I Think I'm Going To Be Sick ...
It's looking increasingly like adanthar will be right: Barring a last minute political earthquake - or divine intervention - Donald Trump will be the GOP nominee. My confident prediction of a brokered convention and chaos in the GOP will go up in flames.
When it comes to great (incredibly astute) political predictions, I'm zero for 2. My first epiphany was predicting Democrats would hold on to the Senate in the 2014 mid-term elections. (We all know how that one turned out ...) Second was my prediction, as far back as last July or August, that no Republican candidate would get the necessary 1,237 delegate votes on the first ballot which would result in a contested convention and a Republican crackup. Great prognosticating ...
Never one to give up hope, I'll make my next great prediction: Donald Trump will be elected our 45th President! (Hopefully I'll be 0 for 3 after the second Tuesday in November.)
On the plus side our football team will still be National Champions of college football, so all is not lost.