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The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman, Responsible Gun Owner The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman, Responsible Gun Owner

03-20-2012 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Ooops. Fixed.
I LOL'd... NH
03-20-2012 , 06:19 PM
yeah wp haha
03-20-2012 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
I live and work in an "urban" high crime area. My neighborhood is the root of southern hip hop and all the culture that that personifies and glorifies. People are assaulted and killed or maimed here all the time. Now I am on the edge of the worst parts but the 3 neighborhood to the north of me are in the top 10 most violent in the nation. I carry a gun everyday and train myself in self defense as much as is feasible.
03-20-2012 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by e i pi
cool I have no problem with you not understanding where I am from or my life choices. have a nice day.
03-20-2012 , 07:40 PM
His name is still Trayvon. Its current tense because the dead still have names. Trayvon was good at sports is past tense because the dead cant play sports.
03-20-2012 , 07:51 PM
My neighborhood is the root of southern hip hop and all the culture that that personifies and glorifies
People getting down with some Purple Drank?

Sorry it interrupt your implied racism, but you don't even have your hip-hop generalizations correct.
03-20-2012 , 07:52 PM
Apparently this guy has a prior, assault on a cop (charges dropped). AFAIK the police tend to take assault on cops pretty seriously so I bet the charge was bogus.
03-20-2012 , 07:57 PM
I'm not reading any of the thread because this whole thing is so LOLWTF, that I'm just going to move Florida up to the top of the do-not-visit list.

Last edited by MrWookie; 03-20-2012 at 08:05 PM.
03-20-2012 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
running though the backs of houses and calling his GF instead of the cops is all I see. Most of which can be chalked up to youth and bravado at most. So sad but I wish the kid had more street smarts in this case.
I don't see how calling the cops reduces his chances of dying....they aren't going to show up instantly.
03-20-2012 , 08:20 PM
Someone drilled a 1/4" hole in my gas tank last night to steal the gas. $1300 to replace the tank and a $500 deductible. Didn't see any suspicious kids with skittles. Sorry to derail but I had to tell you guys about that bull****.

They played a bunch of Zimmerman 911 calls not related to this case on msnbc today and in each call he is reporting suspicious black people. Dude was looking for a fight from the get.

Sanford police said Zimmerman called 911 46 times since 2001, reporting disturbances, break-ins and other incidents. On nine different occasions, George Zimmerman reported a suspicious person. (black peeps)
03-20-2012 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
People getting down with some Purple Drank?

Sorry it interrupt your implied racism, but you don't even have your hip-hop generalizations correct.
STFU Dids adults are talking here.

BTW My neighbors are TI, outkast, BMF, etc etc. Purple Drank is more of a Texas thing
03-20-2012 , 08:49 PM
Zimmerman starting to remind me of
03-20-2012 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
I don't see how calling the cops reduces his chances of dying....they aren't going to show up instantly.
Plus the guy saying that is Nibbles who is a regular on the "you can never rely on cops" line of thinking. It strikes me as he pulled an ikes where he said something off the cuff then just found some minor way to explain how it could be right.
03-20-2012 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
Zimmerman starting to remind me of
Zimmerman seems to have had way way less cause for violence than Goetz did.
03-20-2012 , 09:07 PM
ikes just needed to catch his breath, I guess, round two starts now. ding ding
03-20-2012 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
I don't see how calling the cops reduces his chances of dying....they aren't going to show up instantly.
In this case they happened to be on the phone with Zimmerman at the time so calling them might have gotten the 911 operator talking to Zimmerman to reiterate that he needed to back off. They also may have given Martin better advice than to try to lose him on foot by ducking behind houses. If Martin yells at Zimmerman that he's on the phone with the cops as Zimmerman approaches, that has a chance of interrupting Zimmerman's line of thinking (OODA loop) and changing his course of action.
03-20-2012 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by BCPVP
In this case they happened to be on the phone with Zimmerman at the time so calling them might have gotten the 911 operator talking to Zimmerman to reiterate that he needed to back off. They also may have given Martin better advice than to try to lose him on foot by ducking behind houses. If Martin yells at Zimmerman that he's on the phone with the cops as Zimmerman approaches, that has a chance of interrupting Zimmerman's line of thinking (OODA loop) and changing his course of action.
Those are really unlikely events. For one there is no chance the cops would even know that the person chasing the kid who called them is on another line. For two it seems the killer decided to perform a citizens arrest on the kid so him claiming to be on the phone to cops wouldnt make any difference to the play of those events.

It is plausible they could advise him to seek help in a nearby house than just run away but its unknowable if that would have worked or even if they would have advised that.
03-20-2012 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Those are really unlikely events. For one there is no chance the cops would even know that the person chasing the kid who called them is on another line.
I'm not saying each option guarantees success. It's something I would do if I were in that situation to help my odds. In this case, I can't imagine there's that much crime in Sanford, FL that one guy saying he's in pursuit of a suspicious person and another saying some crazy guy is chasing him down wouldn't raise a flag. It sounds like from the 911 call the operator only told Zimmerman to stop pursuing Martin once, assuming from Zimmerman saying "ok" that he'd stopped.

For two it seems the killer decided to perform a citizens arrest on the kid so him claiming to be on the phone to cops wouldnt make any difference to the play of those events.
Zimmerman was expecting some evil criminal up to no good. If as he begins to question this guy he responds that he's already on the phone with the cops, tells Z to back off and he's being recorded, you disrupt his prior thought process. Again, it's not a guarantee, but it helps your chances.

It is plausible they could advise him to seek help in a nearby house than just run away but its unknowable if that would have worked or even if they would have advised that.
See above. I also contend that actually running would probably have been a good idea. From what I've read, Martin told his GF at the time that he was just going to walk fast, not run. If Zimmerman really is 5'2" and 240lbs, there's no way a 17 year old in reasonable shape couldn't outrun him. Wasn't he only 70' from his dad's place?
03-20-2012 , 09:43 PM
In this case, I can't imagine there's that much crime in Sanford, FL that one guy saying he's in pursuit of a suspicious person and another saying some crazy guy is chasing him down wouldn't raise a flag.
Id be shocked if there is more than one Florida emergency call centre with hundreds of employees. Even if the proximity is such that there would be less than inundated with calls there is no chance the two operators would know they were on both sides of the hunt unless they were sat right next to each other.

Ive worked in a call centre before, you dont have the ability to pay any attention to anyone else around you even in a ridiculously short distance and the phone system wouldnt be able to tell either operator that they had both on the line either.
03-20-2012 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Oh, and the zimmerman guy isn't white? WTF?
Oh wow. The cherry on top.
03-20-2012 , 09:50 PM
ike, I just want you to know that I was playing @ a home poker game the other day and someone mentioned your name. So even thought this thread may not be your finest moment, you're still a bigshot somewhere buddy.
03-20-2012 , 09:51 PM
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but this guy has made a RIDICULOUS amount of 9/11 calls in the last two years. like 80 or something.
03-20-2012 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Id be shocked if there is more than one Florida emergency call centre with hundreds of employees. Even if the proximity is such that there would be less than inundated with calls there is no chance the two operators would know they were on both sides of the hunt unless they were sat right next to each other.

Ive worked in a call centre before, you dont have the ability to pay any attention to anyone else around you even in a ridiculously short distance and the phone system wouldnt be able to tell either operator that they had both on the line either.
Police were already on their way in response to Zimmerman. I'd think someone at dispatch would notice a second call for the cops at the exact same location from someone saying he was being chased by a guy on a cell phone.

In any event, you agree that calling the cops would have made at worst no difference, yes? With a bit of luck it can only help you.
03-20-2012 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by BCPVP
I've heard that Zimmerman is 5'2" and ~250 lbs and the victim substantially less than that. Were I in Martin's shoes and I believed some fat weirdo was following/chasing me, I'd start running, preferably back towards a public place. I'd also call the police while doing it.

I don't believe Martin not doing the above justifies/mitigates/vindicates Zimmerman in any way shape or form.
I dunno, it's like 99% of the time, nothing bad happens from this. Either you are imagining it, or it's not what you think it is, or he's some crazy but won't actually harm you. So calling the police here, and then having them take an hour to get there for a non-emergency seems like a waste of time for a kid. Especially since he figures the cops will likely just find him at fault for something and arrest his ass. Distrust of the police as a black teen doesn't surprise me one bit, and even if it's just lack of confidence they would do anything other than laugh at him, along with youthful overconfidence of thinking you aren't in any serious danger makes his actions seem a lot more rational. I can totally understand him not calling the cops in such a situation. If the guy pulls out a gun or starts shooting or making direct threats other than following him, my opinion changes considerably.
03-20-2012 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Id be shocked if there is more than one Florida emergency call centre with hundreds of employees. Even if the proximity is such that there would be less than inundated with calls there is no chance the two operators would know they were on both sides of the hunt unless they were sat right next to each other.

Ive worked in a call centre before, you dont have the ability to pay any attention to anyone else around you even in a ridiculously short distance and the phone system wouldnt be able to tell either operator that they had both on the line either.
You underestimate our bureaucracy Phil, Florida has 258 911 call centers (as of 2007).
