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UK Politics Thread UK Politics Thread

05-23-2017 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by AppleCrumble
Major terrorist incidents happen within Europe on an almost monthly basis.

Counter-terrorism and homeland security is a real political issue, just like the economy, the NHS and so on. People have every right to hold their potential leaders to account on the subject and indeed, to vote accordingly.
I agree. We also need an open discussion about UK government support, militarily, politically and diplomatically for the medieval and most reactionary state in the world today, Saudi Arabia, where the doctrine that guides so called Islamic extremism is created and nurtured. We need to educate ourselves in the history of the Soviet-Afghan war where the CIA trained the mujahadeen, hence Al-Qaeda and hence ISIS/Daesh. But now is not the time.

What we don't need is irrational knee jerk reactions, adding fuel to an already dangerous situation. 'Condemnation' and the insistence of condemnation, only intensifies conflict and division, where what is needed is calm reflection and thought for the people involved in this horrific event.
05-23-2017 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by tomj
I agree. We also need an open discussion about UK government support, militarily, politically and diplomatically for the medieval and most reactionary state in the world today, Saudi Arabia, where the doctrine that guides so called Islamic extremism is created and nurtured. We need to educate ourselves in the history of the Soviet-Afghan war where the CIA trained the mujahadeen, hence Al-Qaeda and hence ISIS/Daesh. But now is not the time.

What we don't need is irrational knee jerk reactions, adding fuel to an already dangerous situation. 'Condemnation' and the insistence of condemnation, only intensifies conflict and division, where what is needed is calm reflection and thought for the people involved in this horrific event.
But I thought Muslims in the UK would be more than happy to universally condemn ISIS and Islamic extremism.

Shouldn't cause any division really should it? The murder of children being a bad thing ought to be fairly uncontroversial.
05-23-2017 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by AppleCrumble
But I thought Muslims in the UK would be more than happy to universally condemn ISIS and Islamic extremism.
Which they do on a continuous basis, and you would know if you had the remotest curiousity about the matter.
05-23-2017 , 03:43 PM
Who decided to schedule the debate between my local candidates at the same time as the Europa league final?
05-23-2017 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by AppleCrumble
But I thought Muslims in the UK would be more than happy to universally condemn ISIS and Islamic extremism.

Shouldn't cause any division really should it? The murder of children being a bad thing ought to be fairly uncontroversial.
Have we learned nothing from the George Bush mantra "you're with us, or you're with the terrorists" and the hate, divisiveness and fear caused by such language?
05-23-2017 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by AppleCrumble
But I thought Muslims in the UK would be more than happy to universally condemn ISIS and Islamic extremism.

Shouldn't cause any division really should it? The murder of children being a bad thing ought to be fairly uncontroversial.
As I posted in another place. Muslims have no special obligation to speak out but like so many others they have:

Mohammed Shafiq, the chief executive of Ramadhan Foundation in Manchester, said in a statement that the deadly explosion at the Ariana Grande concert was the “darkest day” in the city’s history.

He insisted that the people of Manchester would not be divided and would instead “mourn, remember the victims and get on with our lives”.
Muslim taxi drivers praised for giving victims free lifts after blast
“I love Manchester and its people - we are a resolute people and will not be divided by these barbaric animals or cowered by their violence,” he said.

He added: “We reject this barbaric terrorism, we commit to exposing the evil ideology of violence behind it and stand together with our fellow Mancunians.”
The Ramadhan Foundation, which works to build cohesion between communities, is holding a multi-faith vigil on Wednesday outside Manchester Town Hall, which will be led by Muslim scholars. The vigil, Mr Shafiq said, was a chance for “communities to come together and show unity, compassion and solidarity”.
Harun Khan, the secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, described the attack as “horrific” and “criminal”.
People online shared their experience of witnessing Muslim doctors and nurses working through the night to save victims, quick to defend their community against prejudice.

I didn't need to check to know that the London Mayor Sadiq Khan would have spoken out as well but I did just for you:

"London stands united with the great city of Manchester today after this barbaric and sickening attack. This was a cowardly act of terrorism that targeted a concert attended by thousands of children and young people.

"My heart goes out to the victims, their families and everybody affected. Once again we have seen the heroism of our brave emergency services. They have our full support and are in all our thoughts today.

