Originally Posted by Clovis8
Still loving Trump? When is the pivot planned for?
There are some things that He has done that I think are good. Begin the Keystone XL fast track approval process. Remove the US from TPP.
In general though, he hasn't done much. Some of his picks for the Cabinet have sucked. Wasn't a fan of Puzder. Glad he didn't make it. I am under the impression that either Sessions perjured himself or is so old and senile he doesn't remember meeting the Russian ambassador. He sucks.
In regards to the ACA... So I work in health care. Primarily my concern with health care is self interested. Specifically nothing that rocks the boat to jeopardize my salary and/or career. In general, anything that approaches a Public Option or Single Payer I'm against because of the resulting blows to health care worker salaries. I don't want to drone on about health care in the United States, but factually all health care workers, no matter what occupation, make more in the USA than their other 1st world country counterparts. Honestly, I would rather fix the ACA then let it blow up and have to fade Medicare for All.
As an aside. Honestly, what in the ****ing **** was that GOP Health Care bill?
Literally all it was, was removing the 3.8% Medicare surtaxes on investment income >$250k and the 0.9% payroll tax on income >$250 AND THEN kicking 20MM people off of Medicaid? Literally the ads write themselves in 2018. I'm glad that ****ing thing died.
All in All, no substantial legislation has been passed so far. Some serious missteps have occurred with role out of the EO's for example, no doubt.
Again though, Clovis. There will never be a pivot. I'll call out both the good and the bad. I don't cheer for the Red team or the Blue team. I cheer for the United States.