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Trump’s America Trump’s America

10-29-2018 , 02:51 PM
Government spending isn't down. Government spending is up (slightly) while government revenues are {way) down via tax cuts. That's why the deficit is blowing up. Nevermind that spending going up isn't ipso facto bad nor is taxation going up.

The former part of my post is why liberals don't believe Republicans when they claim to be anti spending. They deficit spend and lower taxes for the rich like crazy and no one says anything until a Democrat gets in office and then the deficit is going to murder us all.
10-29-2018 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by raradevils
Oh, good, you're back.

Mind answering any of the hundreds of questions you duck?
10-29-2018 , 03:03 PM
Wouldn't be a raradevils post without a great self-own from his own link:

And yet in the near term, O’Sullivan said, trade concerns are the biggest downside risk.

Muro put it this way: “The irony here is that just when things have gotten on a roll, a set of self-inflicted wounds—such as trade uncertainties and regulatory uncertainties on emissions—may introduce new headwinds.”

Those headwinds may be starting to show up, below the headlines but slowly and surely, in some economic data. The ISM manufacturing index for July stumbled, although it remained at a high level, with many survey respondents pointing to tariff uncertainties.
10-29-2018 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
Imagine being such a scared bigot that you hide behind a computer and call people names instead of engaging in discourse.
IKR? I'm so ****in' rad.
10-29-2018 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
I don't know who that guy is, but what power does he hold to incite violence among a population? Are people listening to him? Or is he just some douchenozzle to be ignored?

His uniform only has power if you give it power. What are you accomplishing by attacking him physically with real violence because you're offended he wore something you don't agree with? If it were a blue t-shirt with a Donkey on it that stated all Republicans should die, am I justified for beating that sick **** down? He is after all inciting violence right? Or is he just expressing his opinion? When do we outlaw opinions?
Who attacked him with physical violence? Did you read a different article than me? Feel free to post it if so.
10-29-2018 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
I don't know who that guy is, but what power does he hold to incite violence among a population? Are people listening to him? Or is he just some douchenozzle to be ignored?

His uniform only has power if you give it power. What are you accomplishing by attacking him physically with real violence because you're offended he wore something you don't agree with? If it were a blue t-shirt with a Donkey on it that stated all Republicans should die, am I justified for beating that sick **** down? He is after all inciting violence right? Or is he just expressing his opinion? When do we outlaw opinions?
Also you ignored my question and answered it with a question of your own. This is an admission of being wrong.

I'll give you another chance. Is promoting the ideology that "all Jews should be exterminated" an incitement of violence, yes or no?
10-29-2018 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
none of what you said is reality.. they are faux news talking points.

taxes are only noticably lower on the top 1% and corporations. and trickle down is a myth. corporations spent over 100x as much on stock buy backs as they did on bonuses/wages.

manufacturing isn't back. and is never going to come back. trump routinely touts plants that are being built/jobs are created which dont actually exist

jobs are groing at a lower number than equivalent times under obama

unemployment numbers which were deemed "false" by the right previously are now being pushed as some kind of validation of their flawed economic policy where people have to work multiple jobs

minorities are definitely worse off under this administration than any in recent history.

trade deals? lol he knows nothing about trade and isn't fixing any trade deals. he renamed the same nafta deal and thinks trade deficits bring in money

he may actually be protecting the lifestyle of the rich white male, but is making every other combination worse off for decades to come.

and i have no excuse for engaging with you other than being extremely bored in the current moment. people like trump because he's racist, sexist, and a bigot.. they tell themselves lies about the economy and whatnot so they can pretend they arent racist, sexist, and bigoted while voting for him..
I don't fall in the top 1% but I'm definitely making more money. Noticeable is a relative term, but I certainly noticed my bigger paychecks, so my statement here still holds true.

In regards to manufacturing I know the US Steel re-opens didn't go as planned, but they have increased their job force which is a positive. Also several other companies (Ford, GM, TransLux, IBM and others) have expanded or brought manufacturing back to the US, and increased their work force - again more jobs. So another fact there.

