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The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman, Responsible Gun Owner The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman, Responsible Gun Owner

03-20-2012 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Look we don't know what went on that night, the investigation hasn't be done right? But yeah most people dont get shot simply walking out of a 711. Real life is more complicated than that.
Most people don't have a racist nut with a gun stalking them when they walk out of a 7-Eleven. Are you really this dense?
03-20-2012 , 10:15 PM
Poor Ikes, we should get a title change so that people quit grunching over where Ikes admits he was most likely wrong.
03-20-2012 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
I dunno, it's like 99% of the time, nothing bad happens from this. Either you are imagining it, or it's not what you think it is, or he's some crazy but won't actually harm you. So calling the police here, and then having them take an hour to get there for a non-emergency seems like a waste of time for a kid. Especially since he figures the cops will likely just find him at fault for something and arrest his ass. Distrust of the police as a black teen doesn't surprise me one bit, and even if it's just lack of confidence they would do anything other than laugh at him, along with youthful overconfidence of thinking you aren't in any serious danger makes his actions seem a lot more rational. I can totally understand him not calling the cops in such a situation. If the guy pulls out a gun or starts shooting or making direct threats other than following him, my opinion changes considerably.
How often have you found yourself truly worried that a person was following you, as Martin seemed to be from the call to his GF, that most times it turned out to be nothing? That seems like such a low occurrence event that if/when it does happen, you're probably right to be worried.
03-20-2012 , 10:20 PM
I like that he then came back into the thread to inform us that the shooter wasnt white but latino.
03-20-2012 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
I dunno, it's like 99% of the time, nothing bad happens from this. Either you are imagining it, or it's not what you think it is, or he's some crazy but won't actually harm you.

All the Monday morning quarterbacking here is absurd, esp since none of us know exactly how things went down. Kid was walking around in what sounds like a pretty safe neighborhood, he likely didn't realize how much danger he was in until it was too late. And even if he had snap-called 911, it's not clear that the outcome would have been any different.
03-20-2012 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by BCPVP
How often have you found yourself truly worried that a person was following you, as Martin seemed to be from the call to his GF, that most times it turned out to be nothing? That seems like such a low occurrence event that if/when it does happen, you're probably right to be worried.
I would be more than even money that he was already on the phone with his g/f when he notched Zimmerman following him and the route from when he noticed Zimmerman to where is got shot is towards his house. Standing in a well lit area sounds good, but it's a residential area in one of the lesser part of town. Standing in a light just means your going to be mugged,shot, or harassed under a light, people need to be there. He thought of going back to the store or back home and decided home was quicker and tried to run. I really can't see anything wrong with that.
03-20-2012 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson

All the Monday morning quarterbacking here is absurd, esp since none of us know exactly how things went down. Kid was walking around in what sounds like a pretty safe neighborhood, he likely didn't realize how much danger he was in until it was too late. And even if he had snap-called 911, it's not clear that the outcome would have been any different.
Indeed. This is called being in "condition white".

It's not a bad thing to look at a tragic event and begin thinking about what you would do in such a situation. This goes for other events too, like that cruise ship running aground, or a plane having an emergency.
03-20-2012 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by SimonStylesTheActo
ike, I just want you to know that I was playing @ a home poker game the other day and someone mentioned your name. So even thought this thread may not be your finest moment, you're still a bigshot somewhere buddy.
Lolololol at everything here.
03-20-2012 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
I don't see how calling the cops reduces his chances of dying....they aren't going to show up instantly.
LDO when seconds count the cops are only minutes away.

Idk i would still call em. At minimum it puts you in a good spot if something bad happens. Unless your a compete bloodthirsty idiot like it seems this Zimmerman is.
03-20-2012 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
ikes just needed to catch his breath, I guess, round two starts now. ding ding
Really? You're just sad dude.
03-20-2012 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Plus the guy saying that is Nibbles who is a regular on the "you can never rely on cops" line of thinking. It strikes me as he pulled an ikes where he said something off the cuff then just found some minor way to explain how it could be right.
no im just trying to understand the thought process. And I am having trouble with why it didn't involve getting to a public/well lit place and calling for help be it cops or not...
03-20-2012 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I would be more than even money that he was already on the phone with his g/f when he notched Zimmerman following him and the route from when he noticed Zimmerman to where is got shot is towards his house. Standing in a well lit area sounds good, but it's a residential area in one of the lesser part of town. Standing in a light just means your going to be mugged,shot, or harassed under a light, people need to be there. He thought of going back to the store or back home and decided home was quicker and tried to run. I really can't see anything wrong with that.
He told his GF on the phone that he wasn't going to run, just walk fast.

