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07-02-2017 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by epcfast
Shame on them
07-02-2017 , 10:07 AM
Private Eye article gives a bit more background

LONG before the Grenfell Tower fire in north Kensington on 14 June, the Grenfell Action Group (GAG), representing local residents, had published a regular blog cataloguing the many failings of the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea council (RBKC) and the Kensington & Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation (TMO), which runs social housing in the borough on behalf of the council.
In November 2016 a GAG post stated: “It is our conviction that a serious fire in a tower block or similar high density residential property is the most likely reason that those who wield power at TMO will be found out and brought to justice!”

In April this year, fire broke out at night in the 31-storey “brutalist” Trellick Tower in nearby Kensal Town and 200 people had to be evacuated. No one died and the incident did not seem to stir the TMO out of its complacency.

Long-term dysfunctionality
The TMO was set up in 1996 to manage the Tory council’s 9,760 properties. Ultimate responsibility still remained with the council, the property owner, which at any one time has at least two councillors on the TMO board.

When the TMO started life it was claimed it would be “tenant-led” and give residents a more powerful voice than under direct council control. However, the TMO’s long-term dysfunctionality was such that in 2007 and 2008 tenant members made numerous unsuccessful attempts to call extraordinary general meetings (EGMs) to hold the board to account over their fears about safety, financial malpractice and pisspoor governance.

In December 2008, having run out of excuses not to hold any EGMs, the board changed the TMO’s constitution so that 250 signatories, rather than 50, would be needed to petition for an EGM. The change happened without consultation; and rules governing the annual general meeting were also tightened. Tenant members of the TMO were no longer permitted to ask questions at the AGM under “any other business”. Instead they had to write down their questions – in no more than 40 words – and submit them before the AGM to the chairman, who decided whether they would be answered or not.

Systemic failures
After a long fight and more than 400 individual complaints about the way the TMO was run, in 2009 an investigation was undertaken by Maria Memoli, a solicitor who had served on several professional governance committees of the Law Society. Far from being “tenant-led”, Memoli identified 28 systemic failures in practices and management of the TMO, and found residents were being treated with contempt by TMO employees.

“There was a lack of customer care, etiquette and ethics and a lack of respect by certain individuals at the TMO towards residents,” she said, finding that board members abused their positions, got preferential treatment and had their repairs prioritised over other tenants who were not board members. Memoli made 34 recommendations; but rather than embrace the lawyer’s impartial advice, the council sat on her report for six months on the grounds that it “did not meet expectations”.

When Memoli’s report was finally released at the end of 2009, the council decided it would give the job of adjudicating on the upheld complaints to John Butler, a retired housing association chief executive. Butler promptly departed from nearly all the investigation’s recommendations.

High-handed management
It is worth noting that in 2006 the TMO had received a three-star rating from the Audit Commission, allowing it to pocket an additional £6m of “decent homes” money. But how was such a rating awarded when, according to Memoli, the organisation was completely dysfunctional?

The Audit Commission inspection team had been headed by Sheila Belgrave, who a year after the rating was published asked her bosses if she could be seconded to the TMO. The request was turned down, but the following year Belgrave resigned from the commission and joined the TMO as its director of housing and business improvement. Promotion quickly followed and Belgrave had the title of deputy chief executive added to her job title. Naturally her increased responsibilities led to a bigger pay packet.

Over the years the high-handed management style of the TMO led to tenants being inhibited about complaining, because they feared victimisation. This could be seen in repairs not being carried out on schedule and undue attention being paid to how those who spoke out were conducting their tenancies. Some tenants likened living under TMO rule as like living in a prison. It was certainly a far cry from the TMO’s “mission statement”, which includes a pledge to “delight residents and customers by exceeding expectations” and “to be open and accountable for all we do”.

Blame the victims

THE priorities of Kensington & Chelsea council and the Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) on receiving £42m from central government in the 2000s to carry out remedial work on the borough’s housing stock are worth examination. Safety does not appear to have been high on the list.

After the Grenfell blaze, council leader Nick Paget-Brown implied in an interview on the BBC’s Newsnight that the Grenfell tenants were themselves somehow tangentially responsible for the fire’s spread. Responding to questions about the lack of a sprinkler system, Paget-Brown claimed sprinklers were not fitted in the recent £10m refurbishment of the tower because “there was not a collective view [ie among tenants] that all the flats should be fitted with sprinklers.”

He also stated: “We are now talking retrospectively after the most enormous tragedy, but many residents felt that we needed to get on with the installation of new hot water systems, new boilers and that… trying to retrofit more would delay the building and that sprinklers aren’t the answer.”

Paget-Brown failed to address two serious issues. Firstly, it is the council that is ultimately responsible for what happens in the TMO and it is the council with whom the buck stops when things go wrong. Secondly, it is the legal responsibility of a property’s owner, ie the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, to ensure tenants live in a safe environment. In tower blocks this means fitting sprinklers.

