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10-22-2015 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
What gives you the ability to judge what people's internal beliefs are whereas I, supposedly, can not?
I'm taking you at your word when you say you don't think you're racist. But you also like saying a bunch of racist things.
10-22-2015 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by dereds
You also ignore that the minimum wage is < the living wage which has received widespread support as the figure needed to get by.
That's the whole point though, isn't it. The Tories are replacing tax credits with the national living wage, and as that figure is calculated by Loughborough University i think arguments about not being able to make ends meet start to dry up.

Here is a PDF with a breakdown of their calculations for a single male, no dependants. Key figures include:

Food: £46.65 - not significantly more than I suggested.
Social and cultural participation: £44.43 - I think this is high.
Rent/mortgage interest: £84.06 - much less than has been suggested here, and £70 pm more than I pay

It's also worth noting that by 2020, someone on the minimum wage working 40 hours a week will earn £1560pm. GL convincing people that's not enough to live on.

Last edited by Elrazor; 10-22-2015 at 03:23 PM.
10-22-2015 , 03:25 PM
So single males are not allowed a car? A car would be a luxury?

If we take those figures, then someone working a full time job still has basically no disposable income and all they have is 45 quid to spend on cultural and social participation and 4 pounds a week on alchohol, no car.

Yea **** that scrounging bastard getting 50 quid a week.

Also that list adds up to £1211 a month. So £1000+ 50 a week.

Obviously looking at that list the single male is living high as a hog on luxury, take his 50 away so he only has to live on £1000

10-22-2015 , 03:30 PM
Also he is loving his utlra ****ty bedsit which is all you will get for the figure quoted by LU.
10-22-2015 , 04:22 PM
Gay Muslim LBC Phone In Leaves Presenter Iain Dale 'Disgusted' At Homophobic Caller

"A gay Muslim man fighting to tackle homophobia within the Islamic community in London has been forced to respond to a radio show caller who believes he should be executed.

Sohail Ahmed, 23, has launched a street campaign in Whitechapel seeking to combat prejudice.

But an astonishing call from a fellow Muslim critical of the project left radio presenter Iain Dale incredulous, and prompted a passionate defence of the scheme from its founder."
10-22-2015 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor

The wider point that I was making was that for most people, tax credits are not essential and a simply used to buy luxuries.
You ought to provide some serious evidence to support this.
10-22-2015 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
and will struggle to have any leisure activity beyond maybe scrimping so they can go to the cinema once a month.
At easily 40 quid a couple, even that is at a stretch.
10-22-2015 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
The wider point that I was making was that for most people, tax credits are not essential and a simply used to buy luxuries. I used my personal circumstances to illustrate the point
Seriously? I mean if you said 'for some people' I might agree somewhat, but even I don't think that the majority are using them to buy luxuries.

Honestly, I think that the Tories may have for this one wrong. Minimum wage notwithstanding, it seems a measure that hits hardest the people they're supposed to be supporting.
10-22-2015 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
So single males are not allowed a car? A car would be a luxury?

If we take those figures, then someone working a full time job still has basically no disposable income and all they have is 45 quid to spend on cultural and social participation and 4 pounds a week on alchohol, no car.

Yea **** that scrounging bastard getting 50 quid a week.

Also that list adds up to £1211 a month. So £1000+ 50 a week.

Obviously looking at that list the single male is living high as a hog on luxury, take his 50 away so he only has to live on £1000

This is the problem here: we're quite prepared, on the whole, to accept this ****in **** existence of knocking our pan out for a survival wage.

**** OFF!!!

That, to me, while the money funnels upwards to the elite, who can hold banquets with 150 quid bottles of wine thrown around, is un****inacceptable. Why do they need to take EVERYTHING?? Why do we assimilate the idea that them taking EVERY****INTHING is normality?

It's ****in bull****. that's what it is. It's robbery.

The time that people give an employer is worth a lot more than even the living ****in wage. And don't gimme this ****e about higher wages means fewer jobs. **** OFF.

Income needs to be capped. Money needs to be distributed by paying an honest sum for an hour of someone's time.

****in tory ****s. Selfish ****in parasites.
10-22-2015 , 05:32 PM
Trouble is Diego, as you know, that if you pay the burger flippers £30k then the burgers cost twenty quid each, and the low wage earners still can't afford them.

