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Trump’s America Trump’s America

11-22-2016 , 04:33 AM
look guys I have my own ideas which happen to cconverge with the derposphere nine times out of ten but we all know that causation does not imply correlation or is it the other way around I don't remember. just because y'all try to synthesize the world through all of your book learning, and curiosities learned at those indoctrination camps known... ECHO CHAMBER.

Dear #Losing, mate. I'm not Australian but I'm feeling like using the word mate. It's okay to spray your load when that feminist triggers your blood flow in that special location. The NSA is not watching. We live in Donald Trump's America. There is no such thing as an act of transgression. Just spray and repent, if that's your thing. And before you beat me to the punch, excuse me for a minute.

is this making America great again? trying really hard babe.
11-22-2016 , 04:36 AM
when they go low we dig to China
11-22-2016 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all

A hot coffee like beverage with a chocolate surprise, known by everyone not wearing a drool bucket.

OK, in a simpler time I might've bebopped all over this but it's SRS F'N BIZ time so I can't lollygag.

It's spelled C-O-C-O-A.

A slang term for crazy is coocoo, or coo-coo, C-O-O-C-O-O.

You wrote C-O-C-O. Either could've applied, so I asked for clarification. Moving along.


So multiple left wing radicals. I still don't know who you're referring to. You're original comment referenced "Obama's America".

This doesn't help. And I can't find any politicians that ran on a platform of hot chocolate, therapy dogs, fear and/or loathing and/or frothing.

At this point I don't know if the frothing masses has to do with the foamed milk in the cocoA beverages.

Just SAY which persons you mean.


Just the N word
You're saying any poopoo graffiti not directly referencing trump/white supremacy/neo-nazism shouldn't be attributed to trump. That's a fair point, but it wouldn't cut out even 1/3 of these examples.


I don't want to know the answer to what?
Why you're confused.
11-22-2016 , 04:41 AM
Glad I didn't bebop too long, UGhost ponied me.
11-22-2016 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
I don't have one. I know it exists as a place and all but can't recall ever talking about it, polite conversation or otherwise.
It's the Gary, IN of MI.


What are your thoughts on this,

Originally Posted by 5ive
Yeah, so, just came from a doctor's appointment. My doctor is a 60 year old Romanian Jew, an American citizen for decades. She told me how she woke up in the middle of the night, on election night, and burst into tears upon hearing the news. She teared up telling me about growing up in a dictatorship, how abortion faced a prison sentence under circumstances and young women were left to die from complications. How surreal everything feels now, the eerie similarities of the rhetoric used when it starts.
Originally Posted by 5ive
****ing pussies amirite?
And how do these responses make you feel:

Originally Posted by gu14g
more like suffering from a hysterical delusion caused by tv and social media

Originally Posted by mongidig
Your right! He obviously has a liberal doctor that can't control her emotions. Most doctors do get to the point.

"Burst into tears" GET OVER IT!!!!
Originally Posted by juan valdez
if my doctor got emotional about politics i would be the one writing a prescription

in 5ives defense, if a 60 year old woman touches your balls, it still counts
Originally Posted by wil318466
Lol at bursting into tears. If that was my doctor they wouldn't be my doctor anymore.

The whole world has gone crazy. Obama was taking our guns and is a part of the Muslim brotherhood and Trump is going to fly the Confederate flag over the white house and ban gay marriage.

Not only is 5ive an idiot, he can't pick a decent doctor. I'm going to the doctor in 45 minutes, coincidentally. If he tells me he burst into tears I'm going to slap him. He's a Jew, but not a Romanian Jew, so I'm unsure what to expect.

Coloring books and playdoh is next to the cupcakes, everyone. Help yourselves.
Originally Posted by mongidig
This person lives in the USA right? This person Burst into tears because Hillary lost the election?


Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I have a lot of empathy for people who genuinely suffer. The thought of the hundreds of millions of women kept literal prisoner for their entire lives by misogynist Muslim bigots makes me sick to think about. Imagine being imprisoned in that - physically, socially, emotionally, spiritually, sexually.

Someone crying because they have non-existent fears of fascism whipped up by an insane media? You're a ****ing idiot and need to get over yourself.
Originally Posted by wil318466
Bravo, you painted this to seem like her religion or country of origin had anything to do with me laughing at her. You missed the fact that she was a female, you could have covered misogyny, too.

There is no need to have empathy for a person who is a paranoid fool. I don't care about her feelings, she is an idiot to react that way. She's a grown person who should be able to identify true threats. Apparently she can't even do something that simple.

And she rubs 5ives balls with cold hands. What's not to laugh at?
Originally Posted by wil318466
What empathy? Liberals have been awful disgusting people for years now. Absolutely atrocious in every way. Intolerant, judgemental, racist people who are unwilling to stand up for true justice in this world.

What empathy are you referring to?

Originally Posted by batair
The stuff you lack when you make fun of a Jewish immigrant who cried.
11-22-2016 , 05:16 AM
11-22-2016 , 05:25 AM
haha I sat through the whole thing as penance. Is that an example of the liberals dominating pop culture like Fly was talking about? It's all yours, bra
11-22-2016 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
Meh, I deleted my response, and then you edited in the answer you wanted so I'll just keep it pithy, as usual.

I not big on buying into derp like this. I come up with my own opinions. They're rarely company line (like so many around here) and never based on fake news or Rush or any of those ****tard morons.
So if that's not it, then what is the reason that this is a political issue? And not just an example of lunatic incidents going up for some reason. Again to clarify, my question is what has Obama done wrong there?

If the answer is "nothing" then I'm gonna have to quiz you on why you were providing that as an example of "Obama's America" as a counterpoint to the thread.
11-22-2016 , 07:31 AM
Because the're both so absurd.
11-22-2016 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
haha I sat through the whole thing as penance. Is that an example of the liberals dominating pop culture like Fly was talking about? It's all yours, bra
Thanks. Scurry off now. Remember: the Royal we wants to make circle jerking great again. Don't you worry, there are plenty of brave right-wing souls who can tolerate our punishment. Wait, nope, we actually engage some of them. All isn't quite lost for you now. One day you will be able to make contact in the big leagues, you just have to practice your swing. Are you feeling properly cluck cluck slayed just yet? You really ought to bring in reinforcements next time, buddy. Is my level of condescension high enough? I can go higher. I can get much higher. I'm just trying to make America as great as possible, and the Donald has shown me the way.

That drug fueled binge I'm on: well, I'm just mainlining America.
11-22-2016 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
Left wing radicals runs on a platform of coco and ESA petting, fear, hatred, frothing the masses, we see four cops ambushed in four separate shootings in a matter of hours.
No one going to point out how incoherent that platform is? Sipping cocoa and petting ESAs doesn't usually result in frothing rage that leads to mass violence. It's literally an Orwellian construction. How ****ed is this guy's thought processes from taking in too much right-wing derp? It's childishly formulaic: he lists things he associates with pussy liberalism and tries to tie them to things that sound bad, but he lacks the ability to make the connection. And Never mind that the "fear, hatred, and frothing" bit is clearly a projection and a tactic that is almost exclusively used by the right, e.g. this year's Republican National Convention. Normal thinking people look at that list and think, "hmm two of those things are not like the others" and immediately think, "yeah, that ain't causing violence against the police." Not Losing, though.
11-22-2016 , 09:31 AM
Losingall just embarrassing himself now. Sad!
11-22-2016 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
Because the're both so absurd.
This is the thing about bull****ters like you, you don't have the courage of your convictions. This was you earlier:

Originally Posted by Losing all
I dunno, it seems to be open season on cops in the waning days of Obama's America.
Originally Posted by Losing all
No, like mother ****ers are shooting cops left and right. That kind of open season.
Originally Posted by 5ive
citation needed?
Originally Posted by Losing all
You can't be serious, talk about a bubble
This sure sounded like you thought LEOs getting killed was an actual political problem. But as soon as I try to pin you down on what the problem is here and what you think should have been done differently, it's all JOKE'S ON YOU I WAS ONLY PRETENDING. But here's the thing, there are serious issues going on here. This is a quote from the pitch a guy just made to Trump to be Sec Homeland Security:

Define "criminal alien" as any alien arrested for any crime
This is not some point scoring game, man. That's a proposal that any idiot with the power to arrest anyone for anything can get them deported.
11-22-2016 , 10:07 AM
Those not remember history doomed repeat, etc. The lack of awareness of history of Trump supporters is absolutely staggering. All of them appear to believe that a stable international order, America at the head of that order, and exemplary civil liberties in America are all just givens. That's just how the world is, and politics is haggling over details like whether people did the Benghazi or not.
11-22-2016 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
Left wing radicals runs on a platform of coco and ESA petting, fear, hatred, frothing the masses, we see four cops ambushed in four separate shootings in a matter of hours.
I'm sure they were no angels.
11-22-2016 , 10:51 AM
Trump Foundation apparently admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new filing to IRS shows

I guess he's realized that he's already in, so he might as well tie up these legal loose ends while he can before they can be used to impeach him.
11-22-2016 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
I not big on buying into derp like this. I come up with my own opinions. They're rarely company line (like so many around here) and never based on fake news or Rush or any of those ****tard morons.
That it's "open season" on cops is exactly and precisely the company line from right wing media, kid.

Like I told you this before. I don't know who you think would get fooled by this, but "I'm an iconoclast beholden to no party, but also two of the biggest problems in America are the deficit and Obama's war on cops, also people shouldn't complain about swastika graffiti" **** will not fly outside of people recently awakened from comas and ****.

I mean, let's see what ole free thinking Losing All had to say when someone cheekily posted a rap song to make fun of Losing All's inability to correctly spell cocoa:
haha I sat through the whole thing as penance. Is that an example of the liberals dominating pop culture like Fly was talking about? It's all yours, bra
Wow I was as stunned as the rest of you.
11-22-2016 , 02:46 PM
11-22-2016 , 02:48 PM

11-22-2016 , 02:51 PM
Liking this McMuffin guy more and more. Sounding very presidential.
11-22-2016 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
That it's "open season" on cops is exactly and precisely the company line from right wing media, kid.
No **** ****lock, derp "so absurd" it's fits right into this thread, where every aspy **** smeared swastika on a his or hers bathroom stall door is because of DONE DONE DONE; TRUMPS AMERICA!

As far as the rap thing, yeah, not much of a fan in general. I was making fun of that rap because it was so terrible though, not because it was rap. Or is that good rap now?

Last edited by Losing all; 11-22-2016 at 06:54 PM. Reason: and yep, that pos is stuck in my head now, with the lolo and the baking sodasopa
11-22-2016 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by einbert

That guy is in for a huge shock if he ever reads the constitution. Or a history book.
11-22-2016 , 07:57 PM
Four University of Kansas cheerleaders were suspended from their squad after a Snapchat post where their sweaters spelled out “KKK.”

“Go Trump,” read the post from cheerleader Lili Gagin, which featured three male spirit squad members forming the acronym for the Ku Klux Klan with the K’s for Kansas.

The post was soon spread widely on social media, with users denouncing the picture as “playfully racist.”
11-22-2016 , 08:29 PM
Guess they will need to get new uniforms. Looks like the letter K needs a safe space too.
11-22-2016 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by GooseHinson
Guess they will need to get new uniforms. Looks like the letter K needs a safe space too.
Oh you
