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04-12-2019 , 05:40 PM
I already gave you an example
04-12-2019 , 05:50 PM
Mr. Bandit, how many Sam Harris podcasts have you listened to? How many of his books do you own?
04-12-2019 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Wow, Mr. Free Speech Warrior over here is, unsurprisingly, inventing these hysterical liberals out of thin air. Who is framing comedians as if they're "committing hate crimes"? Are these the same "mainstream liberals" that are apparently shouting down ideas all over college campuses?

I see the distinction just fine. I'm asking you, why does that distinction exist? Is that not a trespass on free speech?

You said you oppose all trespasses on free speech (those were YOUR words, not anyone else's). Expressing hatred of others based on skin color is free speech. Why are you, a Free Speech Warrior who opposes all trespasses on free speech, okay with people getting fired or whatever if they say "I hate black skin" but not if they say "I hate Islam"?

Hahahahahahaha! So, let's recap:
- Ilhan Omar says things conservatives think are bigoted. Reacting to this, conservatives advocate that everyone withhold votes and financial support from Democrats. To t3hbandit, this is A-OKAY
- <insert ANYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET> says things liberals think are bigoted. Reacting to this, liberals advocate that everyone withhold financial support from <insert person here> To t3hbandit, this is A GROSS VIOLATION OF THEIR FREEZE PEACH

rofl what phenomenal logic on this dude
Who was it that caused over 100k of damage at a college protest over a speaker?

Why is it that Jerry Seinfeld and a list of famous comedians won't do college gigs anymore because they say it's far too politically correct?

Why was it Dawkins got removed from his speech?

I've already addressed the other two paragraphs in previous posts. If you cba to read then w/e

QUOTE=Shame Trolly !!!1!;55011545]Eh, you & me & everyone shuts down conversations all day every day. If we didn't, we'd have to chat with telemarketeers, religious nuts, and just general crazy folk until they got tired of yapping.

Anyways, that didn't happen in either of these cases.

Peeps criticized the old comedian for whacking off at work. They weren't "shut down". The old comedian continued the conversation by way of an apology. He wasn't "shut down". The congresscritter said whatever she said. She wasn't "shut down". The other congresscritters continued the conversation by way of criticizing her remarks. They weren't "shut down". She then further continued the conversation by way of an apology. Again, she wasn't "shut down".

So, not only was everyone's free speech rights respected... nobody was sanctioned by the government... in addition (and outside of any actual free speech issues)... there was none of this vague "shut down" stuff either. Period.

So, again...

WTF is this alleged point you are trying to make?

WTF is different in the two cases (as there was no actual free speech violations involved -and- there was none of this vague "shut down" stuff either)?[/QUOTE]

One last time for the cheap seats. My view on free speech is that the left is making a (not insignificant) political mistake with how it deals in these areas. If every attempt at a conversation about immigration/demographic change get's silenced by claims of Islamophobia then you provide oxygen to the very real racists and bigots.
04-12-2019 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by ReasonableGuy
Mr. Bandit, how many Sam Harris podcasts have you listened to? How many of his books do you own?
I don't own any of his books. I've listened to his religion stuff with hitchens/dawkins and would listen to a podcast if the guest is tech orientated/involved in AI.
04-12-2019 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I already gave you an example
What example is that? You think the Iraq/Afghanistan invasion was done on behalf of christianity?
04-12-2019 , 05:59 PM
What are the reasonable conversations about immigration and demo change that we should be having?
04-12-2019 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
What example is that? You think the Iraq/Afghanistan invasion was done on behalf of christianity?
Bush said so.
04-12-2019 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
I've already addressed the other two paragraphs in previous posts.
Where was that, here?

Originally Posted by t3hbandit
I've said multiple times I view it as a political problem not that I expect someone to show up and arrest dawkins. Shutting down conversation when someone has an opinion you don't like is anti free speech, just not the type that's backed by a police force.
This is not a response to what I said at all. Conservatives railing against Omar's bigotry and urging people to withhold support from Democrats are doing the same thing that liberal boycotters are doing against people they disagree with!

btw, Current Affairs has a timely article on Dawkins: “Smart” People Are Often Dumber Than You Think

According to Dawkins, “The principal sufferers from Islam are Muslims. Especially women and homosexuals. Muslimophilia can explain and justify Islamophobia.”