I don't have a problem with people struggling in their 20's and 30's, most of us did that, but you'd like to think that there was the possibility of having a decent lifestyle as you get older.
10-22-2015 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
What was it you said you did for a living again?
10-22-2015 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
it seems a measure that hits hardest the people they're supposed to be supporting.
Is this sarcasm? seems like it might be serious.
10-22-2015 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
Trouble is Diego, as you know, that if you pay the burger flippers £30k then the burgers cost twenty quid each, and the low wage earners still can't afford them.

I don't have a problem with people struggling in their 20's and 30's, most of us did that, but you'd like to think that there was the possibility of having a decent lifestyle as you get older.
Cool. Less cancer for them in that case. But anyway if people get 30k min, surely they could afford a 20 quid burger

30k seems a lot, though, for making burgers. but is it possible to put a value on it, given the nature of the corporation is that it operates both within and beyond the realms of the state? You'd have to look at the whole picture to do so. Where does all the revenue go? How much do the workers really deserve? Quite complex i suppose.
10-22-2015 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Is this sarcasm? seems like it might be serious.
Apparently they're the new 'party of the working class'
10-22-2015 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
So single males are not allowed a car? A car would be a luxury?

If we take those figures, then someone working a full time job still has basically no disposable income and all they have is 45 quid to spend on cultural and social participation and 4 pounds a week on alchohol, no car.

Yea **** that scrounging bastard getting 50 quid a week.

Also that list adds up to £1211 a month. So £1000+ 50 a week.

Obviously looking at that list the single male is living high as a hog on luxury, take his 50 away so he only has to live on £1000

He can get luxuries like cars when promoted above his shelf stacking job at Morrison's.

The whole point of the min wage isn't to get everyone on the average wage. That's why it's called the min wage. The clue is the name.

The living wage means people who cannot earn a good wage on their own value are propped up so they don't have to live on the £3/hr they are actually worth. They should earn enough for a normal standard of living, currently set at about £7.85/hr or about 1300/mo. According to the living wage foundation.
10-22-2015 , 07:50 PM
Basically the min wage is charity. Being insulted that your not getting enough charity when it's designed to be enough to live on with a good life is insane.

The tory living wage combined with the high personal allowance taking them out of income tax is the greatest thing any government has done for the poor in the last two generations. And labour **** wits whine that they don't get even more.
10-22-2015 , 08:43 PM

Reminds me a lot of this article, which in principle I largely agree with.

I'm not sure I'd go quite as far as saying that fast-food workers are only worth £3 p/h though. I think in a free market, supermarkets would struggle to be able to recruit people on quite as little as that. That would add up to about £500 p/m (i.e shelter and starve or food and homeless). You'd be forced into criminality if you literally couldn't find anything else or rely on charity/benefits.

The real issue is minimum-wage (and even work-for-experience internships) in professional, office-based jobs - the kind of which provide the stepping-stone and experience-on-the-CV that's become necessary for the vast majority of graduates (even) to get themselves towards a role where they're charged with the responsibility of doing something that genuinely commands a salary that's enough to live on.

The minimum wage is £6.70 per hour, which for an 8-hour day is £14,000 p/y and about £1050 p/m.


You won't find anywhere for less than (and I'm being crazy optimistic) £550 per month and even then, you'll be commuting in from zone 4 or 5 and paying a good £150 or so on travel (nowhere in zone 3 will be <£650-700)

On top of that, landlords are now asking people's salaries and upping the size of the deposit if they aren't earning enough (my colleagues who aren't as lucky as I am to have parents in London are having this problem at the moment)

Anyway, my point is that whereas the supermarkets might realistically not be able to hire someone for only £3 p/h (shelf-stackers do the job for the money only - there's no added benefit - and so potential hires literally couldn't afford to work for so little), professional jobs do have the massive bonus of providing (necessary) experience (hence why people are willing to work for v. cheap wages/free).

Ultimately, its fast becoming only the rich kidz who actually get the benefit of these internships because their lives are subsidised by their parents.

(Take a look at 'Inspiring Interns' - that company literally gets paid £500 for every rich-kid-willing-to-work-for-free that they place, whilst the employees themselves get nothing!)

If employers paid wages that weren't enough for people to live on. No-one would work for them. No-one could work for them. The problem is that the jobs market has got so bad that young people (and their parents) are actually willing to shoulder an initial financial loss just to get them on the employment ladder.
10-22-2015 , 09:42 PM
That article is garbage and people like you give the rest of us a bad image.

Anyway,with no min wage the country would be forced to either give subsidised income in other ways like tax credits or the standard of living would drop. The jobs would still get filled at an equilibrium probably around the 2-3/hr level. Min wage is just a more efficient way to get to a livable income than the other options once a guaranteed income payment is off the table (no party backs this at all and it has no wider public support).

