Credit to simpliticus for mentioning the story in the Question for Libertarians thread.
both the House and the Senate passed a bill that would make $917 million available for Haiti reconstruction aid. However, Congress must also pass an authorization bill that directs exactly how the money will be spent, which the Senate has failed to do. After the AP contacted many members of Congress, the fingers all pointed to Coburn. Coburn spokeswoman Becky Berhardt explained that the reason Coburn is holding up the bill is that he objects to the creation of a senior Haiti coordinator, who would cost $5 million over five years, when the United States currently has an ambassador to the country.
This isnt the first time he has used loopholes to stop bills he personally objects to:
So this is how democracy works, first you pass a bill in both houses to give aid to a devastated country, then one person can stop then entire process for dumb made up reasons that make no sense at all, then the media finds out and America looks really scummy for breaking their promise to help.
Though to be fair, America is not alone in this:
Nor is Haiti getting much from other donors. Some 50 other nations and organizations pledged a total of $8.75 billion for reconstruction, but just $686 million of that has reached Haiti so far — less than 15 percent of the total promised for 2010-11.
Sorry Haiti survivors, shoulda been more newsworthy so people paid attention longer