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UK Politics Thread UK Politics Thread

10-15-2015 , 06:52 AM
Child abuse and homosexuality isn't the same thing, don't draw a line between them.
10-15-2015 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Interesting Rasta calling others spoilt children when he started a thread in OOT crying over the fact that he, a middle class adult with a degree living at home with his parents could not get a decent job, his own accommodation and laid.
This is highly unsurprising, huge losers always love to blame others for their wrongs. Oh noes, immigrants are taking his job, his house and his wimminz just because they are more employable than the guy born with a lottery ticket who decided to burn it for kindling instead of cashing it.

I bet his degree is in some useless as **** subject and probably a 2:2.
10-15-2015 , 07:48 AM
^^ Phil nails it
10-15-2015 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Interesting Rasta calling others spoilt children when he started a thread in OOT crying over the fact that he, a middle class adult with a degree living at home with his parents could not get a decent job, his own accommodation and laid.
Really? HAHAHAH that's hilarious.

Edit: just read some serious Rastamouse. I'm going to be nice to him from now on, as a rule. What a wee shame.

Last edited by DiegoArmando; 10-15-2015 at 01:28 PM.
10-15-2015 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Interesting Rasta calling others spoilt children when he started a thread in OOT crying over the fact that he, a middle class adult with a degree living at home with his parents could not get a decent job, his own accommodation and laid.
I am currently working as a journalist and have beautiful girlfriend, things have changed, but I wanted to see how long it would be before self-confessed grown men would stamp their feet and screech ad-hominems

Please, meet me for a drink in London in real life. I might surprise you

Last edited by Rastamouse; 10-15-2015 at 05:42 PM.
10-15-2015 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
It is when you're claiming we live in an egalitarian society. Admit you're wrong.
Of course we do. We have equality of opportunity and numerous diversity programmes to help people from a variety of backgrounds make it to the top if they have the work ethic and wherewithal. At my new job there are several women and minorities who are by no stretch of the imagination qualified for it, whilst several white men (and women) at the assessment day were far better.

What's utterly vile about this is that its based entirely on the presumption that minorities aren't smart enough to make it on their own known without big white daddy's help. Revolting racism.

Nevertheless, I'm safely in and my abilities have been spotted. I'll climb the ladder, hit the top of the company and then you'll moan on about how women and minorities didn't get a fair crack, when actually they were given undue opportunity.

(this is the part where you tell me that you know more about my workplace than I do).

Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
Poor doesn't necessarily mean miserable and richer doesn't necessarily mean happier.
If you had ever been poor, you wouldn't dismiss the importance of money so easily.

To middle-class socialists from first-world countries like you, it means little more than luxuries, to the true poor, its a vital necessity.

Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
I consider debt to be a form of enslavement. Our system is based on it.
You have a roof over your head, free healthcare, free education, free money if you have children or fall on hard times. You have the rule of law and the right to a fair trial and you consider yourself to be...

...enslaved. actually, as a man of 40-years +, consider yourself to be equally hard-done-by to people who worked for nothing and where regularly beaten, raped, abused and dehumanised.

Pitiful. Utterly pitiful.

Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
Not sure what your point is, but I'll be explicit for you. I think a cooperative society is better than competitive.
I agree. Which is why we need a small government that is as limited as possible and infringes on the freedoms of people at little as possible. Cooperation should be voluntary, not forced by failures like you who provide nothing of value.

Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
Well that should be up to me to decide what I want to study. If we're going to call ourselves egalitarians then I don't think we can go around telling people they shouldn't study x because we think it is 'useless'.
And you should pay for it with YOUR MONEY. Not someone else's.

If its such a great degree, it'll pay its own way in the future and you'll get your money back in your future earnings. Easy

...So spoiled & entitled.

Anyway, I've written plenty about me. I'm 25. I live in London with my parents, I work as a business journalist and didn't get laid till I was 24 and had to take cialis for my first screw. Oh and I got robbed growing up more times than I can remember. I'm honest and I tell people who I am.

And yet I still feel totally comfortable laughing away at you because I'm winning every argument with a complete lack of effort whilst you seethe away

So, c'mon, tell me all about your life. What do you do for a living fella? How old are you? What led you to have these wacky, fringe beliefs that you think ought to be represented in the mainstream media? (just for his lordship!)

