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Trump’s America Trump’s America

06-07-2018 , 11:56 PM
Dude may well not buy directly from Interstate.
06-08-2018 , 03:05 AM
He will be a millionaire soon once he sets up the Go Fund Me and is balling his eyes out in < 2 weeks.
06-09-2018 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Although it is a far less important aspect to this case than the apparently horrible verdict, there is the issue of the single digit damages. Someone can correct me if I am wrong but I always thought that such damages were similar to a nickel tip for bad service to ensure that the waitress realized you didn't merely forget. Sort of a purposeful insult to the plaintiff. (An exception might be slander or libel suits.)

But it would seem to me that such a reward should never be used when someone dies. Both for mathematical reasons (one percent of infinity is still infinity) and because it is obscenely insensitive.

Nothing gets by you!
06-09-2018 , 06:18 PM
In a sign of "I'm not sure what to make of this..."

A group of 55 year old, Staten Island deplorable women I went to high school with are spending the weekend at a country music festival at Hunter Mt (just north of NYC).

Although the various crowd shots they are posting demonstrate that the crowd seems overwhelmingly white, I didn't spy any Confederate images or even one MAGA hat.

I'm not sure if this is a positive development of some kind, or if Northeast deplorables just don't want to look like rednecks.
06-09-2018 , 08:07 PM
It's NE deplorables not looking like rednecks. They are all suburban Real Housewives wannabes with cucks as husbands.
06-10-2018 , 02:24 PM
This is so powerful: Message to my history teacher, whom I once asked why no one stopped concentration camps: NEVER MIND

My twitter spat had my asking this person how he could claim to be a Christian pro-lifer who protests “abortion clinics”, but seems to have no problem with Jeff Session’s horrible policy of ripping very small children from their mother’s arms and throwing them into cages for no reason except to “send a message” to others.

I also posted a PBS article detailing how US Health and Human Services released some unaccompanied children to the custody of people who turned out to be human traffickers.

The response was utterly chilling: I DON’T CARE.
A steady diet of fear and paranoia has caused a wide swath of Americans to view these people as subhuman. That’s why I could talk all day long about these children being taken, beaten, abused, even lost---and it wouldn’t make a difference. I would just be sent another picture of an adult MS-13 gang member and told good riddance—doesn't matter if I’m talking about a small child. They will grow up to be a criminal because that is what “those” people do.

In Germany, if any crime was committed by a Jewish person, that person was featured as proof positive that the Jewish people were prone to criminal behavior. It fed the narrative. Hitler even required publication of their crimes in a weekly article entitled ‘The Criminal Jew’.

In his very first week in office, Donald Trump ordered DHS to publish a weekly list of crimes committed by immigrants—legal and otherwise.
It’s all about learning to hate.

It’s about learning to dehumanize.

The change isn’t sudden, it’s gradual.

And now we have a dominant national party that has entirely devoted itself to fostering hatred towards different kinds of people.

To clarify: I’m in no way saying our internment camps, as awful as they are, can in anyway compare to the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. Not only am I not saying that, it misses my point.

What I am saying is that once you learn to dehumanize a person, it’s the first step towards allowing atrocities to occur. It can happen anywhere.

It can happen here.

It IS happening here. Right in front of us.

I finally get it now. It took me 38 years, but I finally was able to answer my own question.

And I am so, so ashamed.
06-10-2018 , 02:40 PM
06-10-2018 , 08:49 PM
Yup. I don't think enough time is spent on things like this.

It has the makings of an incredibly juicy stream of articles but it's easier to report on tweets than substance.
06-11-2018 , 03:55 PM
06-11-2018 , 09:48 PM
Cruz defends Trump policy of family separation
"There's actually a court order that prevents keeping the kids with the parents when you put the parents in jail," Cruz told the Dallas public radio station KERA on Monday, according to a report in The Dallas Morning News.

"So when you see reporters, when you see Democrats saying don't separate kids from their parents, what they're really saying is don't arrest illegal aliens," Cruz said.


"You are either for separating children from their parents or you are against it. I am against it," O'Rourke posted on Facebook last month.
06-11-2018 , 10:57 PM
How do Dems answer that? For me it's easy. Don't arrest immigrants period. Don't arrest immigrants with children double period. But what's the standard Dem answer? Family jail?
06-11-2018 , 10:59 PM
beto's response seemed pretty solid
06-11-2018 , 11:06 PM
Someone is going to ask a follow up to that at some point.

Last edited by microbet; 06-11-2018 at 11:12 PM.
06-12-2018 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
beto's response seemed pretty solid
It's super easy to point out that he's in favor of separating parents from their kids ALL THE TIME when it comes to every day crimes. There's just a disagreement over which crimes are bad enough to merit the separation.
06-12-2018 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by CoolerHeadTier
Trump just signed denuclearization with Kim Jong Un, effective virtually immediately
Cool story bro

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
06-12-2018 , 04:11 PM
When I was a senior in college (around 2010), I wrote my thesis on internet grassroots activism on the right. Specifically the point made by my paper was that right wing publications, particularly those in the grassroots on sites like RedState, use extremely dehumanizing language when referring to minorities or immigrants, as well as other rhetorical techniques meant to influence opinion.