Dawkins is an Oxford graduate and a winner of the International Cosmos Prize, so you might imagine he’d recognize how utterly ****ing ridiculous that sounds—especially considering his previous statements about women, which include such hits as Quit Whining About Sexual Harassment and Rape Victims Shouldn’t Be Trusted If They’d Been Drinking. However, for the last 40 years and counting, the world has viewed Dawkins as a very smart man. As such, he is given an extraordinary amount of leeway to say and believe stupid things.
Except… what if he was just a smooth-talking jerk who happened to be good at science*? What if his ability to decipher the phenotypic effects of a human gene had no relation to his ability to understand a human soul? Could it be possible that this champion of logic and reason and STEM was, in reality, kind of a dumbass?
Once a public figure has gained a reputation for intelligence—whether by luck, merit, or a well-executed PR campaign—it’s surprisingly hard to lose. This is especially true for people like Dawkins, who possess the sophisticated vocabulary and oratorical flair to overwhelm audiences with a quick-hitting flurry of semi-sensical talking points. Most ordinary people are too busy trying to afford medicine or not get evicted to familiarize themselves with the finer details of science, technology, or economics, and as a result these fields are particularly prone to elevating dip****s.

After a while, though, those dip****s get lazy. They stop bothering to hide their petty personal annoyances beneath a veneer of grave solemnity, and morph into full-on caricatures of Your Racist Uncle. That’s how we wind up with Dawkins preaching his bizarre doctrine of “hate the sin, love the filthy disgusting sinner as long as they denounce most of their culture and traditions,” dragging his ass across the carpet of public discourse while he howls about the creeping menace of London’s kebab shops.
hahahahahaha A+
04-12-2019 , 06:03 PM
With all due respect master some of your posts ITT have been amongst the worst I've seen and I really have zero expectation for any type of good faith conversation so I'll not be responding to you from now on.
04-12-2019 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
Why is it that Jerry Seinfeld and a list of famous comedians won't do college gigs anymore because they say it's far too politically correct?
Maybe it's because they're 25 years past their heyday and refuse to adapt to changing times. Seinfeld's specific joke that he talked about when referencing how PC colleges are was a real knee slapper:
Seinfeld expanded on his argument on Tuesday's Late Night with Seth Meyers, honing in on a bit in his repertoire about scrolling through cell phone contacts "like a gay, French king." He's performed the routine everywhere—including Jimmy Fallon's show last February—but still lives in fear of the outrage police.

"I did this recently in front of an audience and… comedy is where you can kind of feel like an opinion," he tells Meyers. "And they thought, 'What do you mean gay? What are you doing? What do you mean?' I thought, are you kidding me?"
Should we demand audiences burst into laughter at a joke that's at best a quick throwaway line for a cheap laugh?
04-12-2019 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Where was that, here?

This is not a response to what I said at all. Conservatives railing against Omar's bigotry and urging people to withhold support from Democrats are doing the same thing that liberal boycotters are doing against people they disagree with!

btw, Current Affairs has a timely article on Dawkins: “Smart” People Are Often Dumber Than You Think

hahahahahaha A+
An article that claims science is full of dip****s and insults dawkins for his intellect/vocabulary. Something I'd expect to see on a flat earther forum.

That you would use this as an example is some of the most incredible lack of self awareness I've seen. **** me.
04-12-2019 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit

One last time for the cheap seats. My view on free speech is that the left is making a (not insignificant) political mistake with how it deals in these areas. If every attempt at a conversation about immigration/demographic change get's silenced by claims of Islamophobia then you provide oxygen to the very real racists and bigots.
If i think trump, who wanted to ban all Muslims, is Islamophobic i should stifle my speech and things will get better. Why did i not think of that strat its so easy i just need to not express what i think and allow others i disagree with to express themslefs fully. Free speech for everyone as long as i dont express mine!
04-12-2019 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
With all due respect master some of your posts ITT have been amongst the worst I've seen and I really have zero expectation for any type of good faith conversation so I'll not be responding to you from now on.
Like I give a ****, I was just trying to get you to spout your obviously racist beliefs, but youll get to it eventually. None of you keep the mask on for long.

Also, your reluctance to answer that particular question pretty much proves the point.
04-12-2019 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
Maybe it's because they're 25 years past their heyday and refuse to adapt to changing times. Seinfeld's specific joke that he talked about when referencing how PC colleges are was a real knee slapper:

Should we demand audiences burst into laughter at a joke that's at best a quick throwaway line for a cheap laugh?
There's plenty of prominent comedians who don't do gigs. It's not just seinfeld.
04-12-2019 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
An article that claims science is full of dip****s and insults dawkins for his intellect/vocabulary. Something I'd expect to see on a flat earther forum.

