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Trump Presidency Predictions Thread Trump Presidency Predictions Thread

11-11-2016 , 06:19 PM
Here's the person who he tabbed during his campaign to lead African-American outreach. And before you say, "But Trump didn't say that," remember that this is a person whose opinion he trusts, who he likely takes some cues from and who certainly takes cues from him. She is an extension of Donald Trump:

Skip to 1:05 for the relevant portion
11-11-2016 , 06:19 PM
You guys already gave up on Trump before you gave him a chance. Mostly every statement on policy he has said in the last 2 days is liberal. You guys should be incredibly thankful you get a lifelong democrat instead of a guy like Ted Cruz
11-11-2016 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
You guys already gave up on Trump before you gave him a chance. Mostly every statement on policy he has said in the last 2 days is liberal.
Does putting the climate change denier in his cabinet for EPA or whatever also count as "liberal"? Does giving Giuliani, Gingrich, and other clowns prominent positions in his administration signal "liberal"? jfc what are you even talking about
11-11-2016 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Lol just hope you can agree that Clinton is also a garbage human being then.

But like that is just stupid, he can literally be the greatest president for 8 years helping everyone but you are still going to hate him? Just gtfo, this is why the left suck.
I'm sorry you don't understand. Let me explain it very briefly:

Donald Trump - and this is something every reasonable person agrees upon who isn't included among the staunchest Trump supporters - stoked the flames of hatred from the very moment he launched his presidential campaign. He emboldened those in America who hate Muslims, who hate LGBTQ, who hate African-Americans, who hate Latinos, who hate Jews, who hate brown foreigners, who hate women, so on and so forth. He did so mostly through his words (both during and before the campaign), but also via those who he brought into his circle of advisors and who he trusted as his surrogates. Additionally, he continued to indirectly say such hatred was acceptable by not denouncing hate groups who endorsed him.

So, even if he just did what he had to do to get elected and didn't really mean any of that, he was extraordinarily irresponsible for fanning the flames of hatred and telling the dregs of society that it is not only ok to hate they way they do but to act out on it.

That's not even all of it, but that's the main point. Again, I'm sorry you don't understand that. And if you do, then shame on you.
11-11-2016 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
I'm sorry you don't understand. Let me explain it very briefly:

Donald Trump - and this is something every reasonable person agrees upon who isn't included among the staunchest Trump supporters - stoked the flames of hatred from the very moment he launched his presidential campaign. He emboldened those in America who hate Muslims, who hate LGBTQ, who hate African-Americans, who hate Latinos, who hate Jews, who hate brown foreigners, who hate women, so on and so forth. He did so mostly through his words (both during and before the campaign), but also via those who he brought into his circle of advisors and who he trusted as his surrogates. Additionally, he continued to indirectly say such hatred was acceptable by not denouncing hate groups who endorsed him.

So, even if he just did what he had to do to get elected and didn't really mean any of that, he was extraordinarily irresponsible for fanning the flames of hatred and telling the dregs of society that it is not only ok to hate they way they do but to act out on it.

That's not even all of it, but that's the main point. Again, I'm sorry you don't understand that. And if you do, then shame on you.
Couldn't take you seriously anymore when you called him irresponsible when he was running against HRC, the most irresponsible person in politics. Democrats may never win another election.
11-11-2016 , 06:37 PM
Again, you either don't understand or are just lying. I'm sorry about that.
11-11-2016 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
Well, at least Trump is keeping his campaign theme of hate going. Ken Blackwell is leading Trump's domestic policy transition team and Kris Kobach is on the immigration transition team.

A quick Googling will tell you all you need to know about them.

I feel very lucky that I'm a white, straight male right now. The fact I'm Jewish only puts me near the bottom of the Trump hate list.
I feel guilty about my luck. I hate that it's a slave of comfort for me right now (and it is). So many in our population right now have no "well at least" comfort to turn to.
I'm a white woman who was baptised protestant but on my mother's side my grandma and her parents were practicing jews of Russian/Romanian decent. I'm far enough divorced from Jewish heritage that I don't take antisemitism as super personal. However, ever since I saw this:
Spoiler for NSFW

I do feel a little of it personally.
11-11-2016 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
"President-Elect Donald Trump tells the WSJ that he is willing to keep two major parts of Obamacare - the ban on insurance companies denying coverage because of pre-exisiting health conditions, and he would also let adult children stay on their parents' insurance until age 26
I'll take things that make Obamacare expensive for $500 Alex.
11-11-2016 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Lol just hope you can agree that Clinton is also a garbage human being then.

But like that is just stupid, he can literally be the greatest president for 8 years helping everyone but you are still going to hate him? Just gtfo, this is why the left suck.
He'd still be a misogynistic piece of ****.

If Hilary were president and led us to a Utopia, would you still hate her?
11-11-2016 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by __w__
The DNC expected the Union to vote support them. The Union did, to an extreme level, throughout the Rust Belt. The Rust Belt crumbled, in the eyes of a lot of Union voters, as a result of NAFTA. The DNC offered very little to the Union (sure Obama bailed out the auto industry, but to the rank and file it didn't do anything/wasn't enough). Something, somehow, for some reason, they finally decided to vote against the DNC. My in-laws have NEVER voted anything but straight BLUE. My jaw dropped when he told me he was voting for TRUMP.

TRUMP/GOP comes in with MAGA money, cleans the place up, gives people jobs, they will be bought and paid for.

