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The Tragic Death of the Democratic Party The Tragic Death of the Democratic Party

09-11-2017 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
I'm not seeing the contradictions you are.
That's because you have literally zero self awareness
09-11-2017 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat

I was watching an old video from the 60s and things were far worse than I thought. Police were clubbing people, using water cannons, etc. I didn't realize there was that much violence over the civil rights movement.

I am detecting a trend here.
09-12-2017 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Is that what happened? I ventured over there a couple of times and wondered why so many conservative talking points were being bandied about. When you say virulently racist, do you mean like something Morgan Freeman would say?
Or do you mean virulently racist in the literal sense? I can't imagine that Chez wouldn't have immediately perma-banned someone who was a virulent racist.
09-12-2017 , 08:39 AM
Damn, 5 minutes into Pod Save America's interview with HRC and she already unloaded an AK on Bernie and his supporters
09-12-2017 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
The gaslighting over written history is just an aside. Kaepernick, by any reasonable definition, was tried by the media just the same as Sterling. Only Sterling's trial deserved scorn.
It's even worse than this.

The Sterlings, previously and outside of the NBA, have an admitted and legal history of being r-word-ers. Just about the worst kinda r-word-ers too: r-word landlords. The Sterlings weren't ran out by "trial by media", they were bought out in record time, and at a record amount, by their fellow NBA owners... to avoid the NBA as a whole being subjected to any "trial by media".

This was all under a legal and long standing clause in the NBA franchise agreement.

Kaepernick, through his actions, words, and donations, has demonstrated he is the opposite of the Sterlings when it comes to r-word-ism. The NFL owners, who collectively could have (and still can) snuff out all this kneeling by the NFL players... instead decided to roll-the-dice, and allowed the NFL as a whole to be subjected to this "trial by media". The public has largely yawned, and ignored this whole small sideshow.

Now, it seems Kaepernick might be blacklisted. Note that tacit cooperation counts just as much as an organized conspiracy. Such blacklisting would be a violation of the CBA, and be against both labor laws and antitrust laws without a CBA.
09-12-2017 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
It's even worse than this.

The Sterlings, previously and outside of the NBA, have an admitted and legal history of being r-word-ers. Just about the worst kinda r-word-ers too: r-word landlords. The Sterlings weren't ran out by "trial by media", they were bought out in record time, and at a record amount, by their fellow NBA owners... to avoid the NBA as a whole being subjected to any "trial by media".

This was all under a legal and long standing clause in the NBA franchise agreement.

Kaepernick, through his actions, words, and donations, has demonstrated he is the opposite of the Sterlings when it comes to r-word-ism. The NFL owners, who collectively could have (and still can) snuff out all this kneeling by the NFL players... instead decided to roll-the-dice, and allowed the NFL as a whole to be subjected to this "trial by media". The public has largely yawned, and ignored this whole small sideshow.

Now, it seems Kaepernick might be blacklisted. Note that tacit cooperation counts just as much as an organized conspiracy. Such blacklisting would be a violation of the CBA, and be against both labor laws and antitrust laws without a CBA.
just wondering where all this tripe was when barry bonds could not get a job. i never heard anyone say that was racist.
09-12-2017 , 03:20 PM
Barry bonds is the alltime homerun leader without an asterisk next to his name in the record books, thats really all you need to know about that.

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09-12-2017 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
just wondering where all this tripe was when barry bonds could not get a job. i never heard anyone say that was racist.
ya the media didnt like bonds too much. he got a lot of support on this forum and plenty of posters did actually call it racist.
09-12-2017 , 03:38 PM
And yet his name appears at the top of the list with no asterisk, seems plenty fair to me

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09-12-2017 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
just wondering where all this tripe was when barry bonds could not get a job. i never heard anyone say that was racist.
Barry was a free agent at age 43 with the threat of possibly going to prison hanging over his head. The two situations are nothing alike. In fact, the Giants offered him a contract with the ability to back out if he got sent to prison, but was told by the league that it was against their rules and they pulled it.

No team was going to chance 15 million on a 43 year old who might end up making that full amount while sitting in jail. Is Kaep facing jail time?

Once again, miss 88 shows that she has no clue about anything, ever
09-12-2017 , 05:23 PM

On a positive note, lot of knees bending towards justice
09-12-2017 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
just wondering where all this tripe was...
This is a go-to with these fools.

What "tripe" is being referred to here? Well... that's unspecified, like always, but the point is being "smuggled in" that whatever is going on in indeed "tripe".

... when barry bonds could not get a job. i never heard anyone say that was racist.
Which is always followed up by some contentious crap... and usually, as in this case, trivially disproved gibberish. So... even though it can be easily demonstrated that B.Bonds, and chatter involving the r-word, had a long and noted association during his playing days... what is still being "smuggled in" here is that all the above, and anything to do with Kaepernick, is simply a buncha "tripe".

