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The Tragic Death of the Democratic Party The Tragic Death of the Democratic Party

02-22-2017 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Very unpopular and getting more unpopular by the day.
That's a low poll, the average is closer to 45% approval. This is pretty much in line to where Obama's approval rating for most of his presidency was as well.
02-22-2017 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Heavy dose of salt for anything published by politicususa. My impression of them is lefty Breitbart.
02-22-2017 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Trump is not that unpopular right now. Low for this early in the presidency
That's kinda all we have to go on right now! The trend is generally that presidents start out popular and get more unpopular over time, but you want to compare 8 years of Obama (or, being more charitable, it took him a year to drop under 50) with the dissatisfaction Trump faces after all of one month and be like "yeah, not that bad"?
02-22-2017 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
That's kinda all we have to go on right now! The trend is generally that presidents start out popular and get more unpopular over time, but you want to compare 8 years of Obama with the dissatisfaction Trump faces after all of one month and be like "yeah, not that bad"?
That isn't the trend. Obama started out popular, but starting in 2010 his approval rating stayed pretty constant in the mid 40s (with a couple of blips above 50%). The question with Trump is if his initially low numbers will also decline like most presidents, or if he is just skipping the honeymoon phase and is at his base level of support already. I'm inclined to think the latter is more likely because he is such a polarizing figure. Trump should worry if he loses the support of the GOP base, like Bush did when he was polling in the 20s and 30s.
02-22-2017 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Heavy dose of salt for anything published by politicususa. My impression of them is lefty Breitbart.
Perhaps, but the chart is the gallup daily tracking poll.
02-22-2017 , 07:16 PM
Seems pretty impossible that Trump can do anything to gain followers he doesn't already have, no? Who the hell out there who has hated him since June 2015, is going to get on board for any reason?
02-22-2017 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
What are your thoughts on Keith Ellison and Tom Perez?
Honestly, Tom Perez isn't that bad. But we need people of color perspective in the leadership at the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party needs strong voices to speak out against gerrymandering, voter suppression, and mass incarceration. Having all white leaders at the top of our party when our party is largely supported by people of various faiths and colors just doesn't seem right to me. So yeah I support Keith Ellison or another person of color to take on that leadership role.
02-22-2017 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Honestly, Tom Perez isn't that bad. But we need people of color perspective in the leadership at the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party needs strong voices to speak out against gerrymandering, voter suppression, and mass incarceration. Having all white leaders at the top of our party when our party is largely supported by people of various faiths and colors just doesn't seem right to me. So yeah I support Keith Ellison or another person of color to take on that leadership role.
Pretty offensive that you're acting like the tan-skinned son of Dominican immigrants is not a person of color.

Latinos are also an underrepresented group in Dem leadership.

Last edited by AllTheCheese; 02-22-2017 at 09:44 PM.
02-22-2017 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Honestly, Tom Perez isn't that bad. But we need people of color perspective in the leadership at the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party needs strong voices to speak out against gerrymandering, voter suppression, and mass incarceration. Having all white leaders at the top of our party when our party is largely supported by people of various faiths and colors just doesn't seem right to me. So yeah I support Keith Ellison or another person of color to take on that leadership role.
Don't forget to look downballot as well. There is a lot of diversity in the DNC.
02-22-2017 , 10:38 PM
I'm sure everyone already is aware but in ~20 minutes there's a televised debate regarding future DNC chair. Could be interesting. Showing on CNN. Guess I'm watching since I've got nothing else going on tonight lol
02-23-2017 , 12:38 PM
Okay guys here's the gameplan. We need to get back to basics with people. We've gotten into a bad spot here in this society and people tend to have very little understanding of civics, economics, business, etc. We need to talk about the basics of why the Democratic plan is better for 99% of people (and it is) and that's how we can win. We need to talk about how ACA has benefited people, but we also need to tackle the tough issues like should Muslims be allowed into the country, should transgender people be protected, etc. Some of these are issues we take for granted because they've been "decided" in our relatively liberal communities for a long time, but other people in other communities don't have a lot of the same background in these issues that we do. Once they know the facts, they'll be on our side almost every time. So let's tell people the facts about min. wage, transgender bathrooms, treating Islam as a partner rather than an enemy, and on and and on and on. That's how we win.
02-23-2017 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Okay guys here's the gameplan. We need to get back to basics with people. We've gotten into a bad spot here in this society and people tend to have very little understanding of civics, economics, business, etc. We need to talk about the basics of why the Democratic plan is better for 99% of people (and it is) and that's how we can win. We need to talk about how ACA has benefited people, but we also need to tackle the tough issues like should Muslims be allowed into the country, should transgender people be protected, etc. Some of these are issues we take for granted because they've been "decided" in our relatively liberal communities for a long time, but other people in other communities don't have a lot of the same background in these issues that we do. Once they know the facts, they'll be on our side almost every time. So let's tell people the facts about min. wage, transgender bathrooms, treating Islam as a partner rather than an enemy, and on and and on and on. That's how we win.
Just found out my rep is a republican. Turns out my house is roughly 1/8 of a mile from the border of an R and D district, and I fall in the red side.