"I am in constant contact with the Metropolitan Police, who are reviewing security arrangements in London. Londoners will see more police on our streets today.

"Manchester and the rest of Britain will never be cowed by terrorism. Those who want to destroy our way of life and divide us will never succeed."

Last edited by chezlaw; 05-23-2017 at 06:01 PM. Reason: Formating
05-24-2017 , 04:01 AM
Well I guess they stopped short of actually calling him a traitor..... but not by much.
05-24-2017 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
Well I guess they stopped short of actually calling him a traitor..... but not by much.
It is actually much more measured than previous right-wing newspaper articles.

It is difficult to know exactly what Corbyn's role in the peace process is: there is so little evidence about what he actually did during that time. My guess would be the hard left in general played a role in bringing the IRA to the negotiating table. Maybe some of the pro-independence language they used was unwise, maybe that was what got the IRA to listen.
05-24-2017 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
It's been all over the press the past few days. This isn't new.
05-24-2017 , 07:37 AM
Obviously the moratorium on campaigning has missed some party workers, just had a Theresa May leaflet dropped through my letterbox.
05-24-2017 , 08:35 AM
Watching the U.K. and the rest of Europe slits its own throat is a wonder to behold.

In the mosques they continue to be emboldened........
05-24-2017 , 09:06 AM
05-24-2017 , 11:00 AM
Katie Hopkins can't even spell Manchester
05-24-2017 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The same thing they said about Rotherham many years was it?
05-24-2017 , 11:09 AM
Please tell me that the phrase 'final solution' was accidental in that tweet

Sent from my HUAWEI CUN-L01 using Tapatalk
05-24-2017 , 11:54 AM
If you're in a masochistic kind of mood, read her Twitter history and make up your own mind.

It wasn't accidental.

Last edited by joejoe1337; 05-24-2017 at 12:05 PM.
05-24-2017 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by harkin
The same thing they said about Rotherham many years was it?
Not at long as Maggie thatcher's mate Jimmy Saville, for whom the entire Christian world should apologise for and acknowledge the deficiencies in their community that lead to paedos.
05-24-2017 , 12:20 PM
From the BBC:

A Muslim community worker, who did not want to be identified, has told the BBC that two people, who knew Abedi at college, made separate calls to a hotline to warn the police about his extremist views.

He said they had been worried that Abedi was "supporting terrorism" and had expressed the view that "being a suicide bomber was ok".

The friends had argued with him, telling him he was wrong but had become so concerned they contacted the police, the community worker said.
BBC security correspondent says these warnings were made 5 years ago, and again recently:

05-24-2017 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by tomj
Not at long as Maggie thatcher's mate Jimmy Saville, for whom the entire Christian world should apologise for and acknowledge the deficiencies in their community that lead to paedos.
So one gay Christian pedo equals over 25 men and women colluding as sexual predators, destroying the lives of hundreds of victims and when reported the police willfully ignoring for years?

Should the entire Muslim world apologize for them shouting "allahu akbar" as they went to prison?

1,000 pts for false equivalence!
05-24-2017 , 12:46 PM
Catholic priests say hi dere.
05-24-2017 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by harkin
So one gay Christian pedo equals over 25 men and women colluding as sexual predators, destroying the lives of hundreds of victims and when reported the police willfully ignoring for years?

Should the entire Muslim world apologize for them shouting "allahu akbar" as they went to prison?

1,000 pts for false equivalence!
There were around 35,000 cases of reporting rape in the UK in 2015/16. Are you saying you have some data of how these break down by religion or something? Or/and any kind of sensible analysis of likely unreported rapes etc.
05-24-2017 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by harkin
So one gay Christian pedo
I feel like you deserve some kind of award for selection bias. And maybe homophobia also.

(I'm a Catholic btw. Christianity has a serious problem with paedophiles.)
05-24-2017 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by GBV
I feel like you deserve some kind of award for selection bias. And maybe homophobia also.

(I'm a Catholic btw. Christianity has a serious problem with paedophiles.)
have to be honest I missed the homophobic reference.

05-24-2017 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Kafja
From the BBC:

BBC security correspondent says these warnings were made 5 years ago, and again recently:

Both very encouraging and concerning at the same time !
