Originally Posted by bobman0330
The fact is, the voters will never be able to track the relationships between Trump's cabinet, their mercenary kingpin family members, the Arab royals, and the different Russian diplomats and bagmen they're all bargaining with. They'll just throw up their hands and assume everything is on the up-and-up.
Come now. This is sarcasm about the naivete of Democrats, which OK. But which party, exactly, is going to lambast Trump for being in cahoots with 'mercenary kingpins' like Erik Prince? You know the CIA signed a 250 million dollar security deal with the re-branded Blackwater during the middle of the Obama Administration, right? You know the current board of the company that is engaged in mercenary-for-hire work has guys like Jack Quinn (former counsel to Clinton, chief of staff to Gore) and Bobby Inman (Clinton nominee for Secretary of Defense), right?
You and I probably agree on a lot and I respect you as one of the smarter people here. But you must really disrespect everyone or have extremely low self-awareness if you think the charge of 'mercenary ****ing kingpin' is going to stick against guys like Prince for ANYONE except like genuine leftists. You are of course empirically correct that's exactly what Prince is, but it's why the whole Russian scandal is bordering on farcical. Because NO ONE CAN SAY IT. And it's a point Autocratic made months ago now and remains true to this day. The Democrats have precisely no frame on this, no credibility here, no way to tell this story. Because it's actually a story as you've correctly framed it: a bunch of global elites who bargain with each other over the fate of capital and don't give two ****s about nationalism or patriotism or any of the other stories they tell suckers.
So voters can't track the relationship to mercenary kingpins who bargain with Russians because no one will tell them,
because elites on both sides are bargaining with them too. Like get ****ing real if you think the modern Democratic Party can tell a story that Academi or Xe or Blackwater or whatever they call themselves these days are hired mercenaries. They're gonna have a lot of explaining to do because Democrats cut deals with them too, because Democrats take their campaign money, because Democrats take their speech money, because Democrats sit on their boards.
So Democrats are going to resort to vague handwaving insinuations that our national virtues have been besmirched somehow, because sanctity of the things people don't care about. Because the real story about what they should care about (Trump, Erik Prince, Arab royals, Russians, and tons of name-brand Democrats) are actually in cahoots to shift public monies to their business interests.
It's really just the most short-sighted scandals until THAT story gets told. But it won't because who in the elite classes aren't embroiled in it in some way? You're correct it may ultimately be the MacGuffin that takes down Trump and I hope it is so, but you are counting on the most fantastical form of utter shamelessness, that the elites literally turn on each other and eat their own and then hope no one paid any attention the last 40 years.
When they predictably don't and won't do that, you're going to be left with a story about Russia that is light on a conclusion outside of "Trump: Suspicious" and in violation of sacred norms that ... zzzz no1curr lol, that is, whatever einbert is about to post about. All that stuff einbert is about to say that like really no one gives a **** about, honestly. And I think deep down you know that. Which is why your post quoted above is bad.
Last edited by DVaut1; 04-03-2017 at 05:37 PM.