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Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee? Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee?

10-25-2011 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOL JOKES ON YOU, I got it from Salon.
It's really all over the internets, though, there's even a bit on The Corner sincerely complaining about Parade's gotcha questions:

A brief perusal of the comments on right wing blog entries about that interview:

Having this discussion is GOOD for the Nation! Our Constitution requires a President to be Natural Born for a very Good Reason. If you the read the Federalist Papers you would understand that the Framers did not want a President with divided Loyalties.

All I can say is they were right as I have serious doubts about Obama and how his MIDEAST policy keeps handing Country after Country to Al Queada and from secular to Mus lim Rule. His Domestic policy seems right out of the Communists playbook for handing our Nation over to a God less
HORDE as well.

I am glad somebody at Perry's level is discussing this MATTER as it is the 1800 pound Gorilla in the ROOM, this ISSUE must be Faced Head ON! While we are at it Bobby Jindal's name has been around a lot, sorry NOT Natural Born, sad to say!

If Obama wants this to GO away air his Dirty Laundry in Public and release his sequestered Documents and Bona Fides. Obama is the ONE prolonging this ISSUE, No one Else!
Read more:

So me and this actual birther are both pretty clear that Perry was being a birther in that interview. ikes could you do us a favor and explain how it isn't?
the random capitalization is hilarious. i just picture a crickety old machine struggling to work and in sporadic intervals it kicks up with energy

"god i really hate OBAMA he just is such a damn socialist WHO isn't EVEN american!!!!"

similar vein of discussion:

excellent coffee table material!
10-25-2011 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by terp
the random capitalization is hilarious. i just picture a crickety old machine struggling to work and in sporadic intervals it kicks up with energy

"god i really hate OBAMA he just is such a damn socialist WHO isn't EVEN american!!!!"

similar vein of discussion:

excellent coffee table material!
These are all the WORDS he capitalized:


I THINK they are some sort of right-wing word jumble.
10-25-2011 , 05:00 AM
Joke is really on fly for that one. He wasted minutes of his life reading the comments.
10-25-2011 , 05:21 AM
Im a total noob, but Ive been scanning this thread. Nobody is giving Ron Paul a shot at this?
10-25-2011 , 05:22 AM
I am
10-25-2011 , 07:56 AM
Lol you guys are taking this birther issue way too far, and giving way too much credit to Perry about choosing the exact words he said like he really thought about it.

He's not smart enough to think that deeply about anything. He doesn't have coherent thought processes on important issues, you can't give him some sort of hidden message agenda on something as trivial as the birther issue.
10-25-2011 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
One black man's thoughts on why Cain, despite "acting blacker" isn't really acting all that black, and why it doesn't appeal to black voters:
In all fairness (and you all know how much I despise the GOP) it's not really possible for a black republican to look good to the black democrats. The nature of their positions are opposite ends of the spectrum.
10-25-2011 , 08:16 AM
In @cnbc intvw, Perry tells me why he kept Obama birther issue alive: "It's a good issue to keep alive. It's fun to poke at him."

10-25-2011 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Lol you guys are taking this birther issue way too far, and giving way too much credit to Perry about choosing the exact words he said like he really thought about it.

He's not smart enough to think that deeply about anything. He doesn't have coherent thought processes on important issues, you can't give him some sort of hidden message agenda on something as trivial as the birther issue.
It doesn't really take a genius to be wishy-washy on the issue of Obama's nativity.
10-25-2011 , 09:39 AM
Time to edit this list some more:
Originally Posted by FlyWf
So, again, people who think Perry went birther:

1) Like every liberal on the internet
2) Karl Rove
3) Birthers(Orly Taitz has endorsed Perry:
4) Rick Perry

People who don't:

1) ikes
2) LirvA
3) Tsao
10-25-2011 , 09:45 AM
the Herman Cain advert is amazing. Is he smoking a joint at the end, or is that just a cig, and if its just a cig, what is the message behind that?
10-25-2011 , 09:48 AM
lol ikes

200-post hijack to defend perry? epic.
10-25-2011 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
the Herman Cain advert is amazing. Is he smoking a joint at the end, or is that just a cig, and if its just a cig, what is the message behind that?
I heard about this earlier today, and it's pretty ******ed. I suspect that the idea there was to suggest that being allowed to smoke in places is something those evil liberals have taken away and that it's part of "taking our country back", but it's a damned stupid way to try and send that message.
10-25-2011 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
if its just a cig, what is the message behind that?
clearly signalling that cain doesn't want to micromanage your personal life choices. Seriously, he might as well have put a big flashing neon sign up about that.
10-25-2011 , 09:55 AM
He should have been smoking a cigar, the FDA's latest pursuit, to save us, is to make walk in humidors (in cigar shops) and internet sales illegal in the US. WTF are you kidding me.
10-25-2011 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Seeing as how Bachmann is parroting Ron Paul's economic plan, is this an indicator of endorsing him when she drops out?
This is pure speculation since I am youngish and new to politics, but I always sort of assumed that no one would ever endorse Ron Paul (save Gary Johnson/Rand Paul) because it is "political suicide."