Last edited by Rastamouse; 10-15-2015 at 05:47 PM.
10-15-2015 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
This is highly unsurprising, huge losers always love to blame others for their wrongs. Oh noes, immigrants are taking his job, his house and his wimminz just because they are more employable than the guy born with a lottery ticket who decided to burn it for kindling instead of cashing it.

I bet his degree is in some useless as **** subject and probably a 2:2.
Would you like to meet up in London? I'd genuinely be more than happy to take you out for a beer.

I'd also like to introduce you to my black and Asian friends, to show you that actually, they're of equal intelligence to you.
10-15-2015 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
I am currently working as a journalist and have beautiful girlfriend, things have changed, but I wanted to see how long it would be before self-confessed grown men would stamp their feet and screech ad-hominems

Please, meet me for a drink in London in real life. I might surprise you
Hopefully you are practicing safe sex with your GF as its probably best that the only thing you give AIDS to is this thread.
10-15-2015 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Hopefully you are practicing safe sex with your GF as its probably best that the only thing you give AIDS to is this thread.
Sorry for providing facts and evidence that directly contradicted your claims and invited you to re-examine your views that were demonstrably proven to be incorrect.
10-15-2015 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi

1: Paint all countries Red.
2: Label Red Countries : Countries in which everyone hates rastamouse.
10-15-2015 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
Of course we do. We have equality of opportunity....
You can only hear yourself. Repeating the same **** over and over doesn't make you right.

After your comment about linguistics being a 'useless' subject, and oafk saying you were whining about your life in oot, I went to find out what you studied. I can see Philosophy hasn't helped you at all to be able to view things logically and objectively. I'd say your delusional state is what gets in the way. Your prejudiced views are not what one might expect from a philosophy graduate. You have a real desperate desire to be seen as intelligent, but you aren't, or at least you certainly don't show it.

Seriously, sorry to bore anyone else who bothers to read this ****, and I really don't want to make it personal, but you just can't help but take it to that level, even plagiarising some of the insults thrown at you to bring here to our discussion.

Calling others racist when your own bigotry is blatantly obvious just cements the case against you - it's really quite pathetic.

I do realise though that this is exactly the attention you crave, but it will be the last from me. We've nothing more to discuss.
10-15-2015 , 06:46 PM
Can we get back to discussing politics and stop massaging this helpless individual's ego any longer?
10-15-2015 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Hopefully you are practicing safe sex with your GF as its probably best that the only thing you give AIDS to is this thread.
Dude, his entire posting history is AIDS. He's had an astonishing amount of rinsing all over this forum.

ok sorry that was my last word on the matter
10-15-2015 , 07:04 PM
Hey whoa. AIDS is a serious illness and doesn't deserve to be insulted in such a way.
10-15-2015 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
Calling others racist when your own bigotry is blatantly obvious just cements the case against you - it's really quite pathetic
You accuse me of bigotry and refuse to give a concrete example, then run and hide when you're called to account.

You demand that other people are forced to pay for your education that you yourself admit won't be valued by society enough to earn you the money to pay for it.

You yourself compared your life, in a warm house with a roof over your head, with free education, free health care, the rule of law and right to a fair trial, to slavery.

Now you've been called out on it, now you run away.

Thanks for everything though. I'd encourage you to remain as active as possible on internet forums as often as you can, as you're doing superbly well to help the Conservative Party seal an unbroken run of 15-20 years of government, preventing the damage that immoral, racist ideologues like you would like to inflict.
10-15-2015 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi;48386615[IMG

Any comment, Rastamouse, or should I keep reposting this periodically to remind you of how bigoted and prejudiced against Muslims you are?
I have repeatedly said that I despise all religion and that Christianity is homophobic and sexist.

The irony is that you, as well as Phil and suchlike, have all admitted that you dislike Christianity because its sexist and homophobic, but when I point out that Islam does precisely the same thing, all of sudden you're like "woah, woah there are numerous cultural reasons for that!"

Translation: Muslims are black and brown and can't be held to the same standards as white people, and its our duty as whites to protect the less intelligent species.

