:37 PM
03-15-2019 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by MrFeelNothin
Who said health care is a "victory button"? Talk about a strawman.

All of your vote counting and analysis just confirms that Abrams overperformed.
Based on what? Hillary won popular vote by 2.1 and lost Georgia by 5.1. So Georgia is naively 7.2 redder than nation. Midterms were D+8.6 so Abrams winning by 1.4 would be reasonable. She ended up losing by 1.4. In high profile statewide midterm races she did worse than Beto and Bresden, better than Gillum and about the same as Sinema, though maybe we should give Sinema bonus points for actually winning. Really nothing there to say she overperformed.
03-15-2019 , 02:51 PM
I am skeptical the margins of a general election can be applied to a midterm election two years later.
03-15-2019 , 03:07 PM
You’re free to make some other argument that she did overperform or just take it as an article of faith that she did. But you shouldn’t be surprised if people (even in a non analytical place like this) find the latter unconvincing.
03-15-2019 , 03:19 PM
I don't know if she overperformed or not. I don't have any numbers either. I'd look at the turnout and winning/losing margin among the different voting blocs (Black/Hispanic/White/etc., young/old, urban/rural, poor/middle-class/rich, college/non-college, ...) to see how she fared compared to national averages and previous GA state elections.

A national surge in only certain voting blocs is more valuable in some states than in others due to the very different demographics. For example higher (than usual) turnout and Democratic vothing share among African American voters is more valuable in DC than in Alaska.
03-15-2019 , 04:15 PM

I’ll say this, if she actually throws a stapler at Putin, I might consider voting for her.
03-15-2019 , 04:27 PM
Surprised nobody at least admits they were part of that Cow group Beto was in with the amount of shady programmers on here.
03-15-2019 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
It's rare for a party to hold the presidency for more than 2 terms. You better make it count. There will be another Republican president at some point. It's no good if the scoreboard after 1 Democratic and 1 Republican presidency looks like this:

tax cuts for the rich
dismantled democratic institutions
increased the deficit and national debt
trade wars
muslim ban
children in cages
alienated all allies
gutted environmental regulations
put global warming into overdrive
2-3 rightwing ideologues on the SC
stacked all lower courts


2 moderate SC justices
Good post.

And not only that, but for substantial legislative accomplishments, you need a trifecta in today's political climate. Literally zero Republicans voted for Obamacare.

2020 may be the last chance in a long time for Democrats to win a trifecta. It's nearly impossible to win one (or even hold one) while already holding the presidency. And clustering, gerrymandering, voting ****ery, etc will make it harder and harder for Democrats going forward.

So it's REALLY important this time around. Unfortunately, I think the most likely outcome for the near future is:
- Democrat wins POTUS but Republicans hold the senate
- Because of this, Dem POTUS accomplishes nothing and can't get any judges through either
- Red wave(s) in midterm(s), which almost always happens anyway but will definitely happen if Democrats can't accomplish anything
- Republican wins POTUS in either 2024 or 2028

Democrats desperately need another opportunity like 2008 to try to break the cycle, level the playing field, and put some real accomplishments on the board. Combine demographic changes with substantial accomplishments and maybe you even get a durable political realignment.
03-15-2019 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by imjosh
I'm fully convinced the MSM will back Trump at this point if Bernie becomes the nominee, as hard as they try to prevent it from happening. It's all about $$$ for them. Disgraceful. **** em all
during the primaries beto will be the media darling because bernie, but as someone else mentioned they will turn on him if he makes it to the general. trump is their cash cow and cnn won't want to go back to running plane crash coverage for a month straight and msnbc is nothing without trump-russia.
03-15-2019 , 04:50 PM

bartleby o'rourke
03-15-2019 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Stopped reading here, and really you should've stopped writing here too.

The path to get the things you want for your country starts with defeating Trump. Nothing else should matter at this point. And the bottom line with the Bernie/AOC wing is that, even though their platforms are very satisfying to progressives, if Trump and Co are running against that wing you're going to hear the word SOCIALIST trumpeted from every right wing media source from here to Sunday. Which for those of us who actually knows what the word means is no big deal, but for the average blue collar and rural types out there in the counties that need to flip many have been hearing for literally their entire lives that socialism is like an evil bogeyman that destroyed Venezuela, Cuba, and the USSR and they are going to be hearing 24/7 about how it will destroy America too.

Remember the four key states, WI, MI, PA, and VA, with PA being the most important. We need them all, or we're going to be seeing Trump's smug smile again on inauguration day 2021.
trump is just a guy. if you replaced him with pence or cruz, the same **** would still be going on, it would just be way more low-key, and could potentially even be worse.

now imagine if obama had used his supermajority to pass single payer healthcare instead of romneycare: all dems would ever have to run on would be protecting everyone's free healthcare.

however as it stands running and winning with another centrist dem will just be a literal repeat of the last decade, except this time after republicans get done destroying whatever compromise healthcare solution gets passed, there will be a younger, further-right, and more organized version of trump telling everyone that only he can fix it.
03-15-2019 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
Surprised nobody at least admits they were part of that Cow group Beto was in with the amount of shady programmers on here.
Who is a shady programmer on here?
03-15-2019 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Kafja

bartleby o'rourke
i bet bernie outraised him yesterday. there is a big grassroots effort to donate to bernie on the day beto and biden announce
03-15-2019 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Kafja

bartleby o'rourke
Came here to post this, lol what a cuck. Also:

03-15-2019 , 05:38 PM
WTF is Beto doing? He'd be a goddamn rock star if he would just have some conviction and stand for something. Remember that answer to the NFL players kneeling question? Where is that guy?
03-15-2019 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by d10
And "script monkey" is a derogatory term for a programmer that lacks understanding of the underlying systems they program, and thus relegate themselves to mundane assignments using strictly high level languages like JavaScript.

wooooooooooooooo oh man thanks for some levity today, that was ****ing great
03-15-2019 , 05:49 PM
03-15-2019 , 07:52 PM
a lot of people are saying script monkeys are shady af
