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Trump’s America Trump’s America

05-17-2018 , 03:12 PM
El presidente es una naranja gorda.
05-17-2018 , 03:37 PM
Estoy de vuelta a 2+2. Mi gran burrito con pollo era muy bueno.

El empleado que tomó mi pedido era nuevo y traté de preguntarle si le gustaba trabajar allí.

Sin embargo, debido a mi pobre español, lo que realmente dije es que quería trabajar allí.

Todos se rieron de lo que dije. Me reí también cuando alguien me dijo lo que dije.

Prometí tratar de aprender una nueva palabra de español cada día.

Cuando me fui me despedí y todos sonrieron (lol).
05-17-2018 , 03:41 PM
Racist lawyer Aaron Schlossberg barred from entering his own Manhattan office
05-17-2018 , 06:22 PM
Update on that:

The New York attorney who has become known as “Racist lawyer bro” has now been kicked out of his law office by his landlord the New York Daily News reported Thursday. Earlier in the day, he had simply been prevented from entering.


“We have terminated his services agreement with us,” said Hayim Grant, the president of Corporate Suites. He also said that he was “completely shocked” by the clip of Schlossberg’s racist rant.

Security workers at the building were among those eager for the lawyer to be booted .

“I’ll throw my shoes at him. We’re all hungry for him,” one security worker told The Post. “If it was up to me I wouldn’t let him in. We all want to bury him one way or another.”

Can they just terminate the agreement like that? I guess they know what they're doing.
05-17-2018 , 06:25 PM
I'm normally not a huge fan of this sort of mob justice stuff but for this guy I'll make an exception. I've only just learnt about this:

In a separate video he can be seen attacking Jews who support Palestine. In it, he says they are not Jews, and gives them the finger.

In a third encounter from 2016, he allegedly shoved his briefcase into a man. Then, a video shows him swearing at the man, saying he isn’t a citizen and threatening to call police. The man he allegedly assaulted is from Massachusetts, and, later in the video, holds up his passport while saying he is a U.S. citizen.
05-17-2018 , 06:26 PM
@racistlawyerbro is probably still available on most social media sites.
05-17-2018 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Another article
Other racist videos have been unearthed with him. He’s also in hot water with the New York Bar Association, who said that they’ve never heard of him. The lawyer lists himself as a member of the Bar Association on his law site.
05-17-2018 , 06:41 PM
Oh wow. That's not going to go well for him if true lol.
05-17-2018 , 07:00 PM
05-17-2018 , 07:04 PM
05-17-2018 , 07:15 PM
As Gobbo notes, not a member of the NY Bar. Dat's a crime bro.

Good news is Stephen Miller may have found his long lost brother.
05-17-2018 , 07:22 PM
I mean. At this point I'm starting to suspect the guy is mentally ill. Randomly going up on the streets and yelling at a white guy from MA that they are an "ugly ****ing foreigner" and threatening to call the cops on them is bizarre behaviour even for a dedicated racist.
05-17-2018 , 07:34 PM
Crackhead racist
05-17-2018 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I mean. At this point I'm starting to suspect the guy is mentally ill. Randomly going up on the streets and yelling at a white guy from MA that they are an "ugly ****ing foreigner" and threatening to call the cops on them is bizarre behaviour even for a dedicated racist.
Im starting to suspect the guy is a racist douche.
05-17-2018 , 07:54 PM
BREAKING: Trump to add fraudulent, racist lawyer Aaron Schlossberg to personal legal team.

Just kidding, which is sadly probably necessary to point out. But a job in the Trump Administration may be the only one this guy can get in a few days.
05-17-2018 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
BREAKING: Trump to add fraudulent, racist lawyer Aaron Schlossberg to personal legal team.
05-17-2018 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
BREAKING: Trump to add fraudulent, racist lawyer Aaron Schlossberg to personal legal team.
05-17-2018 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I mean. At this point I'm starting to suspect the guy is mentally ill. Randomly going up on the streets and yelling at a white guy from MA that they are an "ugly ****ing foreigner" and threatening to call the cops on them is bizarre behaviour even for a dedicated racist.
Ya, he's probably got schizophrenia or something
05-17-2018 , 10:21 PM
The line separating the mentally ill and *******s is often blurry, but given this guy apparently has maintained some semblance of a life and career well into his 40's, I think it's unfair to malign him with accusations of mental illness.
05-17-2018 , 10:31 PM
I dunno. Like if you forget about the racism and imagine a guy coming up to you on the street, accusing you of being something you aren't, calling you an "ugly ****ing *******" and threatening to call the cops on you, you would immediately conclude you were dealing with a mentally disturbed person, right? There would be no doubt in your mind. I'm not sure the addition of racism to the behaviour means that racism should suddenly be assumed to be the primary driver of it. Particularly in view of the fact that he had no reason to believe this guy was even a Spanish speaker, let alone an illegal immigrant. I think it's fair to describe that as paranoid delusional, in a clinical sense.

You say he's maintaining a semblance of a career, but a semblance might be all it is. He could be a trust fund baby who is playing at being a lawyer (and we know he literally is playing at being a lawyer, he hasn't passed the bar).
05-17-2018 , 10:33 PM
“I’ll throw my shoes at him. We’re all hungry for him,” one security worker told The Post. “If it was up to me I wouldn’t let him in. We all want to bury him one way or another.”
Who throws a shoe? Honestly.

He’s also in hot water with the New York Bar Association, who said that they’ve never heard of him. The lawyer lists himself as a member of the Bar Association on his law site.
Um, that's a fairly serious crime, no?
05-17-2018 , 10:42 PM
New York does their attorney licensing a little differently, it looks like the state Bar Association is not the actual licensing agency, he's a properly registered lawyer who maybe hasn't joined the professional organization.

But in general attorney advertising is very harshly regulated and even minor exaggerations in public facing stuff are taken extremely seriously, it's an ethical issue that he'd get in trouble for to claim membership in any group he isn't a member of.

Also, flipping out xenophobically at a guy from Massachusetts is only crazy because we know the guy is from Boston. He was a fairly swarthy looking guy who definitely could pass for Spanish or Lebanese or whatever, racism is the PRIMARY driver there. Imagine the flip side, if some douche with a beard bumped into you in the street how ****ing racist do you need to be to immediately assume he's an immigrant and start berating him? (note especially that the guy from Boston's wife was blonde and clearly white, that **** is a huge trigger for the alt-right types)
05-18-2018 , 12:23 AM
05-18-2018 , 01:50 AM
uglywillie is a pretty cool sn iyam.
05-18-2018 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I mean. At this point I'm starting to suspect the guy is mentally ill. Randomly going up on the streets and yelling at a white guy from MA that they are an "ugly ****ing foreigner" and threatening to call the cops on them is bizarre behaviour even for a dedicated racist.
In this guy's defense, at least half of New Yorkers consider anyone from MA to be a dirty foreigner.