Unemployment is lower that it's been since prior to 2008, and while he shouldn't get all of the credit there, he hasn't reversed the trend and has continued it lower. I believe I'm still on the fact train.

I cannot speak extremely intelligibly on minorities but I hear large groups of minorities who give him approval and are thankful they're at least working. Are these people just lying about having jobs or increased income? Granted its still rough where many people are working 2-3 jobs just to eke it out, but that's not new so he's not solely to blame there. How are they definitely worse off?

I'm no expert on trade deals myself, but some of the things I read and heard sounded good at least in theory. But admittedly the wool can be pulled over my eyes here pretty easily.

In regards to your last paragraph, I do not believe Trump is racist. I have not seen definitive proof that he is, but have found facts that seem to state otherwise. He received the Ellis Island Award and the Muhammad Ali Entrepreneur Award. Granted those on their own prove nothing but I can't imagine Ali recognizing someone who is suspected of being racist or bigoted. Many non-Caucasian people praise him, and he recently appointed an openly gay man to the federal court of appeals. None of that sounds like a racist or bigot to me, so either he's just good at hiding it, or he absolutely isn't.

How is he ruining lives of non white people for generations? I'm not seeing it.

He's definitely sexist. You win that one hands down. However I would argue that our society is very sexist on both sides of the fence, male and female.

Appreciate the comments.
10-29-2018 , 03:30 PM
Let's say Johnny Naziface sees douchenazi dad walking around town in his Nazi uniform, not getting any pushback, being greeted by neighbors, and welcomed to local social events.

Maybe Johnny Naziface thinks "hmmm, see it isn't so bad to be a loud, proud Nazi. Yeah! All those Jews SHOULD be exterminated. Where can I buy one of those sweet Nazi unis, Daddy Douchenazi?"

Is this the sign of a healthy, respectable society? I mean, we've preserved the freedom of speech so the message of hate and violence can grow. We must be winning, right? What a great ****ing society you want to live in.
10-29-2018 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
I cannot speak extremely intelligibly on minorities but I hear large groups of minorities who give him approval and are thankful they're at least working. Are these people just lying about having jobs or increased income? Granted its still rough where many people are working 2-3 jobs just to eke it out, but that's not new so he's not solely to blame there. How are they definitely worse off?

I'm no expert on trade deals myself, but some of the things I read and heard sounded good at least in theory. But admittedly the wool can be pulled over my eyes here pretty easily.

In regards to your last paragraph, I do not believe Trump is racist. I have not seen definitive proof that he is, but have found facts that seem to state otherwise. He received the Ellis Island Award and the Muhammad Ali Entrepreneur Award. Granted those on their own prove nothing but I can't imagine Ali recognizing someone who is suspected of being racist or bigoted. Many non-Caucasian people praise him, and he recently appointed an openly gay man to the federal court of appeals. None of that sounds like a racist or bigot to me, so either he's just good at hiding it, or he absolutely isn't.
Anecdotes are not data
10-29-2018 , 03:33 PM
Bahaha, I didn't even notice the line about the country being sexist against men.

You know it bud, it's sooooooooo tough to be a man these days. Now you're speaking my language.

I should have Crossnerd come in here and rip you a few dozen new *******s
10-29-2018 , 03:39 PM
Hi guys, undecided voter here, what do the blacks hate this guy for, the economy is booming! And have you seen what’s going on in Chicago? Also I get $20 more per paycheck, seems good to me!
10-29-2018 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by dth123451
Hi guys, undecided voter here, what do the blacks hate this guy for, the economy is booming! And have you seen what’s going on in Chicago? Also I get $20 more per paycheck, seems good to me! I'll hang up and listen.
10-29-2018 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
And then if the forum becomes overrun with posts like these? Move on and find a new forum I guess?
That's up to the moderator of the forum or more so the rules of the forum. But if words offend you so much that you think it's cool to deliver a beatdown, you might want to rethink your ideology.