He's one of the more prominent town hall duckers (Dave Reichert, Wa-8) and has agreed only to do Facebook or phone based halls.

Will be contacting him daily going forward to tell his office how cowardly he is.
02-23-2017 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Just found out my rep is a republican. Turns out my house is roughly 1/8 of a mile from the border of an R and D district, and I fall in the red side.

He's one of the more prominent town hall duckers (Dave Reichert, Wa-8) and has agreed only to do Facebook or phone based halls.

Will be contacting him daily going forward to tell his office how cowardly he is.
Awesome that is a great plan. If you're super motivated there's even a guide on how to hold your own constituent town hall, invite the media and everything:

Missing Member of Congress Plan and How to Hold a Constituent Town hall (from our friends at Indivisible)

02-23-2017 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Just found out my rep is a republican. Turns out my house is roughly 1/8 of a mile from the border of an R and D district, and I fall in the red side.

He's one of the more prominent town hall duckers (Dave Reichert, Wa-8) and has agreed only to do Facebook or phone based halls.

Will be contacting him daily going forward to tell his office how cowardly he is.
Heh, I used to live in that district. Reichert needs to get ousted.
02-23-2017 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Awesome that is a great plan. If you're super motivated there's even a guide on how to hold your own constituent town hall, invite the media and everything:

Missing Member of Congress Plan and How to Hold a Constituent Town hall (from our friends at Indivisible)

Thanks, I believe that this may already be underway. They had a segment about him ducking the halls this morning on the local news. It appears his office in WA is about a 1/4 mile from my place of work, so I believe I will pay a visit soon.
02-23-2017 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Heh, I used to live in that district. Reichert needs to get ousted.
No doubt. The stranger put out a good article about the whole thing.
02-23-2017 , 11:51 PM
Stealth libs should run in R primaries as crazies. Once they all get elected then pass every pinko piece of legislation and stack the court so they can't ever undo it.

And as long as I'm dreaming let's completely purge law enforcement.
02-24-2017 , 02:48 AM
What this forum needs is a journalism thread
02-25-2017 , 09:45 AM

These people should be fired or shown how to do their job. You can't complain the lack of off season election turnout and also try and ignore newly engaged voters.
02-25-2017 , 10:51 AM
Na man, we should totally listen to Howard Dean.
02-25-2017 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Just found out my rep is a republican. Turns out my house is roughly 1/8 of a mile from the border of an R and D district, and I fall in the red side.

He's one of the more prominent town hall duckers (Dave Reichert, Wa-8) and has agreed only to do Facebook or phone based halls.

Will be contacting him daily going forward to tell his office how cowardly he is.
Its sort of disappointing that people are so upset with Obamacare being repealed now, when republican congess members have been running on it since it passed.
02-25-2017 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Its sort of disappointing that people are so upset with Obamacare being repealed now, when republican congess members have been running on it since it passed.
I think the problem is that the people who voted R and their rhetoric to get rid of Obamacare were also promised that it would be replaced with something better... and then totally not having any sort of plan for what that better thing is.

While awful shortterm, this Obamacare repeal might be the best thing thing to happen to liberals this cycle. These old people are (rightfully) furious that these idiots made promises without a single iota of a plan of what to do once ACA was repealed. If there is one group in America that was impossible for the liberals to crack into for votes, it was the olds. Maybe that isnt the case anymore.
02-25-2017 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
Seems pretty impossible that Trump can do anything to gain followers he doesn't already have, no? Who the hell out there who has hated him since June 2015, is going to get on board for any reason?
Maybe if he takes away their health insurance?
02-25-2017 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I think the problem is that the people who voted R and their rhetoric to get rid of Obamacare were also promised that it would be replaced with something better... and then totally not having any sort of plan for what that better thing is.

While awful shortterm, this Obamacare repeal might be the best thing thing to happen to liberals this cycle. These old people are (rightfully) furious that these idiots made promises without a single iota of a plan of what to do once ACA was repealed. If there is one group in America that was impossible for the liberals to crack into for votes, it was the olds. Maybe that isnt the case anymore.
Yeah, I would understand if they got rid of the ACA, a bunch of people no longer were insured, then they got pissed. They simply weren't plugged in enough or smart enough to understand how a law change would effect them.

Its just frustrating for "coastal elites" ,who don't depend on Obamacare and don't worry about health care costs at all, that people in red areas, who have a personal stake and more valuable single vote electoral/state power than us, weren't speaking up sooner.
02-25-2017 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I think the problem is that the people who voted R and their rhetoric to get rid of Obamacare were also promised that it would be replaced with something better... and then totally not having any sort of plan for what that better thing is.

While awful shortterm, this Obamacare repeal might be the best thing thing to happen to liberals this cycle. These old people are (rightfully) furious that these idiots made promises without a single iota of a plan of what to do once ACA was repealed. If there is one group in America that was impossible for the liberals to crack into for votes, it was the olds. Maybe that isnt the case anymore.
The olds have had health care. That isn't changing. You mean 55-64 ?
