Originally Posted by microbet
Rococo, I'm not saying you had to vote for Bernie. I'm just saying there were several people who actually did vote for Bernie (maybe some who now would have) who either said nothing during the primaries or were hostile. I'm not saying they had to be in love with Lestat either, but joining in on the lols with dessin, bobman, campfirewest, seattlelou et al wasn't necessary and a word or two about how being a New Dealer isn't in and of itself insanity, repeating Bernie's positions didn't mean HRC was sincere, campaigning on wonkiness isn't necessarily astute, a million years in congress isn't exactly the description of a wildman who has no idea what government does etc, might have been comforting and might even have swayed a vote or three.
Whatever. I'm comforted enough that dvault sort of acknowledges this. What we need going forward is solidarity, er sorry, unity.
I don't hate Bernie, and I don't think it's fair to saddle him with the baggage of some of his less mature supporters. In a weird way, it's the comparison of guys like Bernie to the far right of the GOP that convinces me to vote Democratic every election. Bernie is fundamentally well intentioned, even if he wasn't my first choice for President. His mirrors on the far right of the GOP are hateful people.