I don't understand this resistance to looking at this situation and hypothesizing ways of getting out of a similar situation. Ya'll look at past hands of poker you've played and thought about how you could have done better, right?
03-20-2012 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by BCPVP
How often have you found yourself truly worried that a person was following you, as Martin seemed to be from the call to his GF, that most times it turned out to be nothing? That seems like such a low occurrence event that if/when it does happen, you're probably right to be worried.
Not anymore, but when I lived in more urban areas, it certainly happened a time or to. Yes, calling a gf seems like something you might do if you think something *might* be out of the ordinary. I think the point is, I don't think he was *truly* worried. I think he thought there was a crazy guy possibly following him, and even if it was a crazy guy following him, the chances of anything bad happening that he couldn't get out of himself is still pretty low. If he thought he was in significant danger, he is running, not walking. He underestimated those odds. I'm not an expert on this case, but I did see his own actions. If he wasn't willing to run, certainly calling the police which would be a huge hassle if it was nothing and potentially could be harmful for him, seems like a play further down the road. Add in teenage overconfidence, and it's easy.

And yes, walking through a really crappy part of town in college at night, we would have people we thought were following us. Sometimes shouting stuff at us and even threatening us. You walk fast, keep your head down, and if it gets to be trouble, you run. Very little chance one of these people is going to actually shoot you or harm you, but you still feel that sense of danger. Maybe you are going to get mugged at a worst reasonable case. Calling the cops basically does nothing there. Look at Zimmermann, who did call the cops. Why weren't they on the scene already? Add in that Zimmermann isn't going to be as scared of cops as a typical black teenager, and you have even more reason not to call the cops.
03-20-2012 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
I dunno, it's like 99% of the time, nothing bad happens from this. Either you are imagining it, or it's not what you think it is, or he's some crazy but won't actually harm you. So calling the police here, and then having them take an hour to get there for a non-emergency seems like a waste of time for a kid. Especially since he figures the cops will likely just find him at fault for something and arrest his ass. Distrust of the police as a black teen doesn't surprise me one bit, and even if it's just lack of confidence they would do anything other than laugh at him, along with youthful overconfidence of thinking you aren't in any serious danger makes his actions seem a lot more rational. I can totally understand him not calling the cops in such a situation. If the guy pulls out a gun or starts shooting or making direct threats other than following him, my opinion changes considerably.
These are all also excellent points.
03-20-2012 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
And I am having trouble with why it didn't involve getting to a public/well lit place and calling for help be it cops or not...
Maybe because he was already in a fairly safe residential neighborhood with people nearby who could hear him scream for help? It could have been well-lit for all we really know.

OK, maybe he should have snap-called 911 the instant he noticed he was being followed, but he didn't really have a lot of time to act and he was in a scary situation. It's also not clear what dialing 911 is going to do to help if you're about to be mugged or shot by a rando lunatic.
03-20-2012 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by BCPVP
I don't understand this resistance to looking at this situation and hypothesizing ways of getting out of a similar situation. Ya'll look at past hands of poker you've played and thought about how you could have done better, right?
03-20-2012 , 11:05 PM
ill just put this here (NSFW audio)

03-20-2012 , 11:06 PM
I'm confused, kid was getting stalked by a tubby creeper and he chooses walking over running? Clearly the kid is not a Ron Paul supporter or he would have known he had the fleet-footed advantage and snap-ran. And then gone and knocked off a liqour store.
03-20-2012 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Not anymore, but when I lived in more urban areas, it certainly happened a time or to. Yes, calling a gf seems like something you might do if you think something *might* be out of the ordinary. I think the point is, I don't think he was *truly* worried. I think he thought there was a crazy guy possibly following him, and even if it was a crazy guy following him, the chances of anything bad happening that he couldn't get out of himself is still pretty low. If he thought he was in significant danger, he is running, not walking. He underestimated those odds. I'm not an expert on this case, but I did see his own actions. If he wasn't willing to run, certainly calling the police which would be a huge hassle if it was nothing and potentially could be harmful for him, seems like a play further down the road. Add in teenage overconfidence, and it's easy.
I'm sure all this was floating around in his mind. But we've seen what can happen if you don't take it seriously enough to call the cops so I'm not sure why some are still pooh-poohing the notion of calling. Worst case, nothing changes. Any better than worst case and it's helped. I don't believe this kid was doomed to die that night no matter what he did.
03-20-2012 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by Charmer
ill just put this here (NSFW audio)

Sounds alot more like ****ing punks than ****ing coons. I make out a pretty distinct puh at the beginning of the word. Hard to make out anything until the s at the end.

Edit: Now I'm listening to another version and it does sounds like coons.
03-20-2012 , 11:27 PM
i cant hear anything besides coons. the puh you mention i cant hear, and the "oo" is distinct imo. listening to it repeated at about 2:45, + context is pretty conclusive
03-20-2012 , 11:31 PM
There's perfectly good context for either one. I do here the oo sound in the middle as well, but I still here the Puh at the beginning.
03-20-2012 , 11:35 PM
Who says "coons" these days? That's pretty archaic.
03-20-2012 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Who says "coons" these days? That's pretty archaic.
I thought that was a racial slur against white people?

I'd make such a lousy racists, I can't keep all this **** straight.

Originally Posted by BCPVP
I don't believe this kid was doomed to die that night no matter what he did.
Yeah, obv if he didn't "be black" he'd probably still be alive, but them's the breaks.
03-20-2012 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Who says "coons" these days? That's pretty archaic.
Yeah, that was my first thought, too. It might still be popular in the south though.