Stealing his ideas and positions is A-OK. But, ya know, actually going against the establishment in a big way seems out of bounds for these scumbag politicians.
10-25-2011 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
clearly signalling that cain doesn't want to micromanage your personal life choices. Seriously, he might as well have put a big flashing neon sign up about that.
He doesnt?

He is pro drug war. He is anti gay marriage. He is pro life but its not clear if he is anti abortion as a policy (he has agreed with both sides in the past). He supports the patriot act. He has obvious problems with religions that arent Judeo-Christian (and maybe not even the Judeo part too).

I mean, i guess, according to you, he is pro smoking? Well, ok, but lets not try and claim he is pro personal life choices if he is 100% in favour of making sure its only cigs you are smoking.
10-25-2011 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
He doesnt?

He is pro drug war. He is anti gay marriage. He is pro life but its not clear if he is anti abortion as a policy (he has agreed with both sides in the past). He supports the patriot act. He has obvious problems with religions that arent Judeo-Christian (and maybe not even the Judeo part too).

I mean, i guess, according to you, he is pro smoking? Well, ok, but lets not try and claim he is pro personal life choices if he is 100% in favour of making sure its only cigs you are smoking.
perception is everything. most people still think obama is anti-war.
10-25-2011 , 10:46 AM
Five theories about the Cain ad.

5. Over at Salon, Steve Kornacki suggests that the "smoking shot ... could represent Cain’s defiant response to recent media scrutiny of his three-year run in the late 1990s as the head of the National Restaurant Association, during which time he aligned the lobbying group with the tobacco industry." Maybe! But that's a pretty obscure reference, and Cain doesn't tend to obsess about the media as much as some other GOP politicians.

4. The smoking scene was another way to signal that Cain is not your normal, focus-grouped, politically correct politician. His chief of staff will smoke a cigarette like he's a rogue cop in a film noir, and he doesn't care if the anti-tobacco groups or the liberal nanny-staters whine about it.

3. Herman Cain is trying to appeal to people like Mark Block. He's white, he has a mustache, he has a Midwestern accent, and yes, he smokes cigarettes. In short, he looks and sounds like someone from the SNL Da Bears sketches. And he believes in Herman Cain. Come on in, working class Republicans — the water's fine!

2. The smoking scene guaranteed that the ad would become viral. The Cain campaign knew that the mainstream media would throw a hissy fit over the inclusion of cigarette in a campaign ad, and they were 100 percent correct! Look — we're talking about it right now!

1. All of the previous theories assume that the Cain campaign — by which we mean Cain, Block, and, we don't know, maybe that random accountant in Cleveland that helped Cain craft the 9-9-9 plan? — made conscious, deliberate decisions about the content of the ad. But maybe that's giving them too much credit. Cain hadn't even thought about his position on abortion until a few days ago — how hard could he have thought about the cigarette scene in his web ad? He probably just thought it looked cool.
10-25-2011 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by '[Phill

He has obvious problems with religions that arent Judeo-Christian (and maybe not even the Judeo part too).
Hi Phill,

I'm respectfully asking for some real substantiation of your not so subtle inference that Cain is anti Jewish.

In other news despite all the criticism of Cain on this board and elsewhere, he still seems to be doing quite well nationally:

and... for a broader view:

Also, it seems as though Cain and Gingrich have accepted an invitation to 'debate' one on one before the Texas Tea Party in Houston November 5th in a long format primarily concerning the economy.

An in-depth discussion of issues.... what a novel concept.
10-25-2011 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
He doesnt?

He is pro drug war. He is anti gay marriage. He is pro life but its not clear if he is anti abortion as a policy (he has agreed with both sides in the past). He supports the patriot act. He has obvious problems with religions that arent Judeo-Christian (and maybe not even the Judeo part too).

I mean, i guess, according to you, he is pro smoking? Well, ok, but lets not try and claim he is pro personal life choices if he is 100% in favour of making sure its only cigs you are smoking.
I'm 100% sure that pvn doesn't think Cain is really anti-micromanaging your life.
10-25-2011 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Wynton
Cain really does have the left all atwitter. In depth analysis of a cigarette. More news at 11.

The guy certainly is a ****ing genius at branding. He has yet to be elected dog catcher and finds himself on top of the national polling.
10-25-2011 , 11:00 AM
Gawker's explanation for the Cain ad is the best I've seen:
As far as we can tell, Block is drunk, and outside an Olive Garden? And the cameraman is some guy with an iPhone, also drunk, whom Block met at the bar?
10-25-2011 , 11:02 AM
Gawker's comparison of Herman Cain to the main character from "Being There" is also pretty on point. Gawker gets Herman Cain, basically.
10-25-2011 , 11:03 AM
Obama smoked while running, maybe Cain thought it was a good idea...

But really, only 20% of the population smokes, and aside from maybe trying to win the Carolinas, I can't think of a good reason to include the shot. Maybe it gets people talking, but it's one of those things that will come up in a debate and put him on the defensive.