The other thing in play in '16 in the Rust Belt was the term "Deplorable". There's quite a few blue collar normal BLUE voters that were offended by that, and will be for quite some time. It became the rallying call of the blue collar middle/lower middle class, regardless of race/political affiliation. They turned it in to a badge of honor.

Simply amazing.

The DNC doesn't come up win that class of voter back, the Rust Belt may stay RED for a long time.
the dnc's arrogance was ultimatley their achilles' heel. running a candidate in favor of tpp when many believed, like you said, that nafta decimated the rust belt was super risky; voters even tried to make this clear when they voted bernie for an upset win in michgan! and even still, the campaign doubled down and refused to change their platform on trade, and the voters told them to go **** themselves.
11-11-2016 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
I'm sorry you don't understand. Let me explain it very briefly:

Donald Trump - and this is something every reasonable person agrees upon who isn't included among the staunchest Trump supporters - stoked the flames of hatred from the very moment he launched his presidential campaign. He emboldened those in America who hate Muslims, who hate LGBTQ, who hate African-Americans, who hate Latinos, who hate Jews, who hate brown foreigners, who hate women, so on and so forth. He did so mostly through his words (both during and before the campaign), but also via those who he brought into his circle of advisors and who he trusted as his surrogates. Additionally, he continued to indirectly say such hatred was acceptable by not denouncing hate groups who endorsed him.

So, even if he just did what he had to do to get elected and didn't really mean any of that, he was extraordinarily irresponsible for fanning the flames of hatred and telling the dregs of society that it is not only ok to hate they way they do but to act out on it.

That's not even all of it, but that's the main point. Again, I'm sorry you don't understand that. And if you do, then shame on you.
He understands (what person with a reasonable IQ wouldn't?). He feels shame and lashes out as a natural defensive reaction.
11-11-2016 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
He'd still be a misogynistic piece of ****.

If Hilary were president and led us to a Utopia, would you still hate her?
No of course not. Why would I still hate someone that did 8 years of great things for the country?
11-11-2016 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
No of course not. Why would I still hate someone that did 8 years of great things for the country?
Because you're lying.
11-11-2016 , 06:52 PM
That may make it viable for me to come back now that they can't not insure me for my seizures. Yay!
11-11-2016 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
Because you're lying.
I'm not. What reason would any of you have to hate either Trump or Hillary if they were the greatest president of all time that did lead us into the promiseland. I just dont get it. Because Trump said mean things prior but then had 8 years of greatness while not being a sexist, racist, bigot, homophobe? Yeah lets hate him for that. You people really are children.
11-11-2016 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
No of course not. Why would I still hate someone that did 8 years of great things for the country?
So how do you feel about obama?
11-11-2016 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
No of course not. Why would I still hate someone that did 8 years of great things for the country?
Well, we got 8 years of great things, and you hate it.
11-11-2016 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
So how do you feel about obama?
I dont think Obama had 8 great years. I think he did some great things and I think he did some terrible things. I dont have any ill will towards him at all
11-11-2016 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Well, we got 8 years of great things, and you hate it.
Your a liberal with the most liberal president we have ever had. Of course you think he had 8 great years. Do you think republicans think that? Obviously not since HRC lost
11-11-2016 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
most liberal president we have ever had
11-11-2016 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
You guys already gave up on Trump before you gave him a chance. Mostly every statement on policy he has said in the last 2 days is liberal. You guys should be incredibly thankful you get a lifelong democrat instead of a guy like Ted Cruz
What does it matter if some guys on a Poker forum give him a chance? If he really can be a great President that can happen nonetheless. The protests going on right now should have no effect on that, because politicians have to endure being hated; that's part of the job description. Margaret Thatcher didn't mind being hated, and I have the impression Obama didn't mind either and was prepared for that.

Trump, I think, isn't prepared for that. And people will hate him no matter what. If he delivers on what he ran on, the liberal camp will hate him. If he tones it down, or changes direction, his supporters will hate him. There will be more attempts on his life, however amateurish. And I'm not excited to find out what his reaction will be.
11-11-2016 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
I dont think Obama had 8 great years. I think he did some great things and I think he did some terrible things. I dont have any ill will towards him at all
Thats cool. Really i mean that.

I guess i just dont understand how you can reconcile that with trump who harshly and relentlessly attacked all things obama.
11-11-2016 , 07:22 PM
i think it's dangerous to give trump anything. because ok if we get a bunch of great **** done, like, "look how amazing trumpcare is!", "high speed rail only 40 years after europe does it!", he gets political capital to, idk, executive order that all abortion doctors have to be able to dunk a basketball on a regulation rim from a standing position
11-11-2016 , 07:24 PM
i predict that when trump runs for reelection, he will openly threaten that the republicans will fully obstruct everything any democrat president would propose
11-11-2016 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
"President-Elect Donald Trump tells the WSJ that he is willing to keep two major parts of Obamacare - the ban on insurance companies denying coverage because of pre-exisiting health conditions, and he would also let adult children stay on their parents' insurance until age 26
That's Trump's way of admitting that, in reality, he had no plan for healthcare reform even when he was telling America that he had a great plan that was going to be the best thing ever.

Which pretty much means his secret plans for creating jobs, solving illegal immigration, addressing terrorism, etc, were pretty much bs as well.

Though anyone with a brain already knew that.
