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Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee? Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee?

11-08-2011 , 05:00 PM
This Cain harassment stuff is really detracting from the usual content itt. I yearn for when we can get back to lol republicans saying ridiculous ****. I almost think this is benefiting the republicans because it's keeping the focus away from their completely bankrupt campaign platforms.
11-08-2011 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by swinginglory
That, included with 2 bankruptcies, numerous financial judgements against, 9 different employers and the bringing of a high profile mouthpiece into the situation brings the notion into play that she just might have a monetary interest and heart and be willing to play fast and loose with the truth.

Honestly, what does she need Gloria Allred for if she is telling the truth and isn't interested in money?
I wondered about this too. It's not like she's going to sued or anything.
11-08-2011 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by adios
I wondered about this too. It's not like she's going to sued or anything.
Huh? Even if the woman is 99% telling the truth, she could make one misstatement of part of the events and get sued. And heck, even if she's 100% telling the truth, establishing that in court costs $$$$$$$$. Cain could sue her baselessly for defamation and still ruin her life with the legal costs, even if she's right.

Also, she's now got all the right wing bloggers in America working on ruining this woman's life in any way they can. Seems like having a lawyer would be a good idea.
11-08-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Powell endorsed obama dude. Funny how you leave that out. He's not a conservative.
Rick Perry was an elected Democratic politician and he is a conservative. How long will Powell endorsing a centrist Democrat over a ticket than included Sarah Palin disqualify him?
11-08-2011 , 05:15 PM
If Romney is elected, would he be the most moderate Republican President since Eisenhower? Seems like all the Democratic Presidents since then except for Johnson (and maybe Carter) have been pretty moderate and all the Republican Presidents since then have been pretty conservative.
11-08-2011 , 05:22 PM
It is tough to tell with Romney because he doesn't appear to have any actual principles or whatever, so maybe? His rhetoric now is very far right, his record as governor was moderate. I'm not sure which is a better predictor.
11-08-2011 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
How long will Powell endorsing a centrist Democrat over a ticket than included Sarah Palin disqualify him?
True, it's not like he even claimed any support for Obama's policies. He said that Palin was not qualified to be a VP (she wasn't) and the republicans were running a bigoted campaign that he felt he had to stand up against.
11-08-2011 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
It is tough to tell with Romney because he doesn't appear to have any actual principles or whatever, so maybe? His rhetoric now is very far right, his record as governor was moderate. I'm not sure which is a better predictor.
Just postulating here, but Romney in 2012 seems very similar to Clinton in 1992. A moderate governor who moves towards his party's base in order to get the nomination and then more back to the middle to win the general against an incumbent and then ends up toeing the line somewhere in the middle as a President.
11-08-2011 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Huh? Even if the woman is 99% telling the truth, she could make one misstatement of part of the events and get sued. And heck, even if she's 100% telling the truth, establishing that in court costs $$$$$$$$. Cain could sue her baselessly for defamation and still ruin her life with the legal costs, even if she's right.

Also, she's now got all the right wing bloggers in America working on ruining this woman's life in any way they can. Seems like having a lawyer would be a good idea.
Dude, Hermain Cain is a public figure running for POTUS. No way he's going be successful in suing her. The standard for proving defamation is much higher for public figures like Cain. Ask ElliotR about this. Also sounds like she's pretty much judgement proof.

Last edited by adios; 11-08-2011 at 05:47 PM.
11-08-2011 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
lol didn't realize that's how that convo got started.
BTW when Powell was up for confirmation by Congress as a Republican SecDef there was plenty of opportunity for the left wing militia to bring forth one of their numerous broke single mothers to claim that he had abused/harassed them, yet it still never happened.

I know it comes as a shock, but there is every possibility that these allegations come forward in cases such as Thomas or Cain because, you know, they're true. Sorry that doesn't fit the right v left narrative though.
11-08-2011 , 06:03 PM
well he has controlled the media today. I left 4 hrs ago to a headline he would address the media this afternoon, and they are all still waiting. Nice way to whore it up Herman
11-08-2011 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by starkwired
Just postulating here, but Romney in 2012 seems very similar to Clinton in 1992. A moderate governor who moves towards his party's base in order to get the nomination and then more back to the middle to win the general against an incumbent and then ends up toeing the line somewhere in the middle as a President.
Yeah - It seems reasonable for a candidate to be more 'extreme' (or less centrist) during a nomination campaign than in the general.
11-08-2011 , 06:11 PM
Cain speaking now.