That you would use this as an example is some of the most incredible lack of self awareness I've seen. **** me.
Are you a scientist? I am, and I know that the scientific community is full of dip****s.
04-12-2019 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by batair
If i think trump, who wanted to ban all Muslims, is Islamophobic i should stifle my speech and things will get better. Why did i not think of that strat its so easy i just need to not express what i think and allow others i disagree with to express themslefs fully. Free speech for everyone as long as i dont express mine!
I didn't say you should stifle your speech when Trump tries to ban Muslims. I was talking about dawkins giving a speech on evolution.

Originally Posted by master3004
Like I give a ****, I was just trying to get you to spout your obviously racist beliefs, but youll get to it eventually. None of you keep the mask on for long.

Also, your reluctance to answer that particular question pretty much proves the point.
You obviously do care or you wouldn't be bashing the keyboard.
04-12-2019 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
There's nothing irrational about voicing well thought out concerns over the teachings in Islam and their consequences.

My post was in response to microbet saying jewish groups where the most violent, which simply isn't true when you look at global statistics. Where attacks by muslims against muslims exceeds all others. That's a fact.
Using total violence as opposed to violence per something, like per capita is sooooo dumb that it makes it obvious you aren't participating in good faith.

Also, you suck at understanding religious vs political violence and the impact of war. Well, you allow the "It's war" argument for Jews and Christians, but not Muslims.
04-12-2019 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Are you a scientist? I am, and I know that the scientific community is full of dip****s.
What dip**** scientific claim has dawkins made? Enlighten me?
04-12-2019 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
I didn't say you should stifle your speech when Trump tries to ban Muslims. I was talking about dawkins giving a speech on evolution.

You obviously do care or you wouldn't be bashing the keyboard.
Is Dawkins the only scientist who can talk about evolution? I'm pretty sure he isn't, so the program could probably find a scientist who isn't on the record with a bunch of prejudiced statements about Muslims (or Christians!).
04-12-2019 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
An article that claims science is full of dip****s and insults dawkins for his intellect/vocabulary. Something I'd expect to see on a flat earther forum.

That you would use this as an example is some of the most incredible lack of self awareness I've seen. **** me.
That you can respond only with wild generalizations and no substance is, to anyone following this thread, completely unsurprising. Are you ready to explain to the class yet why boycotting liberal politicians is cool but other boycotts aren't? I'm eagerly waiting for your expertise, t3hbandit!
04-12-2019 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
What dip**** scientific claim has dawkins made? Enlighten me?
04-12-2019 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Using total violence as opposed to violence per something, like per capita is sooooo dumb that it makes it obvious you aren't participating in good faith.

Also, you suck at understanding religious vs political violence and the impact of war. Well, you allow the "It's war" argument for Jews and Christians, but not Muslims.
If you're going to claim that Judaism is the most violent religion due to "proportionality" then It's a very legitimate counter point to make that there are 100 times less jews on the planet and half of them live in Israel.

You allow political violence for muslims but not for jews.
04-12-2019 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
That you can respond only with wild generalizations and no substance is, to anyone following this thread, completely unsurprising. Are you ready to explain to the class yet why boycotting liberal politicians is cool but other boycotts aren't? I'm eagerly waiting for your expertise, t3hbandit!
I don't support any boycotting of liberal politicians. Nor have I ever implied that I did. Ilhan Omar is free to say whatever she wants and good for her.

Originally Posted by MrWookie
Pakistan murdering people for blasphemy and you use this an in thread where people are trying to seriously argue this religion isn't violent?

Which christian or jewish countries kill for blasphemy again?
04-12-2019 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
I didn't say you should stifle your speech when Trump tries to ban Muslims. I was talking about dawkins giving a speech on evolution.
Right people who dont want dawkins there should stifle their views and speech on him being a bigot and not wanting him there well giving him the full freedom to express himslef.
04-12-2019 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Right people who dont want dawkins there should stifle their views on him being a bigot and not wanting him there well giving him the full freedom to express himslef.
Because dawkins isn't a bigot and the fact that legitimate criticisms he makes would make him one in the eyes of some people is the problem here.