I am not joking. I know people like you. And I know how badly you wince when you just can't help yourself but cross the road when you see a black person coming.

You will do so again.

You will feel guilty.

And you will desperately try to come to terms with the fact that you just can't shoo the racist thoughts in your head away, even though you know they ought not be there.

Again, I'd strongly invite you to come out with me socially and meet my black and asian friends. You'll be staggered to learn that they're just as intelligent as you, and can be held to the same accountability.

I think that once you gain some experience of diversity, you'll start to re-examine your views.
10-15-2015 , 08:10 PM
Hey racist, I specifically said I take people individually. You're the one judging everyone with broad brush strokes.

Also you refuse to say all British Christians are just like African Christians. Weirdly you have no problem talking about middle east Muslims to judge British Muslims.
10-15-2015 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Hey racist, I specifically said I take people individually. You're the one judging everyone with broad brush strokes.

Also you refuse to say all British Christians are just like African Christians. Weirdly you have no problem talking about middle east Muslims to judge British Muslims.
Which race is Islam?

There are white Caucasian Muslims in Albania and Bosnia
There are Arab Muslims of course
There are Muslims from the Indian subcontinent
There are black Muslims from Africa
There are Chinese Uyghur Muslims
There are white, Anglo-Saxon Muslims too, I went to see one, Yvonne Ridley, speak at my University's Islamic society.

I also went to see Moazzam Begg as it happens at another IslamSoc event.

In a British university, we were segregated into men and women.

I didn't care much for that.

How racist of me
10-15-2015 , 08:58 PM
Where's my invitation to a drink with you in London? I'm feeling a bit left out here.
10-16-2015 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
I have repeatedly said that I despise all religion and that Christianity is homophobic and sexist.
But unlike with Muslims, you don't wish to prevent Christians from settling in the UK.

Originally Posted by Rastamouse
I am not joking. I know people like you. And I know how badly you wince when you just can't help yourself but cross the road when you see a black person coming...
I think that once you gain some experience of diversity
LOl you really are mad.

We spent a year in West Africa living in a compound when I was a kid, while my dad was there doing research.

I was a council tenant living in Brixton for 5 years in the 1980s when it was rough as hell and way before it became fashionable hipster territory where ignorant guilt-ridden middle class hypocrites like you can "hang out" and show off your equally vacuous black and brown friends as if that makes you any less racist.

Your risible and laughable lack of knowledge about the map you posted that you believed was evidence in support of your anti-Muslim agenda, and your lack of passion about music both say it all about you. You're some overeducated thick Hampstead kid with no experience of the rest of the world or of people different to you beyond your carefully-assembled black and brown friends who you embarrassingly parade as a badge of honour.

I'm ashamed that you're a fellow countryman and Londoner, but Thatcher's children, eh?

Last edited by jalfrezi; 10-16-2015 at 04:16 AM.
10-16-2015 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by DiegoArmando
Where's my invitation to a drink with you in London? I'm feeling a bit left out here.
The repeated invitations to a drink strike me as being akin to a desperate appeal for a social life.

Maybe if he addressed some of his underlying prejudices he might find people liked him a bit more in real life, and he wouldn't have to try to make real life friends on the internet.

I bet he talks in one of those ridiculously affected cod Caribbean accents that young middle class Londoners have.

Last edited by jalfrezi; 10-16-2015 at 04:28 AM.
10-16-2015 , 04:38 AM
Everyone knows Christians are just kidding when they ban homosexuality and have the highest rated of rape per capita in the world.

No need to protect Britain from extremist Christians. No Christian has ever set off a bomb in Britain.
10-16-2015 , 06:17 AM
so....anybody watch Wednesday's questions for the prime minister?

Last edited by BertieWooster; 10-16-2015 at 06:22 AM.
10-16-2015 , 10:21 AM
hahahaha yes Bertie big bawz...back to business here....hang on I've nothing to say about to watch last night's QT. I hear someone had a meltdown about losing her tax credits. Poor bastard. But that's all right though, because she's getting the living wage an that.
10-16-2015 , 10:35 AM
I called it guys. Don't engage him. He makes every thread all about him.

This thread used to be interesting.
