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The Resistance: Actvism, protests and more! The Resistance: Actvism, protests and more!

03-09-2017 , 10:10 AM

Resistance Action Items 3/9/2017

Senate Only
Filibuster Gorsuch for Supreme Court

Senate and House of Representatives
Vote NO on AHCA (ACA replacement--more info here: )
Vote NO on HR 861 (Terminate the EPA)
Vote NO on HR 610 (Vouchers for Public Education--tax $$ going to religious, charter, and home schools)
Vote NO on HR 899 (Terminate the Department of Education)
Vote NO on HJR 69 (Repeal Rule Protecting Wildlife)
Vote NO on HR 354 (Defund Planned Parenthood)
Vote NO on HR 785 (National Right to Work--kills unions by disallowing contracts where union members must agree to pay dues for collective bargaining and political organizing activities)
Vote NO on HR 83 (Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill)
Vote NO on HR 147 (Criminalizing Abortion "Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act")

Investigate Trump-Flynn-Russia connections as well as Trump's conflicts of interest.

Jeff Sessions lied to the Senate on issues relating directly to matters of national security. He didn't clarify his testimony when he had weeks to do so, until reporting came out showing he had lied under oath. He must resign as Attorney General immediately. The top law enforcement officer in the country must be held to a basic standard of ethics.

Find out about an upcoming local town hall.

Call Jason Chaffetz, head of the House Oversight Committee, and ask him to investigate Trump-Flynn-Russia connections as well as Trump's conflicts of interest. Tell him what you think of his stupid iPhone stunt too.
(202) 225-7751

Report Jeff Sessions to the Department of Justice for committing perjury during his Senate confirmation hearings. He should resign immediately.
Department of Justice Comment Hotline: 202-353-1555

Chuck Grassley is in on the cover up now:
Contact Sen. Chuck Grassley: 515-288-1145
03-09-2017 , 10:46 AM
Rep. Swalwell's Trump-Russia connections guide:
03-09-2017 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Rob Portman (R) breaking ranks and opposing the repeal. Gonna email him some encouragement.
ohio is one of the states that has benefited greatly from the medicaid expansion. makes sense that portman would be against this bill.
03-10-2017 , 12:40 PM

Resistance Action Items 3/10/2017

Senate Only
Filibuster Gorsuch for Supreme Court

Senate and House of Representatives
Vote NO on AHCA (ACA replacement--more info here: )
Vote NO on HR 861 (Terminate the EPA)
Vote NO on HR 610 (Vouchers for Public Education--tax $$ going to religious, charter, and home schools)
Vote NO on HR 899 (Terminate the Department of Education)
Vote NO on HJR 69 (Repeal Rule Protecting Wildlife)
Vote NO on HR 354 (Defund Planned Parenthood)
Vote NO on HR 785 (National Right to Work--kills unions by disallowing contracts where union members must agree to pay dues for collective bargaining and political organizing activities)
Vote NO on HR 83 (Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill)
Vote NO on HR 147 (Criminalizing Abortion "Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act")

Investigate Trump-Flynn-Russia connections as well as Trump's conflicts of interest.

Jeff Sessions lied to the Senate on issues relating directly to matters of national security. He didn't clarify his testimony when he had weeks to do so, until reporting came out showing he had lied under oath. He must resign as Attorney General immediately. The top law enforcement officer in the country must be held to a basic standard of ethics.

Find out about an upcoming local town hall.

Call Jason Chaffetz, head of the House Oversight Committee, and ask him to investigate Trump-Flynn-Russia connections as well as Trump's conflicts of interest. Tell him what you think of his stupid iPhone stunt too.
(202) 225-7751

Report Jeff Sessions to the Department of Justice for committing perjury during his Senate confirmation hearings. He should resign immediately.
Department of Justice Comment Hotline: 202-353-1555

Chuck Grassley is in on the cover up now:
Contact Sen. Chuck Grassley: 515-288-1145
03-10-2017 , 06:50 PM
Here are some estimates, by congressional district, of number of people who would lose coverage if ACA is repealed.
03-10-2017 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by renodoc
Such a popcorn inspiring thread.

Seriously, we have this election thingy every 730 days. That might be a good time to show up to something

Whats the point in filibustering Gorsuch? SCOTUS justices are extremely hard to put in an ideological box and the guy is well-qualified. Yeah, sadpants about Garland, but see above about elections. If Gorsuch is denied, what kind of rightwing godzillamothra hybrid do you think will be next? You think the army of redhats is gonna stand for 4 years of senatorial obstruction?
Cant tell if serious. But yeah, needless to say participation in civic life is about more than the annual casting of a vote.
03-10-2017 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
Here are some estimates, by congressional district, of number of people who would lose coverage if ACA is repealed.

