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The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman, Responsible Gun Owner The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman, Responsible Gun Owner

06-15-2015 , 02:14 AM
No. You can't draw on someone, cause them to act in self defence and then claim self defence because they are going to far to stop you using your deadly weapon on them.

Zimmerman was freed because he murdered the only witness to the start of the fight and wasn't clear enough on his statements for them to be used to establish murder beyond reasonable doubt.
06-15-2015 , 04:02 AM
06-15-2015 , 05:14 AM
Ikestoys sure is mad
06-15-2015 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
No. You can't draw on someone, cause them to act in self defence and then claim self defence because they are going to far to stop you using your deadly weapon on them.

Zimmerman was freed because he murdered the only witness to the start of the fight and wasn't clear enough on his statements for them to be used to establish murder beyond reasonable doubt.
You don't know how the "fight" started and have no evidence whatsoever that Zimmerman attacked Trayvon, but we might as well blame and convict Zimmerman? Seems legit.
06-15-2015 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by rugby
So you can have a situation in a fight where legally, both parties can claim self defence? That's weird
I'd assume there are assault cases all the time with both people claiming self defense.

Because of the presumption of innocence, you could definitely have a situation where there wasn't enough evidence to find either party guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
06-15-2015 , 11:48 AM
It's been gone over ITT before but you can start a fight, be losing and draw you're weapon and kill someone and claim self defense. There's some requirements that need to be met but it's allowed in certain situations.
06-19-2015 , 09:39 PM
It's already been discussed and there's not much more to say until the trial.
06-19-2015 , 09:44 PM
The charge is new.
06-19-2015 , 09:46 PM
True but doesn't really add much to talk about imo.
06-20-2015 , 11:21 AM

So the Charleston shooter was also a member of the George Zimmerman fan club, which is weird, because I was assured that race wasn't a factor in this crime. Obviously NBC and the Martin family and the other "usual suspects" tried to rile up the Negroes or whatever by making it SEEM like Zimmerman was a racist, but thanks to the outstanding values and education of this forum we saw through all that.

So my question is, how come conservatives have to make everything about race?

Last edited by FlyWf; 06-20-2015 at 11:27 AM.
06-20-2015 , 11:26 AM
The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?
This is alleged to be the website of the shooter, where he left a manifesto. Hey, that sounds awfully familiar!
06-20-2015 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by rugby
Could trayvon have claimed self defence if Zimmerman was the one who ended up dead?
I'd bet that if everything was exactly the same, but somehow Zimmerman ended up dead (either Martin shot him with Zim's gun or killed him w/ repeated blows to the head), Martin would walk claiming self-defense (yes, even though he's black).
06-20-2015 , 01:10 PM
Lol more like Kouncil of Konservative Kitizens
06-20-2015 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf

So the Charleston shooter was also a member of the George Zimmerman fan club, which is weird, because I was assured that race wasn't a factor in this crime. Obviously NBC and the Martin family and the other "usual suspects" tried to rile up the Negroes or whatever by making it SEEM like Zimmerman was a racist, but thanks to the outstanding values and education of this forum we saw through all that.

So my question is, how come conservatives have to make everything about race?
No one ever said that racists didn't support george zimmerman. You were told that the facts came down one way, and that's still true. The fact that you can't seem to figure that out is kinda funny really.
06-20-2015 , 02:53 PM
Pretty sure it's possible to think GZ was correctly found Not Guilty while in no way "supporting" him (and generally thinking he's a no-talent assclown).

In fact, I'd guess it would be the majority opinion on 2+2.
06-20-2015 , 02:54 PM
Fly is busy trying to pin down the shooting of 9 people on anyone isn't on the left. Sorry if you got caught up in the bull****.
06-20-2015 , 06:24 PM
You mean the right wing conservative terrorist who murdered a sitting democratic stare senator and eight bystanders? He is trying to pin the blame on the right?

06-20-2015 , 06:26 PM
Yes, exactly. Do you blame muslims in egypt for 911?
06-20-2015 , 06:40 PM
Are you trying to claim this guy wasn't influenced by the American conservative movement and it's racist core? Because we have seen his manifesto and...
06-20-2015 , 06:41 PM
ikes is mad because people are laughing at a political party that refuses to admit the Charleston shooting might have been a little bit about race
06-20-2015 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Are you trying to claim this guy wasn't influenced by the American conservative movement and it's racist core? Because we have seen his manifesto and...
Are you trying to claim that OBL wasn't influenced by the koran?
06-20-2015 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
ikes is mad because people are laughing at a political party that refuses to admit the Charleston shooting might have been a little bit about race
Not even a little. If you had done that, I wouldn't have said a damn thing. Instead, you guys are actually blaming this on republicans, and you're making complete fools of yourselves.
06-20-2015 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Are you trying to claim that OBL wasn't influenced by the koran?
Lol is this a yes?
06-20-2015 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Lol is this a yes?
So OBL was influenced by the koran, therefore we can paint all koran believers as terrorists right?

Note: this is exactly what you're doing.