Between 2000 and 2009 RBKC was allocated £42m by central government for major repairs on properties that urgently needed a lot more than a lick of paint. Despite the windfall, however, not a penny was spent on improving fire safety in tower blocks.

The watchdog that didn’t bark

LOOKING exposed following the Grenfell tragedy is the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), the regulator that deals with complaints from tenants against social housing landlords and which is meant to monitor the landlords’ performance, financial control and services.

Within a year of coming into existence in April 2012, the HCA, which replaced the Tenants Services Authority after it was abolished as part of austerity cuts, faced fierce criticism from individual tenants, tenant groups and MPs, all of whom claim it is toothless.

The criticism arose because of the way the HCA decided to interpret its remit, which was only to investigate complaints against social housing landlords when there was “serious detriment”, which the HCA failed to define.

In 2013 the Commons communities and local government committee reviewed the HCA’s work and complained that it had “interpreted its remit as narrowly as possible” and was failing to “discharge its responsibilities as we would expect”. In fact, the HCA managed to avoid doing very much at all, save finding reasons that complaints against landlords should not be pursued. Presumably this wasn’t the intention when it was created, but nothing has changed since.

Clearly, the risk of a fatal fire should have met even the HCA’s “serious detriment” criteria, so the question is whether the HCA was told of the fire safety risk that tenants living in Grenfell Tower had complained about for years. The HCA should certainly have known about those concerns, because one man sits on the boards of both the HCA and the Kensington & Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation (TMO). Step forward ex-property developer Anthony Preiskel, who last July attended a TMO board meeting at which fire safety concerns were discussed.

At that meeting the board agreed that as part of its health and safety action plan it should “extend the fire safety approach adopted at Grenfell Tower to all major works projects”. Heaven help the tenants.

Sprinklers doused

WHEN Wales acted to make sprinkler systems compulsory in all new and refurbished homes, it faced furious opposition from both developers and ministers in Westminster.

The Welsh government changed Part B of the building regulations to insist on sprinklers in all new and converted housing, care homes and university halls of residence, to be phased in between 2013 and 2016.

Among the displeased was Steve Morgan, chairman of leading housebuilder Redrow, who said in 2015 that the “crazy” introduction of sprinklers and planning requirements for social housing would make it unviable to build in Wales. Former communities secretary Eric Pickles had already argued in 2013 that the Welsh law on sprinklers was part of a burden of “red tape” putting Wales at a “competitive disadvantage” to England in the housing market. When another housebuilder said it would build homes in England before Wales because of tighter regulations and delays in introducing Help to Buy, Pickles tweeted: “Will the last housebuilder driven out by Labour from Wales to England please turn off the cement mixer?”

Not to be outdone, former secretary of state for Wales David Jones told a fringe meeting at the 2013 Conservative conference: “Regulations on builders are considerably more onerous than in England – including the bizarre proposal to fit every new house with a sprinkler system. The consequence of this over-regulation is that fewer houses are being built in Wales.”

Sajid Javid succeeded Pickles as communities secretary and is now the cabinet minister in charge of the response to the Grenfell Tower fire. Javid was the architect of the government’s “red tape challenge” to get rid of £10bn worth of what it saw as unnecessary regulation in his previous job as business secretary.

In contrast to Wales, the English building regulations have only required sprinklers in residential buildings constructed since 2007 that are over 30m in height. Scotland requires sprinklers in all new residential buildings over 18m tall. However, none of the regulations require sprinklers to be retro-fitted in existing buildings. Urgent investigations are now said to be under way in all three countries.

PS. Sighs of relief for bosses at social housing landlord Selwood, which backed down from plans to strip out sprinklers in 200 homes in Wiltshire that it claimed were too expensive to maintain. After strongly defending the decision to remove the sprinklers to the Eye in February (Eye 1438), Selwood made a U-turn, following advice from Dorset and Wiltshire fire officers who said the system should stay.
07-02-2017 , 11:16 AM
Excellent piece. Expose em
07-02-2017 , 11:27 AM
This issue is not about labour versus tory.
It's about the public being failed by the institutions that are supposed to be looking after them.

When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another, such injury that death results, we call that deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call this deed murder. But when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or the bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot live - forces them ... to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevitable consequence - knows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual .
170 years on and no progress.
07-02-2017 , 12:01 PM
My local council (labour) has proposed removing funding for all school crossing patrols.
One of the world's riches countries and we're making it less safe for our children?
07-02-2017 , 12:34 PM
Letter from kids school says everyone will now pay for school milk, even if on free school meals. Wtf.
A lesson here in the danger of means testing, eventually everybody gets shafted
07-02-2017 , 04:40 PM

Have a hard time believing the 'rogue' bit of this story because......
The initial inquiry, which was investigating unlawful killings between 2010-2013, and offences including false imprisonment and assault, was expected to run until 2021.

