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09-12-2018 , 08:05 AM
We need to be careful who we call racist.

MADISON LAKE, Minn. -- After an anonymous tip to the Madison Lake City Administrator and KEYC News 12, a video has surfaced of the Madison Lake Police Chief allegedly making a racially charged statement while off-duty. The chief posted the video on Facebook while on vacation at Yellowstone National Park in July.

In regards to the complainant, he added, "Be very cautious before we call people racist. I would look for a pattern of this in that man (Bunde) and I haven't seen this."
09-12-2018 , 10:13 AM
I want to falcon punch every reporter who uses the phrase "racially charged"


09-12-2018 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Extra maddening because Rhonda Pearlman and Maurice Levy both get roasted pretty hard, and the latter almost borders on an antisemitic caricature of the grasping, amoral Jewish lawyer. But I guess it's like 50/50 on that guy even having watched the show.
09-12-2018 , 01:48 PM
Some Semetically-charged thoughts from Eric Trump:

While ripping Woodward’s book in defense of his father, President Donald Trump, Eric said:

“You can write some sensational nonsense book, CNN will definitely have you on because they love trash the president, it’ll mean you sell 3 extra book, you’ll make three extra shekels at the behest of the American people...
09-12-2018 , 01:51 PM
I paid five shekels for Woodward’s book on Amazon, what a ripoff.
09-12-2018 , 02:07 PM
The Trumps are some of the greediest, most blood sucking liars and hucksters on the face of the planet and his criticism of the book is that he tried to make money with it? LOL, that stands out to me more than the blatant anti-Semitism.
09-12-2018 , 02:15 PM
at the behest of the American people

dum dums all the way down
09-12-2018 , 02:19 PM
He's in Yellowstone, one of America's premier parks and can't connect that he's hearing foreign languages because foreign tourists are spending their foreign dollars to visit America?

"Wake up America!"
Originally Posted by fatkid
We need to be careful who we call racist.
09-12-2018 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
We need to be careful who we call racist.
"After an anonymous tip to the Madison Lake City Administrator and KEYC News 12, a video has surfaced of the Madison Lake Police Chief allegedly making a racially charged statement while off-duty. The chief posted the video on Facebook while on vacation at Yellowstone National Park in July."

I am regularly annoyed by the endemic misuse of the word "allegedly" in the press, but this is in a class of its own. What an infuriating paragraph.
09-12-2018 , 03:23 PM
We need our own version of the triple parenthesis for stuff like 'racially charged'. 'Allegedly' doesn't bother me so much - it's boilerplate anti-liability stuff - but once you have that fig leaf, can't you go hog wild? If someone is in fact alleging that Ted Cruz has murdered five homeless people in the last eight years, then say that, don't say "Ted Cruz has allegedly |been mean to| some |poors|".
09-12-2018 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12

Wat? Levy is one of the most hateable characters and his Jewishness was hardly subtle with his constant use of Yiddish phrases and comments about his wife’s brisket.
09-12-2018 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
We need to be careful who we call racist.
At least he'll be held accountable, now that it's been pointed out.

"Madison Lake City Administrator Curt Kephart received a call Monday morning from a concerned citizen referencing what he claimed was a racist video posted on Chief Dan Bunde's personal Facebook page. Kephart asked the chief to review his page to see if there was any validity to the complaint.

As of Monday afternoon, the video had been deleted from Facebook.

Kephart, who says he has not seen the video told us, "I really have a hard time seeing that from Dan Bunde, I don't see the connection."

Kephart says the police department has his full support and because the person who made the complaint did not identify themselves, as far as they are concerned this is not a city issue and they will not be pursuing the matter any further."

Oh. Right. This is America.
09-12-2018 , 04:31 PM
A hurricane is gonna slam into the carolinas? God must be angry they support Trump.

Seriously though do we have to help the people that didn't leave? Risking rescue workers lives to trigger the libs or for a bunch of dumbasses that didn't leave is something I think we need to reconsider. I realize that sounds cold, but rescue worker lives matter.
09-12-2018 , 04:33 PM
guess eric trump has one defense, that he's too stupid to have known what the phrase meant, even though it does out what he reads on the internet because I have no idea how else you would just casually use that phrase in a sentence.
09-12-2018 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
I want to falcon punch every reporter who uses the phrase "racially charged"


That dude has 102 followers. I think we're okay ignoring this.
09-12-2018 , 10:23 PM
A video of a tense encounter between four black students and a white man in Florida has prompted a police investigation after it went viral on*Twitter.

The video, posted by one of the students of Florida A&M University, Isiah Butterfield, shows the man holding a gun and using his body to prevent the students from entering the building of a student housing complex on Saturday. The video has been viewed more than 320,000 times on Twitter.

Guy got fired and the police are opening an investigation into him. Props to the white kid for not letting these kids get pushed around.

09-12-2018 , 11:09 PM
This dude is a classic example of why fewer people should have guns. Not only because he's racist, not only because he's antagonizing, not only because he has a temper, and not only because he's stupid enough to pull it out in this situation... but also because of the way he pulled it out.

I've never had firearms training, and even I could tell you he's a moron for pulling it out and holding it the way he did... because I've also never had martial arts training, and I'm about 90% sure I could disarm him pretty easily. The way he's holding it, you would only need to get your hand over his and basically fall down on his arm, and he wouldn't be able to shoot it. If he was actually confronting bad guys, he'd have lost that gun real quickly.

Also, holding it like that he wouldn't be able to raise it and shoot nearly as quickly as they'd be able to draw, raise and shoot if they had guns and decided to...

Not to start a gun derail, but I don't have a huge problem with concealed carry and guns in THEORY... But in THEORY, we'd closely regulate who has them for mental competence and train them on how to actually SAFELY and effectively use them. Not give them to any clown who wants to pull them and wave them around over elevator access.
09-13-2018 , 02:18 AM
Don’t even believe onion.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) criticized*the children's television show "Thomas & Friends" for diversifying its characters by depicting its cast in Ku Klux Klan hoods.
The segment, which aired Friday, depicted NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch criticized the show for adding new characters, including a train named Nia from Kenya.
Loesch argued that the show*doesn't need ethnic diversity, saying that the show “literally has no ethnicities because they're trains.”

“I mean, I’m looking at this picture and I’m really, really struggling to understand how in the world there isn’t any diversity in any of this,” she said on “Relentless,” the NRA TV program she hosts. The*image was then put on the screen,*depicting*three trains in KKK hoods and burning train tracks in the background.
“It was the white hoods,” Loesch said. “And the burning train tracks. OK, fine, fair point. Fair. I get it. Thomas the Tank Engine has been a blight on race relations for far too long. Clearly this is overdue. Right?”
09-13-2018 , 03:12 AM
She is seriously the worst kind of person. But she's kinda hot so no biggie I guess
09-13-2018 , 10:18 AM
i mean i get that the point they're trying to make (very poorly, at that) is that the real racists are the ones who want to write-in an african train to the show. DEMOCRATS ARE THE REAL RACISTS is hardly a new talking point.

but like, wtf? hoods and burning tracks? like wtf are you even doing
09-13-2018 , 10:29 AM
I just quoted the beginning of that video.

So we saved the best for last. And I mean by best, it's worst. Because everything is awful all of the time, this is horrible.
What a miserable person.
09-13-2018 , 10:36 AM
My thoughts at this point are Sasha Barron Cohen’s makeup artists outdid themselves.
09-13-2018 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
I lost 20 IQ points reading this, what the actual ****
09-13-2018 , 06:25 PM
09-14-2018 , 02:23 PM
That's amazing