Once the min wage phases up to the living wage everyone will recognise how great the tories are for Britain's least well off.
10-22-2015 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
Gay Muslim LBC Phone In Leaves Presenter Iain Dale 'Disgusted' At Homophobic Caller

"A gay Muslim man fighting to tackle homophobia within the Islamic community in London has been forced to respond to a radio show caller who believes he should be executed.

Sohail Ahmed, 23, has launched a street campaign in Whitechapel seeking to combat prejudice.

But an astonishing call from a fellow Muslim critical of the project left radio presenter Iain Dale incredulous, and prompted a passionate defence of the scheme from its founder."
Random internet bigot finds extreme example of homophobia in false belief that it supports his anti-Muslim crusade.
10-23-2015 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
He can get luxuries like cars when promoted above his shelf stacking job at Morrison's.

The whole point of the min wage isn't to get everyone on the average wage. That's why it's called the min wage. The clue is the name.

The living wage means people who cannot earn a good wage on their own value are propped up so they don't have to live on the £3/hr they are actually worth. They should earn enough for a normal standard of living, currently set at about £7.85/hr or about 1300/mo. According to the living wage foundation.
How do you determine their worth at £3 per hour? why shouldn't people who work 40 hours per week be able to afford certain luxuries after paying for essentials and why if the minimum wage allows for luxuries are there so many working people using food banks?
10-23-2015 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Also he is loving his utlra ****ty bedsit which is all you will get for the figure quoted by LU.
You can easily get a 2 bed semi in this area and I assume many others for <£600pm. Share with someone, it's not difficult.

Or do you think that all single people of working age on low incomes are entitled to a 2 bed house?

There are always going to be tough choices for people on low incomes to make. You can't have everything unless you're prepared to either work more hours or get a better education. I mean, some (if not most, but I won't argue semantics) of these eastern European's in the UK doing their bachelors full time are also working full time jobs. There are plenty of opportunities to improve yourself and earn more money if you don't like your current situation.

Originally Posted by [Phill]
The tory living wage combined with the high personal allowance taking them out of income tax is the greatest thing any government has done for the poor in the last two generations. And labour **** wits whine that they don't get even more.
100% this.
10-23-2015 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Random internet bigot finds extreme example of homophobia in false belief that it supports his anti-Muslim crusade.
Listen to the gay Muslim, Sohail, who has been promoting gay acceptance in the Muslim community in Whitechapel and comes on to speak after her. Very brave young man.

These are the people you'll continue to throw under the bus with your fingers-in-the-ears 'la la la I'm not listening!' attitude.

A 22-year old woman who's clearly been brought up in Britain comes on to tell a gay man that he ought to die for his sexuality and you refuse to condemn her, and indeed give no support to the young man in question.

Repulsive. You should be ashamed of yourself.
10-23-2015 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
The tory living wage combined with the high personal allowance taking them out of income tax is the greatest thing any government has done for the poor in the last two generations. And labour **** wits whine that they don't get even more.
People earning the minimum wage are still paying tax. How is the living wage Tory?
10-23-2015 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor

There are always going to be tough choices for people on low incomes to make.

100% this.
At least the penny is dropping, up to now you have been arguing the tough choices have been which luxuries to buy.
10-23-2015 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]

The tory living wage combined with the high personal allowance taking them out of income tax is the greatest thing any government has done for the poor in the last two generations. .
How can you swallow party political rhetoric like this?

You are a real Tory partisan.

Its pure and utter spin.

Its just not true, lets look at an independent source, Institute of Fiscal Studies:
Given the array of benefit cuts it is not surprising that the changes overall are regressive – taking much more from poorer households than richer ones. Looking over the period of the consolidation as a whole, poorer households have done worse than those in the middle and upper middle parts of the income distribution though it remains the case that the some of the biggest losers have been those right at the very top of the income distribution.

The main reason for this is that the raise in MW to LW does not compensate for cuts in luxury buying tax credits.

Its quite clear, analysis of the budgets presented show objectively that someone on minimum wage + TC is making tough choices with little to none disposable income and will be very challenged to make ends meet, those choices are going to get tougher.

If you think that supporting someone who works hard five days a week to the tune of 50£ a week is excessive when its objectively clear it still does not really afford any real quality of life then I guess it really does something about your empathy towards other human beings.

Last edited by O.A.F.K.1.1; 10-23-2015 at 04:15 AM.