For a few years, from like 2012-2015, I felt kind of embarrassed of the paper. Felt like it was overly dramatic, something that an enthusiastic college kid thinks before becoming more tempered with age.

Feels EXTREMELY valid now.
06-12-2018 , 04:18 PM
In Trump's America, the DOJ files on behalf of a lawsuit at Michigan where students are crying for a safe space against protests of conservative speakers

The Trump administration challenged a state university’s longstanding rules against harassment, bullying and bias on Monday, saying that the rules discouraged students from expressing their views and left students open to the possibility of penalties for engaging in free speech.
The Speech First group’s suit describes a series of events at Michigan, including an incident in which Charles Murray, a conservative speaker invited to campus by Young Americans for Freedom, was “met with chants, music, intentionally annoying cellphone sounds, an overhead projector displaying an arrow pointing to him along with the words ‘white supremacist.’”
Wahhhhhhh wahhhhhhh
06-12-2018 , 04:49 PM
06-12-2018 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
This is so powerful:

It’s all about learning to hate.

It’s about learning to dehumanize.

The change isn’t sudden, it’s gradual.
I worry about this a lot. I feel like we ought to also be careful of it:

Originally Posted by bigt2k4
I think to the Adios of the world and other inhuman deplorables that are racist, but not actively so this meeting might really hurt Trump's approval rating.
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
Yea I mean all the Deplorables that jumped ship after the disaster that was George W only to latch onto Trump 6-7 years later should have settled this once and for all. They are soulless ghouls that only care about themselves.
To be clear: no, I'm not implying an equivalency. The problem is far worse on the right. But I think the tendency to dehumanize others should be resisted pretty much universally. Which, again to be clear, does not imply making any political concessions. These just jumped out at me the last couple days.
06-12-2018 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I worry about this a lot. I feel like we ought to also be careful of it:

To be clear: no, I'm not implying an equivalency. The problem is far worse on the right. But I think the tendency to dehumanize others should be resisted pretty much universally. Which, again to be clear, does not imply making any political concessions. These just jumped out at me the last couple days.
I've been worrying about this a lot myself lately.

Think of the link you posted in the POG thread. How can you describe a person who supports something like that other than with an awful, dehumanizing adjective?

How do I, personally, get past feeling that somebody who supports child internment camps is no better than scum on the bottom of a boat? How do I look into the eyes of a person who says they don't care how many children die in school shootings as long as they get to keep their guns and see anything other than a monster?

How do I stop hating them? And the real question is, should I, if they have absolutely no qualms about hating me?

I feel like a bad person, and I don't know how to avoid it. Fury is my main go to when it comes to somebody like I described above.
06-12-2018 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Think of the link you posted in the POG thread. How can you describe a person who supports something like that other than with an awful, dehumanizing adjective?
I understand this might seem overly nitty, or too philosophical, but for me the objection isn't with calling them awful, it's with calling them less than human, because humanity implies certain rights and certain obligations carried by others that do not apply to non-humans. That's why dehumanization is bad, and there's research (particularly on the subject of sanctioned massacres like My Lai) that delves into the relationship between dehumanization and organized violence.

So it's not the same as merely having a negative opinion of someone. I have no problem describing people who support separating immigrant families or erecting internment camps for children as deplorable, morally repugnant, awful, or evil. I think support for that policy is all of those things. I worry about the subtle longer term consequences of calling them inhuman or soulless.

Obviously it's also easily possible to overstate the importance of what language people use in this forum, and I very nearly decided not to even post about it because it seems difficult to express reservations without implying that those two examples are more significant than they actually are, but in the end I decided I felt worse about not saying something than about saying something :P
06-12-2018 , 06:05 PM
One of my favorite/funniest bits on Chapo is when Matt Christman goes off on the MAGA rally people as oinking swine clopping their hooves together. **** em all is what I say. They're in no danger of being dehumanized by the state, which is the actual threat of what's happening with undocumented people. Is there a danger of significant retaliation against these pool store owners and used carsalesmen who worship Donald Trump? No, ldo, so there's no comparison.
06-12-2018 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Fury is my main go to
You don't say....

Originally Posted by master3004
Im nearly blinded by my rage at you.

Go **** yourself. Yawn. Literal ****ing internment camps within our borders.


You evil piece of ****.
06-12-2018 , 06:47 PM
I saw red man.

And I feel like **** afterwards. Mets is right wing, and I disagree with a lot of the **** he thinks is right, but he isn't evil.

I generally don't believe in blaming a trigger for doing something, but man, some buttons buried deep can be pressed really really hard, and its hard to get out of the red zone.

He nailed like three things at once. Whataboutism, using an article that doesn't say what he pretended to say it said to get an incorrect point across, and banality towards actual evil.

Ugh. Just all around. At him, at my reaction, at myself. Ugh.
06-12-2018 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I worry about this a lot. I feel like we ought to also be careful of it:

To be clear: no, I'm not implying an equivalency. The problem is far worse on the right. But I think the tendency to dehumanize others should be resisted pretty much universally. Which, again to be clear, does not imply making any political concessions. These just jumped out at me the last couple days.
It’s alright to hate intolerance and bigotry.
