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The Tragic Death of the Democratic Party The Tragic Death of the Democratic Party

05-13-2017 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Im only stating you have no clue what the answer is, not that i know.
Spoken like a true Republican. Well done.
05-13-2017 , 09:34 AM
Breaking up banks isn't just about making smaller banks. It's about separating riskier investment banking from commercial banking. When Gordon Gekko took over Milburn Dreysdale's job, of course it all became more precarious.

Last edited by microbet; 05-13-2017 at 09:39 AM.
05-13-2017 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by .Alex.
Spoken like a true Republican. Well done.
Its actually more of a mathematician thing. Its often easy to show that a wrong answer is wrong even if you don't know how to get the correct one. Basic wisdom lost to morons of all political persuasion apparently.
05-14-2017 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by gobbo
Well hopefully Bernie can run again in 4 years.
God I hope so, a walk into a second term for Trump would be awesome.
05-14-2017 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
So when the overwhelming majority of the country supports a ban on the purchasing of guns by people on the terror watch list, and Republicans do nothing, that would be....?
This would be following and respecting the Bill of Rights and Constitution, This sort of thing is exactly what the 5th amendment sought to protect people from- You can not arbitrarily deny people there fundamental rights. People on the TWL are mostly a mistake, do not get a trail and have an incredibly difficult time being removed from the list after being placed on incorrectly. Firearm ownership is a FUNDAMENTAL GOD GIVEN RIGHT not subject to the whims of anti American elitist. Would you support people on the TWL being barred from voting or exercising free speech.
05-14-2017 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by mirage01
Exactly. Obama got exactly what he deserved for buckling to the Insurance Corporations and introducing a republican health care policy which nobody wanted in the first place other than the corporations.

The Democrats also got what they deserved for screwing over their best candidate Sanders, for the establishment shill, and Obama got what he deserved for 8 years of weakness, and pandering to his donors and enemies, by allowing his successor to be Trump. That will be his real legacy. An empty corporate suit with charm who gave us Trump.

Its so ironic that the party responsible for the terrible state of the country, now has complete control of the government and soon the Supreme Court for the first time since the 1920s.

The Democrats despite being on the right side of public sentiment in terms of policy, paid for being too weak and sucking up to their corporate donors, and have rightly been wiped out. Hopefully they now learn their lesson and rebuild with someone like Elizbaeth Warren, who would have wiped the floor with Trump.

I have no sympathy for there spineless morons. The republicans should be wiped out yet now they hold all the power.
If Democrats are on the right side of public sentiment why have they lost so badly in the last 3 national elections?You think fauxcahontas could beat Donald Trump? I agree they should run her or Bernie. An absolute majority and a 9-0 supreme court would be great for republicans and the US.
05-14-2017 , 04:53 AM
lol, you found a post of mine from 6 months ago to respond to?
05-14-2017 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Hotrodsather
Firearm ownership is a FUNDAMENTAL GOD GIVEN RIGHT
Can you quote some scripture on this?
05-14-2017 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Hotrodsather
This would be following and respecting the Bill of Rights and Constitution, This sort of thing is exactly what the 5th amendment sought to protect people from- You can not arbitrarily deny people there fundamental rights. People on the TWL are mostly a mistake, do not get a trail and have an incredibly difficult time being removed from the list after being placed on incorrectly. Firearm ownership is a FUNDAMENTAL GOD GIVEN RIGHT not subject to the whims of anti American elitist. Would you support people on the TWL being barred from voting or exercising free speech.
God doesn't grant rights. Man does.
05-14-2017 , 07:10 PM
Glocks 25:17 every man shall have access to assault rifles, and verily he may stand his ground whenever confronted by scary minorities
05-14-2017 , 10:15 PM
And Jesus grouped his shots
05-15-2017 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Hotrodsather
Firearm ownership is a FUNDAMENTAL GOD GIVEN RIGHT
It is so embarrassing that the Dems are losing to these people.
05-15-2017 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
And Jesus grouped his shots
In the beginning was the AR-15, and the AR-15 was with God, and the AR-15 was God.
05-15-2017 , 11:42 AM
In case you were wondering where the Overton window is at these days:

The two presidencies of my adult life occurred in a country that was marked by its deep divisions. Yet all but their most ardent opponents would concede that George W. Bush and Barack Obama were both basically pure of heart in advancing the policies they believed were best for the country. Few would object to the notion that within their own ideological framework, they endeavored to uphold the Western values that we thought defined our country: advancing democratic norms, respecting fundamental human rights, welcoming those from around the world who yearn for freedom.
05-15-2017 , 01:21 PM
George W. Bush revisionist history nostalgia is a deeply unfortunate byproduct of the Trump Era.
05-15-2017 , 01:51 PM
We're raising an entire generation of Millenials who remember the W years as being a time of expanded democratic norms and respect for human rights. WAAF
05-15-2017 , 01:53 PM

Lawrence O'Donnell may be out at MSNBC in June: report
05-15-2017 , 02:02 PM
MSNBC has some deep ties with Trump. It's possibly more personal than political per se. Not that I've heard any stories of Trump complaining about O'Donnell. It is odd, though, it seems he's doing well for them.
05-15-2017 , 02:03 PM
Bush painted pictures for veterans wounded in his wars. I think that makes him a better person than Trump.
05-15-2017 , 02:16 PM
re: Overton window, that's one of the strongest reasons, imo, why progressive messaging and policy positions need to be as far left as possible. It's basic negotiating, obviously, that the further out you anchor your position the closer to what you want you'll end up. I think the Overton window operates the same way, and the right is crushing us on that front.
05-15-2017 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Bush painted pictures for veterans wounded in his wars. I think that makes him a better person than Trump.
If this is serious, then I'd recommend listening to the "What a Hell of a Way to Die" podcast on it, the podcast aired a couple months ago.
05-15-2017 , 04:03 PM
He was holding fundraisers for veterans with his paintings. So, yes, it was serious. I think the guy at least has a semblance of a conscience. If I was to rank evil presidents, Bush wouldn't be as high up as Trump. Trump seems legitimately sociopathic to me. Incapable of feelings of any sort outside maybe his family. No hyperbole.
05-15-2017 , 04:11 PM
He sent all those soldiers to die and lose their arms gratuitously by continuously lying to the American public and bullying any dissenters in order to enact some messianic fantasy of imposing a democracy spring on a population and imagining they would just pick up democracy and capitalism via the ????? part of the profit meme after all their national institutions were demolished.

The only US President/military leader that's had some kind of conscious about what they did and that's still regarded as respectful in political circles and not a pariah for betraying the foreign policy religion is Robert McNamara or maybe Eric Shinseki

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 05-15-2017 at 04:17 PM.
05-15-2017 , 04:24 PM
That reply to what I said is derp Huehue. Bush seems care about the soldiers in those wars. That is a semblance of a conscience.
05-15-2017 , 04:25 PM
See, this is how Overton Windows get shifted.
