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Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee? Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee?

11-08-2011 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
Herman Cain has done a lot of public events. It's not surprising he doesn't remember every single person he meets on the campaign trail.
I myself can only remember about 1/3 of the women whose crotches I grabbed over the years.
11-08-2011 , 06:39 PM

You really gonna go down (no pun) that way?

At least he has adjusted his strategy beyond "lalala, im not listening, lalala" whenever a reporter asks him a question.
11-08-2011 , 06:42 PM
WTF, Cain has 5 accusers now? Where did the 5th come from, or is that a typo?
11-08-2011 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
WTF, Cain has 5 accusers now? Where did the 5th come from, or is that a typo?
There is a 5th "incident" as far as I know. But no one was harassed because the women who organized the event decided to make sure he didn't meet the women in the audience he wanted too.
11-08-2011 , 06:47 PM
chooo chooooooooo
11-08-2011 , 06:48 PM
The last bit from Sullivan:

5.37 pm. My take, for what it's worth. Cain has just given this story major new life. The total denials are accusations of total cynicism and lies from a variety of women whose only common factor seems to be they were grossed out by Herman Cain. They will be forced to respond to being called liars. And I repeat: the existence of five separate complaints - and contemporaneous witnesses to those complaints - makes a big difference to me in trying to judge the truth of these stories. I see no ulterior motive, no grand conspiracy to prevent Cain from getting to the White House (and if there were, it would more likely be a Republican than a Democrat at this point), no reason for so many disparate women to say essentially the same thing.
So you conclude that Cain is either lying or in complete denial. Neither is exactly a recommendation for a potential president of the United States. I give him props for the presser, something Palin's congenital lies and delusions could never have survived. But my sense is that this story will now not die, as Cain intended, but live for quite a while.

It's five against one. It's he-said vs she and she and she and she and she said (so far). Money was exchanged. It says a lot about this guy's charisma that he can even pretend all of it - all of it - is completely false, never happened, didn't occur.

5.35 pm. The NYT has Kraashauer as a source and tries to get him to offer his account of the incident, presumably to contrast with hers. He repeats his sexual harassment was noting the height of his wife, and nothing more. But look: if Kraashauer is not a liar, and I have no reason to think she is, then Cain has said he either found the sexual harassment trivial and non-existent or he is point-blank lying to the public.

5.34 pm. He claims he has a very good memory but may have forgotten the identity of Sharon Bialek.
11-08-2011 , 06:50 PM
So is Dick Cheney going to throw his hat in the ring and enter the race or what? America needs a real leader in these trying times.
11-08-2011 , 07:02 PM
Cain' doing a press conference tomorrow.
11-08-2011 , 07:04 PM
I thought he just did one?
11-08-2011 , 07:05 PM
Well, I guess he's doin another lol
11-08-2011 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
he's not just denying it... he's never done anything inappropriate to anyone ever. Pretty bold statement.
Haha. This reminds me back in 2000 of Al Gore saying, "I have never said anything that I knew to be untrue." Okay, bull****, but you can at least maintain plausible deniability on that. Then he followed it immediately with, "I have never said anything that was untrue." Well who the **** among us can make THAT claim?

Sounds like Cain might though.
11-08-2011 , 07:07 PM
This Sharon Bialek looks pretty good, btw. I bet she was a stone knockout 12 years ago too. Rawr.
11-08-2011 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by caseycjc
Cain' doing a press conference tomorrow.
Originally Posted by Low Key
I thought he just did one?
Originally Posted by caseycjc
Well, I guess he's doin another lol
Just pre-empting the inevitable "when i said X i mean Y" and "that part was just a joke, but seriously, i mean what i said".

If nothing else, and hypothetically giving Cain maximum credit, this should be a good lesson to everyone that if you ever intend to run for political office then never admit fault by paying off women who have made sexual harassment claims against you.

Snappy slogan:
999 plan
Not snappy slogan:
I only paid her off because it was easier than fighting the accusation of sexual harassment

Has anyone proven he has lied in the presser yet? People must be fact checking it furiously right now.
11-08-2011 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
If nothing else, and hypothetically giving Cain maximum credit, this should be a good lesson to everyone that if you ever intend to run for political office then never admit fault by paying off women who have made sexual harassment claims against you.
He didn't personally pay them off, did he? The NRA did, I thought. Given how much better it can be from a cost-benefit analysis for a company to settle, Cain piping in to say, "But I might run for office one day" is going to be met with a "STFU noob, you've done enough to us as it is."
11-08-2011 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by joeyDizzle
So is Dick Cheney going to throw his hat in the ring and enter the race or what? America needs a real leader in these trying times.
At least he knows the names of foreign leaders that he will deal with immediately.
11-08-2011 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
The 13th 4postle does not believe Herman Cain. The 13th 4postle believes these accusations will sink Herman Cain's candidacy.
Its pretty bad when a politician needs to steal the work of Larry David

Why would George steal from the Yankees?