The proper follow up question should always be: "Fool, WTF do you mean by tripe"?
09-12-2017 , 08:53 PM
No shock that beckyheilhitler would resort to such a pathetic argument.
09-12-2017 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
I have argued against conservative ideas before and will do so again, but you just don't see too many of them here. A single conservative post on the Politics forum immediately gets drowned out by dozens of posts filled with name calling and insults. By the time I arrive, the poster is either no longer participating or is banned. But then, I suppose that's the strategy.

Don't you find it a bit odd that there aren't more conservative posters here? I mean, I'd expect a well educated population to "lean" left, but simple probabilities dictate there should be many more conservative opinions than can be found on 2p2 Politics.
it's a poker forum. poker requires analysis. I think you have your cause and effect mixed up.
09-12-2017 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Right wing fishing expedition. You are seriously representing that the DOJ investigation was a right wing fishing expedition?

Is there something I don't know? Maybe I am the most ignorant politics poster on this site. If so, I'll take a leave of absence and come back after I do some homework. I straight up don't want to be this ignorant if that's what I am.
I want to again note that this guy regularly claims to consume NO right wing media and also claims that he voted for Clinton, but somehow dismissing the emails thing as overblown is met with literal gobsmacked disbelief. He somehow, as if by magic, against the stated views of both Sanders and Clinton...

thought the conventional wisdom, the ONLY imaginable view, was that the emails were a very serious scandal and only in September of 2017 is he hearing, FOR THE FIRST TIME, that some people thought it was a bull**** nonscandal.

He was posting in this forum while we had like a 9 million page thread about every part of the emails thing, the Comey letter was probably the single most covered story of the whole ****ing election. Now, granted, he was mostly posting about how black people are to blame for police brutality and how trans people need to stay out of regular people's bathrooms and such, but he was here.

Incredibly ****ing lazy.

Oh, and by the by,

When you say virulently racist, do you mean like something Morgan Freeman would say?
This is a right wing image macro reference. There's one out of context quote from a 60 minutes interview America's racist uncles LOVE. That's what our boy Lestat the Trump voter is referencing. The man cannot stop telling on himself.
09-12-2017 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Not sure if you're familiar with Bill Maher, but he had on Ken Bone the now famous questioner at one of the debates. By every perception imaginable the guy's a thoughtful, intelligent, well informed voter. Maher was incredulous to how he could possibly have been undecided so late in the game when the choices were between Trump and HRC. He identified as a libertarian, but I agree that Dems should be looking to win over people like him
Nowhere near familiar enough to comment. I was referring more to the general public. The liberal/left has to address the genuine economic/health/etc issues of other voters/areas and get out there and persuade these people that they matter to them. It can't all be negative campaigning and seeking to get their own vote out.

I'm of the view it's actually easier if the democrats move to the left. So much easier to sell and gather enthusiasm for something clearly different and more progressive than for 'not quite as bad as the other lot'. It also tends to force the other side to move leftwards rather than the other way around.
09-12-2017 , 11:04 PM
My theory is that most of the "undecided voters" actually decided a long time ago but didn't want to reveal it.

Trump and Hillary were in the news every day for a year. You'd have to be living under a rock to not have enough information on them to prefer one over the other. It may not be accurate information or important information but it's information nonetheless.
09-13-2017 , 02:45 PM
09-13-2017 , 02:54 PM
Final vote count: 1267-1009

Hey, victories where we can get them!
09-13-2017 , 04:51 PM
Imagine if all the racists and *******s outed themselves for trump, he did basically nothing because he's an incompetent moron and then the backlash buried them all for good. That's the world I want to believe in.
09-14-2017 , 05:22 PM
This is completely unsurprising. It's also why confederate statues are such a perfect issue for the GOP. It activates all the white grievance triggers, but doesn't move the needle much for people more concerned with voting rights and segregation.
09-14-2017 , 10:15 PM
Should the left be congratulatory towards Trump when he makes deals that benefit liberal ideology and step away from white supremacy? I mean if he's an insecure egomaniac who only thinks at the zero level then why not exploit that by commending him when he gets deals done with Democrats?
09-14-2017 , 10:59 PM
Yes, of course. Having principles instead of worrying which side will get the most credit may not make for great politics but it is the right thing to do. Especially on things as crucial as DACA and healthcare.
09-14-2017 , 11:04 PM
I would add that it is important to not give credit until it is actually due. Words are nice but don't really mean much coming from Trump.
09-14-2017 , 11:33 PM
Yeah let's save the talk of congratulations for when a decent piece of legislation actually passes.
