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The TSA - Fondling your junk, for nothing: Epic Search Fail The TSA - Fondling your junk, for nothing: Epic Search Fail

11-17-2010 , 08:06 PM
Honestly I'm shocked at the outrage over this. It's one thing if your argument is body scans suck because they do very, very little to prevent terrorism. This we can argue about.

The argument that body scans suck because they are a violation of your rights is ridiculous. If you don't want to be scanned then don't fly. Simple. We don't have a right do drive a car. Why would we have a right to get on an airplane without a security check? And LOL at the Lew Rockwell idiot claiming that body scans and pat downs are emotionally traumatic. Since when did we get so sensitive?
11-17-2010 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Well, I don't think their motives are about increasing safety but if they were, then that would obviously be something impossible to quantify.
Interesting, what do think the motives are then? Haven't read every post in this thread so I concede you may have answered my question in another post.
11-17-2010 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Boris
The argument that body scans suck because they are a violation of your rights is ridiculous. If you don't want to be scanned then don't fly. Simple. We don't have a right do drive a car. Why would we have a right to get on an airplane without a security check?
Man I hate this argument. 20 years from now when they require a strip search and anal probing to walk in a public park or drive on a public street you'll be here saying "if you don't want to be anally probed don't walk out your front door. Simple. There's no right to travel on a public street."
11-17-2010 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Boris
Honestly I'm shocked at the outrage over this. It's one thing if your argument is body scans suck because they do very, very little to prevent terrorism. This we can argue about.

The argument that body scans suck because they are a violation of your rights is ridiculous. If you don't want to be scanned then don't fly. Simple. We don't have a right do drive a car. Why would we have a right to get on an airplane without a security check? And LOL at the Lew Rockwell idiot claiming that body scans and pat downs are emotionally traumatic. Since when did we get so sensitive?
The argument that black people not being allowed to eat at whichever restaurant they want because it is a violation of their rights is ridiculous. If you don't want to be harassed and denied service then don't go to the restaurant. Simple. They don't have a right to eat at any restaurant they want!
11-17-2010 , 08:29 PM
Story of an enhanced patdown.
11-17-2010 , 08:31 PM
and id like to be able to fly without being subjected to levels of radiation which could pose unknown health risks
11-17-2010 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
The argument that black people not being allowed to eat at whichever restaurant they want because it is a violation of their rights is ridiculous. If you don't want to be harassed and denied service then don't go to the restaurant. Simple. They don't have a right to eat at any restaurant they want!
What are you talking about? Black people DO have the right to eat at whatever restaurant they want. The courts and congress decided this a long time ago.
11-17-2010 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by snagglepuss
and id like to be able to fly without being subjected to levels of radiation which could pose unknown health risks
IMO you are being a little bit paranoid but that is your business. You still have the option of the pat down search.
11-17-2010 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
dvaut, elliot, tomveil, fly, etc: defend your ****tarded system please.
wtf is this?

Clearly congress is simply advancing the will of the people. Maybe in your internet utopia you've not heard of the rioting going DEMANDING that this architect finally gets the respect he deserves!!
11-17-2010 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
Man I hate this argument. 20 years from now when they require a strip search and anal probing to walk in a public park or drive on a public street you'll be here saying "if you don't want to be anally probed don't walk out your front door. Simple. There's no right to travel on a public street."
So you're saying we need to oppose this enhanced screening because if we don't then pretty soon there will be screening machines outside every house and apartment in the USA? Sounds like a reasonable fear to me.
11-17-2010 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Boris
So you're saying we need to oppose this enhanced screening because if we don't then pretty soon there will be screening machines outside every house and apartment in the USA? Sounds like a reasonable fear to me.
No. I'm saying your "don't like it don't fly" position is hollow. There's not any real difference between flying on an airplane and traveling on a public street.
11-17-2010 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by adios
Interesting, what do think the motives are then? Haven't read every post in this thread so I concede you may have answered my question in another post.
Its sort of the $64k question for me irt all of this

There are several possible ones-- some more provocative than others but all probably pretty outlandish for the mainstream crowd....