Jimmy's getting mad, take your hands off Jimmy.
11-08-2011 , 08:00 PM
This Herman Cain guy, it's all so great. Wow, he said there will be others...not because he is aware of any...but because the machine that will stop a business man from getting to the white house is too strong.
11-08-2011 , 08:08 PM
Repeating what I wrote in another thread.

Three observations:

I am starting to think that heavy drinking might explain some things. Specificially his alleged behavior and the fact that he appears to honestly not remember some of these alleged incidents. One cause of colon cancer is indeed heavy drinking.

Now that he has opened the door to a lie detector test (when he could have asserted that they are unreliable or beneath the dignity of a presidential candididate), he won't be able to get away with not taking one. Then again he might pass even if he did these things, if alcohol blackouts are involved.

It bugs me when Democrats assert that they couldn't be involved because they would love to see Cain as Obama's opponent. That is disengenuous. The greater threat that Cain poses to them comes from the fact that many black people will have second thoughts about automatically voting Democratic given a distinguished, intelligent black man is a Republican (there are many others but not nearly as well known). If he is shown to be less admirable, that effect would be lessoned. I am not saying the Democrats are behind this. I am only saying that the specific argument claiming they don't want Cain brought down a notch because he would be easy to beat, is a lie.
11-08-2011 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
It bugs me when Democrats assert that they couldn't be involved because they would love to see Cain as Obama's opponent. That is disengenuous. The greater threat that Cain poses to them comes from the fact that many black people will have second thoughts about automatically voting Democratic given a distinguished, intelligent black man is a Republican (there are many others but not nearly as well known). If he is shown to be less admirable, that effect would be lessoned. I am not saying the Democrats are behind this. I am only saying that the specific argument claiming they don't want Cain brought down a notch because he would be easy to beat, is a lie.
If democrats had dirt on candidate X why wouldn't they wait until X got the nomination regardless of who X is? Not sure what universe Cain comes off as intelligent in...I guess he had you at "math degree" though.
11-08-2011 , 08:28 PM
The greater threat that Cain poses to them comes from the fact that many black people will have second thoughts about automatically voting Democratic given a distinguished, intelligent black man is a Republican (there are many others but not nearly as well known).
This argument was destroyed pretty good in a thread you started to assert it.
11-08-2011 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
If democrats had dirt on candidate X why wouldn't they wait until X got the nomination regardless of who X is?
In the likely event Cain isn't the nominee the Democrats wouldn't get to use their dirt to take black conservatives down a peg. (Since no one will care about Herman Cain once he's no longer a Presidential candidate.)
11-08-2011 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
It bugs me when Democrats assert that they couldn't be involved because they would love to see Cain as Obama's opponent. That is disengenuous. The greater threat that Cain poses to them comes from the fact that many black people will have second thoughts about automatically voting Democratic given a distinguished, intelligent black man is a Republican (there are many others but not nearly as well known). If he is shown to be less admirable, that effect would be lessoned. I am not saying the Democrats are behind this. I am only saying that the specific argument claiming they don't want Cain brought down a notch because he would be easy to beat, is a lie.
This is clearly not true. Just look at the polls and notice that black people don't massively swing to Cain.

Besides, if the Democratic leadership was behind this it would be an epic slam dunk to release it 6 weeks before the elections.
Originally Posted by [Phill]
This argument was destroyed pretty good in a thread you started to assert it.
11-08-2011 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Repeating what I wrote in another thread.

Three observations:

I am starting to think that heavy drinking might explain some things. Specificially his alleged behavior and the fact that he appears to honestly not remember some of these alleged incidents. One cause of colon cancer is indeed heavy drinking.

Now that he has opened the door to a lie detector test (when he could have asserted that they are unreliable or beneath the dignity of a presidential candididate), he won't be able to get away with not taking one. Then again he might pass even if he did these things, if alcohol blackouts are involved.

It bugs me when Democrats assert that they couldn't be involved because they would love to see Cain as Obama's opponent. That is disengenuous. The greater threat that Cain poses to them comes from the fact that many black people will have second thoughts about automatically voting Democratic given a distinguished, intelligent black man is a Republican (there are many others but not nearly as well known). If he is shown to be less admirable, that effect would be lessoned. I am not saying the Democrats are behind this. I am only saying that the specific argument claiming they don't want Cain brought down a notch because he would be easy to beat, is a lie.
To quote Chris Rock: "We're not just voting for him 'cause he's black, we're voting for him 'cause he's black and qualified. That's why we're voting for the motherf**ker. Yeah. That's why we behind him. It's not like we're voting for Flavor Flav."
11-08-2011 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Scary_Tiger
In the likely event Cain isn't the nominee the Democrats wouldn't get to use their dirt to take black conservatives down a peg. (Since no one will care about Herman Cain once he's no longer a Presidential candidate.)
Pretty racist of you to assume all black conservatives are like Herman Cain.
11-08-2011 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Wynton
I found a new blogger (at least, new to me): Charles Peirce at Esquire. And I think he's got pretty amusing rants.

I quote some excerpts of one post below.
AFAIK he just recently started blogging for Esquire, but yeah his stuff is amazing.
