Originally Posted by master3004
This is depressing man.
Your last paragraph I mean. Like, one of the worst things about this election is the verification that facts just don't ****ing matter, which is abhorrent to me. We don't need to further that, we need to get back to a place where facts do ****ing matter... because they are facts. Because they do matter. What's the point of doing anything at all if the results ultimately don't matter?
I think the point is that, look, often at the end of the day the electorate isn't super well equipped to understand the facts as they're presented. Too many details, many of which aren't understood. And fact-checking is a cottage industry self-selected for liberals and elites who are into pedantry and wonkish details and nailing gotchas onto politicians.
I wouldn't want anyone to conclude that facts don't matter but Democrats probably need to recognize campaigns are more like the national story-time. Gather round children, we have stories to tell. And Donald Trump brought Where the Wild Things Are and Democrats brought an encyclopedia.
Actually, I think that's too glib and Democrats brought an encyclopedia and
The Secret Keepers: Tell Me Where Donald Trump Touched You, A Children's Treasury of Stories About Serial Pig Donald Trump. That's better than just the encyclopedia but still lacking.
Encyclopedias are critical for a certain time and place and they matter, and everyone loves a good scare story but they probably also needed a good fun affirmative story that the audience wants to hear rather than just yelling at voters that Donald Trump was lying about that island and there are no malicious beasts and Donald Trump's playful romp is transgressive and he doesn't deserve a hot supper.
I wish it were different, of course. I think the story-time nature of our campaigns is almost unavoidable. But I agree our ideal should probably aspire to better literature. The problem is Democrats seem to want to insist encyclopedias can be fun and important too and it's pretty clear national taste just isn't there.