Originally Posted by bobman0330
The main problem with this is that the Bernie-style left does not actually have the people and the votes and the energy like you claim. Bernie lost, decisively, to one of the least popular presidential candidates on record. Bernie-would-have-won fanfic is a self-indulgent delusion.
Maybe, but I wasn't making a claim Bernie would have beat Trump (I don't know that he would have).
The point is that the left ascendancy is dependent on making the arguments Bernie was making; doing it over the long-term and doing it with stridency. I agree 2016 was premature to assume great success but Donald Trump probably couldn't have been President in 2000 either. His success rests on the back of 50 years of the left ceding the working class -- wide swaths of the electorate --- and the space being filled with RWNJ entertainers and shock jocks and pundits.
No time like the present to correct those mistakes. Because the left counting on an upper middle class revival of centrists and the graduate degree class feels extremely tenuous and subject to the centrists pulling the ole Charlie Brown and re-engaging with the Paul Ryan crowd once Trump is sidelined.
You can tell yourself all you like that centrists somehow betrayed the left by failing to stop voter suppression bills, but the actual fact is that voter suppression laws were enabled by left voters who couldn't be bothered to turn out for down-ballot elections for the state legislatures that enacted them.
There's distributed guilt. The left failed too. You are correct. But partly because we counted on the New Left and a coalition with centrists as a response to growing right-wing populism of the 1980s and 1990s to produce 2nd best compromises (tax cuts and deregulation for you, remaining shreds of dignity for poorer people, reasonable foreign policy and statutory legal protections for minorities for us). When push came to shove, however, the New Left and the centrists were reflexively defensive of capitalist interests in the end: your reference to Erik Prince as a murderous mercenaries was apt and proves the point. Blackwater had bipartisan consensus! So did the Iraq War. Erik Prince is a respected member of the elite. Mull that over. Is that also the left's fault? Well, maybe, for tolerating a coalition that made firms like BlackwaterXeAcademi or whatever part of the acceptable businesses our government contracts. But it ain't a bunch of Bernie Sanders voters rooting on Middle East adventuring. It ain't leftists who hand them government contracts. It ain't former Bernie Sanders staffers who sit on the boards of these mercenary murder squad companies.
They aren't even really the chosen firms of RWNJ. Go check out the RWNJ literature on InfoWars. They're just as paranoid about Erik Prince as the left. Who the **** is REALLY providing the institutional backing for murder squads for hire? Incredibly, it's not America's Worst People. It's the respectable centrist elites!
I agree the left voters failed in a lot of ways but the current situation is the result of a coalition with completely amoral political operators -- largely centrists and the New Left -- who ultimately served themselves and accumulating capital stores in the end. Allowed to their own devices, it's probably the true the left would have been less electorally successful than we would would have without the 1980s to Obama era center-left coalition. But at what cost? We have precious little to show for the coalition -- very few lasting, durable achievements -- and a complete chasm in our ability to talk to voters about literally anything. Our inability to talk to voters about Trump/Putin enrichment grift schemes is proof. Lots of voters think this is how the ideal formulation of government works! Isn't Trump wheeling and dealing with foreign autocrats how the business world operates? We need government to run like a great business, just like Trump runs his business empire, that's success!
I'm not suggesting you're wholly to blame but you've proven bad coalition partners: unable to keep the RWNJ wolves at bay and when their worst impulses manifested over the preceding decades and we pointed it out, you largely told us to shutup and play nice. We largely did, the wolves are now feasting on our carcasses. I think it's time to say the utility of this deal has run its course and I do sincerely believe it's the center that didn't deliver; you were supposed to provide the capital and elite opinions and objective-arbiter backing that kept the fascist right as anathema to our polity. Instead their creeping influence found favor. The right wing parties had all the votes and consensus for enrichment schemes and the centrists and New Left played along until it was too late.
Why is Erik Prince a guy we do business with? Why is the President favorably citing ****ing Fox and Friends as a source of information for mass public consumption? Why are miserable, awful wretched people like Roger Ailes the kind of people with vast amounts of influence over the political system? Did the left empower and flatter them, or was that the center and the New Left? I don't think an honest examination can lay the blame at our feet. Dick Cheney used to have a weekly call-in show with Rush Limbaugh. Where the **** were you? I assume sneering at Media Matters for hysterically raising the alarm about how bat**** that is, that public officials of the highest rank would go on his show. Don't look at me why Rush Limbaugh is now the reasonable center, that him and Mark Levin and Hannity and a bunch of celebrities who maxed out at GED level education and peddle in racist claptrap for angry idiots are now the voices with the widest reach among the electorate. That wasn't me. Wasn't us. What built to that? We were the Fairness Doctrine side. You were the lol silly liberals, the market has this one under control side. It's minor and a microcosm of the larger effects but proves the point. I'm not suggesting we bring the Fairness Doctrine back but we warned you. A lot of this was predictable and predicted and our coalition partners ultimately always stood guard for capitalist interests even if they were ultimately ruinous for the values we shared together.
The moderates have been taking the band of psychopaths that the electorate gave them and trying to keep them from doing something insane like defaulting on the national debt.
I'm in favor of anything that will get a more moderate, less RWNJ legislative and executive branch. If talking about socialized medicine and 60% tax rates on labor income is what it takes, I'll deal with that. I don't even have much of an opinion on whether it's true or not. That's just electioneering, and I'm not a political consultant. However, I do think it's a dangerous fantasy and a reversal of causation to believe that our current political crisis is a product of centrists betraying a powerful leftist movement to serve the interests of capital. The compromises that you resent were necessitated by the failure of the electorate to deliver wins for the left, especially downballot.
The leftists largely did much of this to ourselves but the centrists provide weak coalition partners. I agree entirely the origins of the compromises were the failure of the left but our present situation is due to the centrists being unable to maintain their end of the deal.
Last edited by DVaut1; 04-04-2017 at 11:55 AM.