There's a big difference in speaking in a privately managed forum versus in public air space IMO. Free speech may not be protected here so much and fortunately or unfortunately the owners of this forum have that right to suppress certain posts or not.
10-29-2018 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
I don't fall in the top 1% but I'm definitely making more money. Noticeable is a relative term, but I certainly noticed my bigger paychecks, so my statement here still holds true.

In regards to manufacturing I know the US Steel re-opens didn't go as planned, but they have increased their job force which is a positive. Also several other companies (Ford, GM, TransLux, IBM and others) have expanded or brought manufacturing back to the US, and increased their work force - again more jobs. So another fact there.

Unemployment is lower that it's been since prior to 2008, and while he shouldn't get all of the credit there, he hasn't reversed the trend and has continued it lower. I believe I'm still on the fact train.

I cannot speak extremely intelligibly on minorities but I hear large groups of minorities who give him approval and are thankful they're at least working. Are these people just lying about having jobs or increased income? Granted its still rough where many people are working 2-3 jobs just to eke it out, but that's not new so he's not solely to blame there. How are they definitely worse off?

I'm no expert on trade deals myself, but some of the things I read and heard sounded good at least in theory. But admittedly the wool can be pulled over my eyes here pretty easily.

In regards to your last paragraph, I do not believe Trump is racist. I have not seen definitive proof that he is, but have found facts that seem to state otherwise. He received the Ellis Island Award and the Muhammad Ali Entrepreneur Award. Granted those on their own prove nothing but I can't imagine Ali recognizing someone who is suspected of being racist or bigoted. Many non-Caucasian people praise him, and he recently appointed an openly gay man to the federal court of appeals. None of that sounds like a racist or bigot to me, so either he's just good at hiding it, or he absolutely isn't.

How is he ruining lives of non white people for generations? I'm not seeing it.

He's definitely sexist. You win that one hands down. However I would argue that our society is very sexist on both sides of the fence, male and female.

Appreciate the comments.
Racism isn't an all consuming feeling of animus against black people. It's a system of oppression and stratification, and Trump supports that system. There's the Muslim ban, his statements about Latino immigrants, the fact that he is tearing apart families at the border, the fact that he still thinks to this day that the central park 5 should have been executed despite being proven innocent, that he would pay the legal fees for people who assault black protesters, that he draws false equivalence with the Charlottesville Nazis, and many more. Appointing a sycophantic black guy to his cabinet doesn't make all that go away.
10-29-2018 , 03:48 PM
andrew gillum's - im not saying he's racist, im saying racists believe he's racist. is what im going to start saying to people like this guy.. because they just come back with a bland "well, i personally have not seen evidence he's racist, with my own two eyes, he has not called a black person the n-word directly in front of my person..."
10-29-2018 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
That's up to the moderator of the forum or more so the rules of the forum. But if words offend you so much that you think it's cool to deliver a beatdown, you might want to rethink your ideology.

There's a big difference in speaking in a privately managed forum versus in public air space IMO. Free speech may not be protected here so much and fortunately or unfortunately the owners of this forum have that right to suppress certain posts or not.
Nah some ideas aren't worth being heard and are potentially dangerous. Words led to the deaths of 100 million people in WWII. Hitler admitted w/o decades of anti-semitic propaganda setting the tone - he never would have been able to take the next steps that he did.

For the most part the world has correctly landed on the idea that Nazis, eugenicists and their ilk don't need to be heard out.
10-29-2018 , 03:51 PM
I'm sure PokerDharma is going to ask you to adjust that number by about 6 million or so.

I mean, he never personally saw any Jews pushed into ovens. How can you say that that ever happened?
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Nah some ideas aren't worth being heard and are actually quite dangerous. For the most part the world has correctly landed on the idea that Nazis, eugenicists and their ilk don't need to be heard out. Words led to the deaths of 100 million people in WWII.
10-29-2018 , 03:52 PM

Cliffs on the Ellis Island award. It had nothing to do with Civil Rights or anything to do with the person themselves. It was an award created to celebrate the diversity in America by giving an award to a variety of people who excelled in their field. You could be a stone cold racist, but if you you were successful you could get the award.
10-29-2018 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma View Post
more minorities working now than when Obama was president

Originally Posted by goofyballer
LOLOL this is definitely someone "asking out of ignorance", casual politics follower, doesn't drink the Trump kool-aid

This is from NPR...

"Trump is right that African-American unemployment hit a record low in December. The unemployment rate for black Americans is currently 6.8 percent, the lowest level recorded since the government started keeping track in January 1972.

And he's also right that the Hispanic unemployment rate is down a point over the last year — it was at 4.9 percent in December, down from 5.9 percent in December 2016. That is close to a record low, though it's also up 0.1 point from November."

When I made that statement it was not in effort to say that Trump gets credit for it, I even had a disclaimer in one of the posts that he doesn't deserve all of the credit, but the fact is correct that unemployment among minorities is lower. My question was HOW has he made it ****tier? So far the trend line is continuing downwards so it seems that he is either contributing to the positive trend line of low unemployment or just not ****ing it up. Either way, I'm having trouble seeing as to how he has made it ****tier. Feel free to enlighten me. Or call me names; that's probably easier for you.
10-29-2018 , 04:05 PM
Also the only context I can find the Muhammad Ali Entrepreneurship Award with Trump is people using it to say Trump isn't racist. It's apparent just an excuse to hold charity events, it's never mentioned in any other context.
10-29-2018 , 04:06 PM
Whenever I hear "manufacturing jobs are back" (making no claims as to the veracity of that statement) I take it as bad news. I guess it's fine in the short term, but advanced economies should generally not be manufacturing **** in 2018.
10-29-2018 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Ford may layoff workers and lost a billion because Trump trade deals as reported by the likes of Fake News™ agency Fortune.
Thank you for this one.
10-29-2018 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
Originally Posted by PokerDharma View Post
more minorities working now than when Obama was president

This is from NPR...

"Trump is right that African-American unemployment hit a record low in December. The unemployment rate for black Americans is currently 6.8 percent, the lowest level recorded since the government started keeping track in January 1972.

And he's also right that the Hispanic unemployment rate is down a point over the last year — it was at 4.9 percent in December, down from 5.9 percent in December 2016. That is close to a record low, though it's also up 0.1 point from November."

When I made that statement it was not in effort to say that Trump gets credit for it, I even had a disclaimer in one of the posts that he doesn't deserve all of the credit, but the fact is correct that unemployment among minorities is lower. My question was HOW has he made it ****tier? So far the trend line is continuing downwards so it seems that he is either contributing to the positive trend line of low unemployment or just not ****ing it up. Either way, I'm having trouble seeing as to how he has made it ****tier. Feel free to enlighten me. Or call me names; that's probably easier for you.
NPR is fake news, how dare you cite them to spread your outrageous bull**** lies. The actual unemployment rate is about 37% and everyone knows it. Travel anywhere around the country and you’ll see it, laughable that you would actually believe Trump’s government when he tells you those obvious lies.
10-29-2018 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Government spending isn't down. Government spending is up (slightly) while government revenues are {way) down via tax cuts. That's why the deficit is blowing up. Nevermind that spending going up isn't ipso facto bad nor is taxation going up.

The former part of my post is why liberals don't believe Republicans when they claim to be anti spending. They deficit spend and lower taxes for the rich like crazy and no one says anything until a Democrat gets in office and then the deficit is going to murder us all.
Fair enough, and thank you. RE: gov't spending... I was recently reading an article regarding him reducing federal funding of the ACA Navigator program which made a lot of sense to me since it's a duplicated service already available in the market place. So to me that was reinforcement that he is making efforts in reducing gov't spending and the article, read yesterday, was fresh on my mind.
10-29-2018 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Who attacked him with physical violence? Did you read a different article than me? Feel free to post it if so.
I didn't mean that to be interpreted that someone had indeed attacked him physically, but a post or few had been made stating it would be justified to whip his ass. So my questions were in regards to why is it justifiable to beat someone up over their opinions. Do we or do we not protect freedom of speech?