11-08-2011 , 06:14 PM
Wow, he's denying everything. Look for the women to be all over the news programs from now until he drops from the race.
11-08-2011 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Wow, he's denying everything. Look for the women to be all over the news programs from now until he drops from the race.
he's not just denying it... he's never done anything inappropriate to anyone ever. Pretty bold statement.
11-08-2011 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
he's not just denying it... he's never done anything inappropriate to anyone ever. Pretty bold statement.
odds that this is another one of his jokes?
11-08-2011 , 06:21 PM
Of course he's willing to take a lie detector test... except that he's not willing to do it.
11-08-2011 , 06:27 PM
The 13th 4postle does not believe Herman Cain. The 13th 4postle believes these accusations will sink Herman Cain's candidacy.
11-08-2011 , 06:28 PM
"I don't have the facts to back this up, but..."
11-08-2011 , 06:30 PM
He's claiming they've never met. Though swingingglory is quite certain they've hugged like old friends. So I think Cain has lost swinging glory!
11-08-2011 , 06:33 PM
Is he seriously claiming that they never met?
11-08-2011 , 06:36 PM
I love politics sometimes.
11-08-2011 , 06:36 PM
Herman Cain has done a lot of public events. It's not surprising he doesn't remember every single person he meets on the campaign trail.
11-08-2011 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by cres
well he has controlled the media today. I left 4 hrs ago to a headline he would address the media this afternoon, and they are all still waiting. Nice way to whore it up Herman
He has become my enemy for hogging the news for a week. He is so damn dumb, too. So ready for him to be out of the race.
11-08-2011 , 06:37 PM
Andrew Sullivan live-blogs the presser so we don't have to.

This is what he had up as of 5:35 est.


8 Nov 2011 05:07 PM Live-Blogging The Cain Presser

5.31 pm. Cain claims that a woman who got a financial settlement from the NRA made claims that were found to be "baseless." He wants to imply that she was leaving her job and this came up in her personnel assessment of some sort.

5.30 pm. "Someone is trying to wreck my character." Karl Rove? The genius of this response to Romney was that he agreed with him that the allegations were "disturbing" but because they were false, it doesn't matter.

5.29 pm. The Fox reporter asks if it's a conspiracy. I didn't just make that up.

5.28 pm. Apparently, Sharon Bialek, a Tea Party member, Cain fan, and Republican, is acting to prevent Herman Cain from becoming president. Ditto Karen Kraushaar:
"She wouldn’t be the type to make false allegations," brother-in-law Ned Kraushaar, a Georgia software consultant, told The Daily. "This happened [more than] 10 years ago. It’s not like she wanted to try and hurt the Republican Party."
5.25 pm. Cain simply says that Karen Kraushaar was lying, and her accusations ere found to be baseless. He keeps referring to "the facts." He doesn't seem to grasp the differenc between his "recollections" and facts. And he is blaming all this on keeping a businessman out of the White House.

5.23 pm. Cain says he dealt with sexual harassment immediately when he was an executive. But he first claimed he had no idea about the original incidents or the settlements. And then we get a truly tone-deaf statement: sexual harassment is also inflicted by men on women. And he says this to a woman.

5.20 pm. "Facts" not "hearsay." He is acting as if he is in court, rather than a public official running for the highest office in the land.

5.19 pm. His tone is grave and his pace slow and deliberate. It's an effective performance and I expect it to resonate with the GOP base in their hatred of the media.

5.17 pm. Now he evokes the notion that the "Democratic machine" created this scandal and is now claiming his own family has been stalked. He's doing what Stron Thurmond recommended to Clarence Thomas:

5.15 pm. The solipsism of this guy is astounding, and the use of the third person "Herman Cain" is never a good sign. "Standards of decency" are what he stands for: and he does not mean sexual harassment. He means press scrutiny. And now he's citing his wife in his defense.

5.14 pm. Cain says that he won't let "politics" affect his run for the White House. Then we're on to campaign rhetoric, trying to turn this issue around as a populist assault on the media and sexual harassment law.

5.12 pm. Cain is using notes but claims he has no memory whatever of Sharon Bialek. Total denial of any impropriety. All the women are liars. The incidents "simply didn't happen." It's the Clarence Thomas defense. But Cain has five accusers; Thomas only had one in front of the Senate, although several in the shadows.

5.08 pm. A vague and threatening mention of "anonymous forces" conspiring against Cain. The lawyer is essentially saying the only context in which allegations of sexual harassment should be taken seriously is a court room. The court of public opinion? Not something Republican candidates for the presidency should take that seriously, apparently.

5.06 pm. A lawyer makes two key arguments. One: the amounts paid to settle two harassment claims prove they were "nuisances", not legitimate allegations. Two: it's only credible when someone has actually filed a formal legal complaint. And we have a blame-the-media narrative building. And Herman Cain hasn't even spoken yet.
