guys like mitt romney and barack obama are absolutely "bad people" imo. they're self-serving and power-hungry and get a kick out of being in control of other people. and they have no real beliefs about anything -- they'll say w/e they think will cause them to obtain/maintain a position of power at any time, even if that means telling straight-up
from jsnipes' nyt article:
“Mitt is the type who liked to be called Bishop Romney or President Romney,” said Judy Dushku, a professor of government at Suffolk University in Boston and a Mormon feminist leader. “He is very conscious of his place in the hierarchy, but not yours.”
that causes alarm bells to go off in my head. i don't know about you, but i don't care what people call me and i'm not conscious of my place in any hierarchy ... definitely not one that's proven to be as nonsensical, inefficient, and bureaucratic as the us gov't.
i don't think everyone who votes for an obama-esque candidate is a "bad person." i do think they're guilty of not thinking much or at all about politics, not being able to think rationally about politics, or some combination of those things. they're people that candidates like obama have succeeded in fooling, imo; that doesn't mean they're "bad people."