Where your member of congress stands on TrumpCare.
03-10-2017 , 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by RV Life
This event is tomorrow. Sign up.
"On March 11, the ACLU is holding a Resistance Training. This event will launch People Power, the ACLU’s new effort to engage grassroots volunteers across the country and take the fight against Donald Trump’s policies not just into the courts, but into the streets. We’re organizing grassroots events in communities across the country to watch the live stream together."
03-11-2017 , 12:45 AM
Yep. In. Go.
03-11-2017 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by uDevil
Here are some estimates, by congressional district, of number of people who would lose coverage if ACA is repealed.
whole thing is unreal

LOL florida, ****ing ******s
03-11-2017 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
whole thing is unreal

LOL florida, ****ing ******s
It's crazy how seniors will consistently vote racism over their own self interest. See some of the recent episodes of Trumpcast for some scary research on how Trump's legacy may long outlast him, by decades, through normalizing racism.
03-11-2017 , 02:05 PM
^ haven't listened to the mentioned podcast but racism has been normalized for a long time, especially among Trump supporters.
03-11-2017 , 02:33 PM
The live online event zikzak keeps mentioning is at 5PM ET today btw, here's the link for anyone who is interested:
03-11-2017 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
Here are some estimates, by congressional district, of number of people who would lose coverage if ACA is repealed.
In deep-blue NY alone, where there are few R-held House of Reps seats to begin with, this would likely cause the 19th and 22nd to flip back to D, and possibly the 11th.
03-11-2017 , 05:36 PM
I've been trolled. The person at the house supposedly hosting the ACLU thing knows nothing about it.
03-11-2017 , 06:11 PM
Well that sucks. I'm an audience of one here.

Along with 7100 on youtube.
03-11-2017 , 06:18 PM
03-11-2017 , 07:53 PM
zOMG, Padma Lakshmi!

03-13-2017 , 10:54 AM

Resistance Action Items 3/13/2017

Senate Only
Filibuster Gorsuch for Supreme Court

Senate and House of Representatives
Vote NO on AHCA (ACA replacement--more info here: )
Vote NO on HR 861 (Terminate the EPA)
Vote NO on HR 610 (Vouchers for Public Education--tax $$ going to religious, charter, and home schools)
Vote NO on HR 899 (Terminate the Department of Education)
Vote NO on HJR 69 (Repeal Rule Protecting Wildlife)
Vote NO on HR 354 (Defund Planned Parenthood)
Vote NO on HR 785 (National Right to Work--kills unions by disallowing contracts where union members must agree to pay dues for collective bargaining and political organizing activities)
Vote NO on HR 83 (Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill)
Vote NO on HR 147 (Criminalizing Abortion "Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act")

Investigate Trump-Flynn-Russia connections as well as Trump's conflicts of interest.

Jeff Sessions lied to the Senate on issues relating directly to matters of national security. He didn't clarify his testimony when he had weeks to do so, until reporting came out showing he had lied under oath. He must resign as Attorney General immediately. The top law enforcement officer in the country must be held to a basic standard of ethics.

Find out about an upcoming local town hall.

Call Jason Chaffetz, head of the House Oversight Committee, and ask him to investigate Trump-Flynn-Russia connections as well as Trump's conflicts of interest. Tell him what you think of his stupid iPhone stunt too.
(202) 225-7751

Report Jeff Sessions to the Department of Justice for committing perjury during his Senate confirmation hearings. He should resign immediately.
Department of Justice Comment Hotline: 202-353-1555

Chuck Grassley is in on the cover up now:
Contact Sen. Chuck Grassley: 515-288-1145
03-14-2017 , 12:05 AM
A group of environmental activists pulled off an elaborate act of vandalism at one of President Trump’s premier golf courses early Sunday morning.

The group — which labels itself an “anonymous environmental activist collective” — snuck into Trump National Golf Club in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., and carved a message into the green with six-foot-tall letters that said: “NO MORE TIGERS. NO MORE WOODS.”

03-14-2017 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Talk about a message that barely makes sense and is way out of context. This is some pretty poor activism.
03-14-2017 , 09:49 AM
Resistance Action Items 3/14/2017 (Pi Day)
We need all hands on deck to oppose AHCA. All the other stuff is great too, but we're making opposing AHCA the top priority for now. So try to call your three Reps today and oppose AHCA. Here's a short script:
03-14-2017 , 09:57 AM
Important facts to know about AHCA or RepubliCare as I call it:
  • 14 million will lose insurance in the first year
  • 24 million will lose insurance over eight years
  • Premiums will go up 15-20% in the first year alone
  • 7 million will lose their employer-sponsored health care
  • The tax cut benefit goes almost entirely to millionaires and billionaires
  • Medicaid is totally gutted under the new plan, and even people that are covered under Medicaid would be limited in the benefits in they receive. This would CRIPPLE the working poor who are already struggling to stay above water.
  • Some of the biggest burdens for RepubliCare fall on older Americans and those just struggling to get by. It's not right to take away their health insurance to finance tax cuts for the rich!
  • RepubliCare actually does NOTHING to reduce the costs of health insurance. In fact, it will increase costs which means higher premiums.

03-15-2017 , 09:15 AM
Resistance Action Items 3/15/2017
We need all hands on deck to oppose AHCA. All the other stuff is great too, but we're making opposing AHCA the top priority for now. So try to call your three Reps today and oppose AHCA. Here's a short script:
03-17-2017 , 01:31 PM
Resistance Action Items 3/17/2017
We need all hands on deck to oppose AHCA. All the other stuff is great too, but we're making opposing AHCA the top priority for now. So try to call your three Reps today and oppose AHCA. Here's a short script:
