Originally Posted by hornbug
I support the Democrats plans to filibuster. It is time to extend Harry Reid's nuclear option to SCOTUS. Do it now with a solid respectable nominee like Gorsuch, and then when the next vacancy comes up it will be so much easier to send someone through again. A Democrat filibuster is step one of this process.
It's nice to agree with most of you ITT, we can all support the filibuster together.
It's always been a bad take on both sides to claim it's a mistake for democrats to do this because it just allows the republicans to do worse things. First of all this would again be the republicans crapping on the country by changing things and if they nominate a horrible Supreme Court justice in the future they get to own all of it.
Not opposing gorsuch is exactly what republicans in congress wanted to happen. They would have gotten what they wanted without any more baggage. The republicans are going to have to continue to own their historic treachery. Democrats gave them a pass for a long time and all that did was encourage them to push further and reach farther.
What a win for republicans if they destroy the entire foundation that has been part of every previous SCOTUS nomination before now. That really is some high level game theory any rock head could be proud of, for sure.