Originally Posted by DVaut1
Republicans are taking your damn money and giving it to rich people. Democrats are going to take rich people's money and give it back to everyone else. It's that simple. Say that for the next 2 to 4 years.
Except it's not that simple because there are a lot of Democrats who want to give money to rich people too. In fact most of them do. Obama allowed most of the wealth created under his administration to funnel into already rich pockets and Hillary would've done the same. True progressives who want to reduce income inequality are a minority in the party. The difference between Republicans is they're a bit more subtle about it and they'll at least advance social issues and throw a few scraps to the poor and middle class while they're working their agenda.
The news of the DNC chair election got overshadowed pretty quickly, and rightfully so, because 1)covering/resisting Trump is much more important right now, 2)party chair elections are barely newsworthy to begin with, and 3)there isn't going to be a huge practical difference between Perez and Ellison. But it kind of represented a bigger issue. There are two lines of thinking that could both work for the party moving forward. They could realize that progressive policies are popular with voters, and especially good at encouraging turnout, which is the key to winning elections. Or they could gamble on the theory that progressives will get behind establishment candidates
this time because it's either that or Trump 2020. I remember someone was quoted after the DNC chair election specifically citing the latter as the reason they elected Perez. If they stick with that line of thinking they can't run on transferring wealth back to the bottom 99% because it will be bull**** and most people will be able to see that.