However, the Ministry of Defence recently told RMP officers to finish most of their work by this summer.
07-03-2017 , 06:24 AM
Didn't happen.

**** the ira!
07-03-2017 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by tomj
May did very well in terms of share of the vote - they could be close to saturation point of potential voters. Labour can win further support from the dis-enfranchised and capitalise on a growing discourse around public sector pay, housing, and austerity in general.
In your own left wing view they are at saturation point. Try looking at the world objectively and not through a left wing lens. You will find out more about the world that way.
07-03-2017 , 03:17 PM
'could be close to', try reading things properly.
Thatcher's best was 43.9% btw.

Also lol at historical objectivity.
07-03-2017 , 03:35 PM
Thatcher's results aren't a great metric to use - as you know, she was deeply divisive.
If you go back several decades you'll find share of the votes much closer to 50%.
07-03-2017 , 05:18 PM
More accurate imo to compare to Thatcher than one nation Tories/postwar consensus. Tories could win a broader cross section of support when wages, housing, trade union rights etc weren't under threat.

The argument is that May is useless and with a better leader the Tories would have done much better. Thatcher was divisive ofc, but she is the model in the modern period for articulating a reactionary politics that can win convincingly. And she couldn't get above 44% with Labour at its weakest. So 42% is pretty good for 7 years of disastrous policies.
07-04-2017 , 03:20 AM
Do you really think May will fight another election? If not this is pretty irrelevant.
07-04-2017 , 03:45 AM
Course not, she's a lame duck.
07-04-2017 , 06:38 PM
"Speaking at an Asia Leadership Conference in Seoul, South Korea, Mr Cameron said: "The opponents of so-called austerity couch their arguments in a way that make them sound generous and compassionate.
"They seek to paint the supporters of sound finances as selfish, or uncaring. The exact reverse is true.
"Giving up on sound finances isn't being generous, it's being selfish: spending money today that you may need tomorrow."

That's why daddy kept his money stashed in off shore tax havens.
07-04-2017 , 06:56 PM
I wonder how much he is getting paid to be there.
07-05-2017 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by tomj
"Speaking at an Asia Leadership Conference in Seoul, South Korea, Mr Cameron said: "The opponents of so-called austerity couch their arguments in a way that make them sound generous and compassionate.
"They seek to paint the supporters of sound finances as selfish, or uncaring. The exact reverse is true.
"Giving up on sound finances isn't being generous, it's being selfish: spending money today that you may need tomorrow."
Hear hear.

But well done both of you for bringing up irrelevant points after.
07-05-2017 , 03:50 AM
Giving up on sound finances like borrowing for infrastructure investment at a record low rate is being selfish - not spending money today that will create growth that you will need in the future.
Promising a referendum that divides the country as a political gamble is selfish.
Charging £120,000 for a one hour speech to Blackstone Properties about the failed remain campaign is greedy.
Getting £115,000 per year Public Duties Cost Allowance to run your private office just because you are "entitled" to it is selfish.
He looks to be following the Blair model of how to milk it as an ex PM.
Of course it's completely irrelevant to bring up tax avoidance/evasion and remuneration when putting that speech into context.
07-05-2017 , 03:57 AM
Avoidance, not evasion (unless you have some evidence of that). Sorry, I can't see why any of that is relevant when considering whether his point is correct.

Now we're on the topic though, do you think all tax avoidance is morally wrong?
07-05-2017 , 03:59 AM
jesus we went through this when this story hit the first time. Can someone just block-quote that argument so we don't have to go through it again?
07-05-2017 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by joejoe1337
jesus we went through this when this story hit the first time. Can someone just block-quote that argument so we don't have to go through it again?
Fair enough, I've not been on here long.
07-05-2017 , 04:14 AM
I think the obfuscation of avoidance/evasion was the raison d'être of Blairmore Holdings Inc.
When key business decisions and meetings (the central management and control) were being made in London it was clearly evasion.
07-05-2017 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by joejoe1337
jesus we went through this when this story hit the first time. Can someone just block-quote that argument so we don't have to go through it again?
Its relevant now because the tories are increasingly split over austerity agenda, this was an intervention in the debate from dave 'kill the poor' cameron. Expose the paternalistic facade, he is a money grabbing fraudster. Austerity was and is based on an deceit, unravelling under may's illegitimate ramshackle govt.
07-05-2017 , 04:42 AM
Guardian: shock news, poor more likely to be in greater debt.

"Students from the poorest 40% of families entering university in England for the first time this September will emerge with an average debt of around £57,000, according to a new analysis by a leading economic thinktank.

The Institute of Fiscal Studies said the abolition of the last maintenance grants in 2015 had disproportionately affected the poorest, while students from the richest 30% of households would run up lower average borrowings of £43,000."
07-05-2017 , 04:48 AM
Hardly needed a study. Of course that's the case, the maximum loan amount is means tested.

It's not really a debate that poorer families will be able to pass less wealth on to their children.