1) Just a general furtherance of the police state— which begs the question 'why?'. Why go to such efforts to control and intimidate people?

2) Seeing as the powers-that-be have had zero qualms about destroying the economy by moving industry offshore and now by inflating the dollar away, perhaps the next step is to start restricting travel?

3) Perhaps they want to get people so upset that they riot, and then they can really bring out the draconian measures?

4) Maybe the goal is to cause the airlines so much hardship due to people not wanting to fly that they are forced to nationalize them?

5) There is always the simple greed factor too regarding the amount of money going into these machines— although I doubt this would be a primary factor.

I definitely don't think the motives have anything to do with increasing safety.

And I also think that when the decision to implement these enhanced pat-downs was made, that they knew that there was going to be some backlash/horror stories that generate media attention. Which means they're prepared to accept that. We'll all see what happens of course...
11-17-2010 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
No. I'm saying your "don't like it don't fly" position is hollow. There's not any real difference between flying on an airplane and traveling on a public street.
A, there is a real difference between flying on a airplane and traveling on a public street. B, if you happen to be driving on a public street you have automatically given up a ton of rights that you have compared to if you were walking on a public street.
11-17-2010 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by TomVeil
wtf is this?
unless you're an anarchist....?
11-17-2010 , 09:16 PM
There's quite a leap between limited government and house resolutions to honor people who have been dead for 400 years.
11-17-2010 , 09:25 PM
only in your imagination yo.
11-17-2010 , 09:25 PM
More at

Mr. Speaker, today I introduce legislation to protect Americans from physical and emotional abuse by federal Transportation Security Administration employees conducting screenings at the nation’s airports. We have seen the videos of terrified children being grabbed and probed by airport screeners. We have read the stories of Americans being subjected to humiliating body imaging machines and/or forced to have the most intimate parts of their bodies poked and fondled. We do not know the potentially harmful effects of the radiation emitted by the new millimeter wave machines.

In one recent well-publicized case, a TSA official is recorded during an attempted body search saying, “By buying your ticket you gave up a lot of rights.” I strongly disagree and am sure I am not alone in believing that we Americans should never give up our rights in order to travel. As our Declaration of Independence states, our rights are inalienable. This TSA version of our rights looks more like the “rights” granted in the old Soviet Constitutions, where freedoms were granted to Soviet citizens — right up to the moment the state decided to remove those freedoms.
11-17-2010 , 09:49 PM

11k fine for saying "Don't touch my junk"
11-17-2010 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Boris
Honestly I'm shocked at the outrage over this. It's one thing if your argument is body scans suck because they do very, very little to prevent terrorism. This we can argue about.

The argument that body scans suck because they are a violation of your rights is ridiculous. If you don't want to be scanned then don't fly. Simple. We don't have a right do drive a car. Why would we have a right to get on an airplane without a security check? And LOL at the Lew Rockwell idiot claiming that body scans and pat downs are emotionally traumatic. Since when did we get so sensitive?
When you go through the nude scans, the govverment assure you that you are only viewed by an officer alone in a room with no windows so they can masturbate in peace. And if you complain about you or your children being fondled, then you get an 11k fine.

Nothing to see here.
11-17-2010 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Taso Joe Lieberman: TSA Porn & Groping is Great!

Liberals know what's best for you.
11-17-2010 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
great speech btw IMO
11-17-2010 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by ErikTheDread
I doubt that approval ratings were anywhere near 70% nationally. Folks in "the west" (Ohio etc.) mostly favored the war, but much of New England was strongly against it. And iirc, war fervor was spotty in the south.
I look at that quote again and I can't imagine how it could be read that way.
11-17-2010 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
SO AWESOME - Recap of Bill proposed by Dr. Paul

1) have all of congress anally probed including executive branch

2) laugh and stare at them

3) feed them cake until they are fat and then EAT THEM

11-18-2010 , 12:20 AM
i think you may have missed something with #3 but whatevs. good enough.
